
Kai is looking over Max's shoulder watching the computer.

Kai: Have you found anything about Fever yet?

Max: No, and today is the last day before Fever's plan comes to fruition.

Kai: Keep me updated.

Max: I will.

Kai goes upstairs. Kai starts working out again.

Kai(in head): We have come so far. We can stop him, but we just need to find him.

Kai gets a call. He picks up the phone. President Bordon tells him to meet him at Town Hall.

Kai: What the hell does he want to talk about?

Kai leaves the house. Fever comes back from his meeting. He texts Dead Air. He gets no response. Then He calls him, and no one picks up. Fever throws his phone at the wall. The phone shatters. He picks up the table and throws it at the wall. He starts kicking chairs over, and then he slams himself against the wall before sliding down it.

Fever: All of them have been killed. My whole family. My only family. I'm going to kill Kai. He's going six feet deep!

Fever gets to his feet and stomps out of the room. Kai shows up at President Bordon's office, and sits down in a chair.

President Bordon: Nice to see you again Kai. I knew you would make it out of Alcatraz.

Kai: Yeah, sure.

President Bordon shows Kai a newspaper. The headline says "Prison To Savior."

President Bordon: You broke out of Alcatraz and now you're liberating a city. I told you it would be good for your career.

Kai: I don't care for being popular.

President Bordon: I think it's in your best interest.

Kai: Why?

President Bordon: Because you work for me, and it's in mine. Now, have you finished this little group of radicals yet?

Kai: There is one left, but I have no idea where he is.

A worker walks inside the room and hands President Bordon a tablet before walking out.

President Bordon: I think we have found him.

President Bordon turns the tablet around and plays the video. Fever is standing on top of a building screaming.

Fever: Crimson Dragon! Fight me or I'll destroy everything! I know who you are! I know how to ruin your life!

President Bordon turns off the video.

President Bordon: What are you waiting for. Take him down.

Kai leaves the building. He goes back to his house and puts on his suit. As Kai is coming down the stairs Max sees him.

Max: You have to beat him.

Kai nods and runs out of the house. Kai texts Remi to suit up. Kai makes it to the building. He teleports to the roof to see Fever standing there.

Fever: You always interfere. Now you'll die for it.

Kai: Or you will.

Fever: Heh, no.

Fever's skin starts smoking. His chest starts turning a red color. His eyes become white, and red appears around his eyes.

Fever: DIE!

Fever goes so fast he almost teleports to Kai. He punches Kai in the head. They both fly off the building. Kai knees Fever in the stomach. Fever puts his hands together and slams on Kai's head. Kai hits the ground hard. Fever falls down, and Kai rolls to the side. Fever land crushing the ground.

Kai(in head): It's time.

Fever lunges at Kai for another punch. Kai punches, and their fists collide. They are both blasted back. They catch themselves by grabbing to the ground. They run at each other again. Kai teleports to the sides of buildings as he runs along then. Then he teleports in front of Fever, and punches. Fever catches Kai's fist, and slams Kai onto the ground. He slams Kai over and over. Then he throws Kai into a wall. The wall is completely destroyed. Kai goes through a few more walls before the brick could stop his momentum. Kai gets up from laying on the bricks. A Fever's leg comes out of nowhere. Kai grabs his leg and smashes him through a wall. Fever hits the ground and gets back up like nothing. Fever's skin starts smoking more. Fever jumps up breaking through the roof. Then he comes down from above Kai. Kai takes a step back. Fever comes through the roof. Almost in slow-mo Kai jumps up as Fever is falling down. Kai's fist lights up with energy. Kai punches, and a giant blue fist of energy comes off of his fist. The fist slams into Fever forcing him into the ground. Kai elbow drops Fever. Fever uppercuts Kai's stomach while Kai was dropping. Kai is sent up through the roof. Fever jumps up to Kai. He grabs Kai with one arm and punches him in the head with the other. Kai teleports behind Fever and elbows him in the back. Fever spins around with his arm out. His arm slams into Kai's head. They both stay falling. They hit the ground. Two small craters are created. They lung at each other only breaking more ground. Kai punches Fever in the head. Fever flies into a skyscraper. Kai runs after him. Fever hits a pillar. It breaks and falls on top of him. He grabs it and gets up. Kai runs in, and Fever swings the pillar. Kai jumps on top of the pillar, and keeps running towards Fever. Fever throws the pillar into the roof. Kai teleports to the ground, and punches Fever in the stomach. Fever gets the wind knocked out of him. Then Kai uses energy to blast him up through the floors of the skyscraper. Kai jumps through the hole made by fever. Fever's momentum is stopped by the 30th floor. He hits the roof of the floor and stops. Kai jabs his ballistic staff into Fever. The staff goes through Fever and into the floor above them. Fever pulls the staff out of him. Kai starts falling through the holes in the floors they just came up from. Fever pushes off the roof to send himself flying towards Kai. Fever punches Kai in the head. Then as they were about to hit the ground Fever switched to his feet. Kai hit the ground and Fever landed on top of him feet first. Fever straddles Kai, and starts punching him left and right. Fever's skin started smoking even more. Kai teleported to the other side of the room. Fever launched at Kai. He went for a left and right but Kai grabs his hands, and headbutts Fever. Then Kai kicks Fever in the knee, breaking Fever's leg. Fever's whole torso looks like it's melting.

Fever: Ahhh!

Fever drops to the ground.

Kai(in head): That's why he starts smoking. His body is melting. His booster is limited.

Fever grabs a walkie talkie.

Fever: It's time!

Mutants surround Kai. The Mutants all get ready for an attack. Then sparks fall from the ceiling around the Mutants. The sparks explode. When the dust clears Kai is gone.

Fever: Find them!

The mutants run off. Fever takes out a bag of some type of ice. He takes off his shirt and puts the ice on his torso.

Fever: All I need is a few minutes.

Kai and Remi are on a roof.

Remi: Those are some nasty bruises.

Kai: We have to get back to Fever. He was weak. That's why he called the other Mutants.

Remi: One problem at a time Kai.

The Mutants show up.

Kai: Time to take them down.

A mutant moves his hands and metal lifts up from the ground. He shoots the Metal at Kai and Remi. They dodge the pieces of metal. One Mutant grabs a piece of Metal and throws it at Kai. The metal turns into fire and explodes. Kai puts his hands in front of his face. He blocks some of the impact. Kai teleports to the mutant and elbows him in the back of the head. He falls to the ground. Metal flies at Kai again and he dodges. A mutant comes up from the ground. Kai grabs him by the back of his shirt. Kai slams him on the ground, and drags him along the roof. Then he throws him off the building. Remi runs up to the metal Mutant, and pushes sparks directly at him. He is blasted off the roof. A mutant flies above them. He punches Remi. Remi grabs his ar. He flies up and takes her with him. She punches him in the stomach over and over. Then she pulls him down, and jumps above him. She kicks in his head, and he falls to the ground. Remi falls with him. Kai catches Remi and she gets back to her feet. The last Mutant puts his hands out. Needles shoot out of his hands. Kai teleports himself and Remi behind the mutant. Kai knocks him out with punch.

Kai: Back to Fever.

Remi nods.

Remi: Let's go.

Fever jumps through the roof, and uppercuts Kai. His skin is smoking again. He kicks Kai at an angle down. Kai flies into another building. Fever runs after him, Remi closely behind. Kai gets up from the rubble and brushes himself off. Fever kicks at Kai. Kai bocks it and blasts Fever back with energy. He flies at Remi. Remi knees him in the back, and Kai punches him in the head. Fever elbows behind him hitting Remi in the head. Then he punches Kai in the head. He grabs Kai's shoulder and punches Kai in the stomach over and over. Then he slams Kai's head on his knee, and kicks out Kai's knee breaking the same leg Dead Air broke. Then Fever twists Kai's arm around and elbows Kai's elbow breaking Kai's arm. Then Fever punches Kai in the head. Kai falls to the ground.

Fever: Are you starting to get worn out? You're slower than before.

Kai sweeps Fever's legs. Then he jumps above Fever while Fever is falling. Kai lands on him slamming Fever into the ground. Kai picks Fever up by the collar with one hand and throws him through the roof. Remi throws sparks at Fever. The spark explodes on Fever while he is in mid air. Kai jumps up and kicks Fever to the ground. Remi knees Fever in the back before he hits the ground. Fever is on his back laying. He looks dead.

Kai and Remi both walk over to him. Fever gets up grabs Kai and Remi by their collars, and slams them together. Then He throws them in opposite directions into walls. Fever rushes Remi. He punches her in the stomach, and grabs her by the throat. He slams her into the ground. Kai rushes over. Kai hits Fever in the back of the head. Fever turns around. Kai punches Fever in the face. Then the stomach. Finally in the temple. Then Kai tornado kicks in. His leg lights up with blue energy. Kai kicks Fever in the Head and Fever goes flying. He slams through walls almost like his momentum can not be stopped. Kai runs after him. Even catching up to his flying body. Kai tackles him to the ground and puts meta-cuffs on him. Kai is breathing heavily.

Kai: It's over

Fever: You killed my family. The only thing I wish I got to do was kill yours.

Fever passes out.

Kai: You couldn't be more wrong.

Remi walks up to Kai.

Remi: Did we-

Kai: We stopped them.

Hours later Kai walks into a protected government base with President Bordon. They walk through many security checks. The lights turn on and it shows the whole team of W.A.T.K.H in cages.

President Bordon: Just like you asked Kai. They were not harmed.

Fever: Why did you keep us alive?

Kai: Many reasons. Your team aren't good people, but they aren't to blame for that. You were treated horribly. Not everything is black and white. You were trying to help Mutants, even if you went about it wrong. That's why I want you to work under the President.

Fever: Why the hell would I work under a human?!

President Bordon steps forward.

President Bordon: Hm.

A small blue flame appears in his hand.

President Bordon: Who said I was human, but more importantly. You will be my own personal team. I need some help.

Fever: Help with what?

President Bordon: To help fight the war.