It Broke

Remi is at her computer typing away about a story. Her cat hops up on the table. She doesn't realize because she's so focused on the computer. The cat pats at a vase until the vase falls off the table and smashes on the ground. Remi turns around quickly and sees her cat on the table. Remi gets up and the cat runs away. Remi sighs.

Remi: Damn cat.

Remi grabs a dustpan and brush. She starts cleaning up the mess that the cat made. She finishes cleaning and walks back over to her computer. She looks at her board. At the top of her board is a picture of President Bordon. She has different pictures of areas around. Remi stares at the pictures.

Remi: It's time to make the President angry.

Remi walks off. Later Remi is in her costume. She is sitting on top of a roof looking at an industrial building.

Remi(in head): If I take down Bordon's business buildings then he'll realize I'm a problem. If I can get him to send a person out to get me I could get evidence that he hires hitmen. I could get him arrested.

Remi jumps down from the building. She walks up to the door. She sticks sparks on the door and walks to the side. The door explodes in. A few workers ran out. Remi grabs one of the workers and throws him at the other worker. She walks inside the building. The workers quickly grab wrenches and run at Remi.

Worker: You think one woman can kill us?!

Remi: Maybe.

Remi puts sparks in her hand and blows on them. They fly in front of her and explode a group of workers back. Another worker runs up from behind her. She back kicks him in the stomach and punches him in the head. The worker drops his wrench on the ground and Remi picks it up. One last worker tries to sneak out the door. He starts running and Remi throws a wrench at him. He hits the ground. Remi walks over to the door. She puts one hand over the other. She starts rolling the top hand around. Soon her hand is filled with more sparks then she has ever used before. She throws them out. The spread around the entire room and then exploded destroying all the machines in the building. Remi runs out of the building. She stops in an alleyway.

Remi: I can't believe those workers actually tried to kill me. I thought they would all try to run out of the building. I guess it's time to move on. There are only so many hours in one night.

Remi rushes to an office building. She walks in to see the receptionist.

Receptionist: Uh, uh, ma'am you need an appointment-

Remi walks over and slams the woman's head against the desk. Remi starts throwing sparks at the walls blowing holes in the walls. She starts walking along the walls, blowing them up slowly. She hears the workers escaping and lets them leave. Once everyone has left she breaks holes in the rest of the walls until the building collapses. She runs out before the rubble crushes her. For the rest of the night she ruined a few more of President Bordon's business buildings. The next day Remi wakes up tired. She walks past her table.

Remi: Now I need something else to make the table feel put together.

Remi makes tea and sits down. Her cat rubs against her leg.

Remi: You can try to make up for what you've done, but it's already happened.

A piece of ice flies through the wall and breaks Remi's cup of tea. A man in a blue and white costume jumps through the window.

Remi: Ice machine?

Ice Machine: My reputation precedes me. I am the great Ice Machine!

Remi: I thought you were put in jail.

Ice Machine: I was let out, and now I have been hired to kill you.

Remi: Who sent you? Was it President Bordon?

Ice Machine: I don't kiss and tell... Wait I don't think that fits.

Remi throws the handle of the tea cup at Ice machine. He deflects it, and Remi gets up from her seat. Remi punches him in the stomach. He grabs her arm and throws her into the wall. Then he puts out his hands and freezes her to the wall. He makes a sword of ice and slowly starts walking up to her.

Ice Machine: Now it's time I bring your head. You're going to feel a slight pinch.

Remi's hand starts to glow. The ice explodes, and the pieces blast at the Ice Machine. He is blinded by the smoke screen of ice shards. Remi gets up and starts punching him in the stomach. Then after a few punches she uppercuts him, and blasts him back with sparks. He slides across the floor until he hits the wall. Remi drags him out the front door. Then she walks back inside the house.

Remi: Now I really have to clean the house.

She sees President Bordon's face on the board.

Remi: Tonight you're going to know why.

That night Remi was waiting on top of the building overlooking city hall. She was just waiting there. It was almost like she was looking for a sign to tell her that she was doing the right thing. That she should really go in there and talk to the President. Eventually Remi mustered up the motivation to go in there. She snuck through one of the windows. She slid down the hallway. She opened up President Bordon's Door. She was staring into his eyes and he was staring back at her. His cold dead look made him seem like he didn't care at all that she was there. President Bordon got up from his seat. He walked over to her and ripped out a wire from under her clothes. He sat back down in his seat. He then showed a devilish smile as he put his hand out in front of the seat.

President Bordon: Why don't you have a seat Ms.Mendoza?

Remi sits down.

Remi: You figured out it was me in one night.

President Bordon: Please, don't try to ruin my reputation. It didn't take a whole night to figure out who you are.

Remi: Do you know why I am here?

President Bordon: I know why you're here, but tell me if you must.

Remi: You killed my mother because she was going to talk about what you were doing behind everyone's backs.

President Bordon: Correct.

Remi: You don't deny it?

President Bordon: Stupid politicians deny claims Ms.Mendoza. It only makes people know they are true. Why would I deny your right to factual evidence about the cause of your mother's death?

Remi: Is that the only reason? What was she going to tell the world?

President Bordon: Let me bring you back a few years ago when she was investigating.

Six years ago I had only been president for a few years. It was still relatively new to me, but the people loved me. They still do now. Your mother and I were around the same age. She was a pretty thirty something year old woman. She had come in one day to learn some information for her story. We were sitting in these same seats.

President Bordon: Ms.Mendoza, you wanted to speak with me about a case you have been working on.

We shook hands and she sat down.

Ms.Mendoza: Please, call me Rachel. I would like to talk about Mutants.

President Bordon: What about Mutants?

Rachel: It's like people don't know they exist. I even saw one get captured the other day. Mutants can't just be something no one talks about.

President Bordon: Rachel, are you sure you want this to become public? If this goes public the people could be in an uproar.

Rachel: It doesn't matter.

President Bordon: Well than Rachel. Why don't we talk about this over dinner. Do you know that new french restaurant that just opened up.

Rachel: I can't afford to pay to go to a place like that.

President Bordon: Don't worry about the cost.

We both stand up.

Rachel: It was nice speaking with you…

President Bordon: Jayden.

Rachel: Jayden.

Rachel left. That night I waited at the restaurant. I had bought out the whole restaurant, but I assumed she expected it because she never asked about it. She showed up in a beautiful black dress. We started talking.

Rachel: Are we going to talk about business first, or-

President Bordon: I always save business for the end of the meeting.

The waiter walked up from behind Rachel's chair. He smothered her with a cloth and she quickly fell asleep. Two waiters dragged her out back. They put her in her car, and they made the car look like it had crashed.

President Bordon: Are you satisfied with the current level of information now?

Remi: No, I'm not! Why did you kill her?!

President Bordon: I thought you were quick enough to pick it up. I must have assumed wrong. She was going to post that story about mutants. That story would have caused havoc years before mutants were released from the slave sights. If the people had figured out about the slave sights then the people would have revolted. I asked your mother whether she really wanted to post that story. I wasn't going to be able to stop her. So all I could do was kill her. She gave me no choice.

Remi goes to throw sparks at President Bordon. He stands up and grabs her arm. He slams her against the wall. Then against the floor. He finally throws her at the ceiling. She hits the ceiling and falls onto the floor. He grabs her by the back of her collar, and puts her on the hook at the bottom of a plague on the wall.

Remi: You're a mutant.

President Bordon: You're lucky that you and Kai are friends. Just because I killed your mother years ago doesn't mean I have gotten any softer. I would have killed you as soon as you came in here.

Remi: Why did you let the slave camps be there if you're a mutant?

President Bordon: I wanted to release them, but what was I going to do? If I released them all what is happening now would have occurred. They would want to fight us all. If I slowly released them people would eventually realise that mutants are appearing in large quantities, and the government would try and fight back against me. There was no way to solve the problem. The only thing I could do is give that part of the government less and less money until the camps shut down. Eventually I could slowly release a few mutants from each camp every once and a while.

Remi: How the hell are you our President?

President Bordon: Life is full of grey areas, and I know how to use them. Now-

President Bordon picks up Remi off the hook and walks her over to the window. He opens the window.

President Bordon: Next time you come here I'll kill you.

President Bordon throws her out of the window. She hits the ground. Remi walks home. She opens her door. She sees her board with the pictures of President Bordon. She rips all the pictures off in a blaze of furry. She sits down.

Remi: I can't do anything to help anyone. Kai wants to stop being a hero, and I can't even avenge my mother alone. I'm useless.