Stone Cold

Owen and Remi are on the couch. Kai is standing up.

Remi: Owen? Why are you here?

Owen: I was about to get into that. I need the Crimson Dragon's- Kai's help.

Remi: Why would Kai help out a crooked cop?

Kai: You're a crooked cop?

Owen sighs.

Owen: I was a crooked cop at one point.

Owen turns to Remi.

Owen: But someone told me to get my act together.

Kai: I wish they hadn't. You getting your act together included me being thrown in Alcatraz.

Remi: You're the one who captured Kai?

Owen: I did capture Kai.

Kai: Don't take credit. I let myself be captured.

Owen: Sure you did. Now that we are all caught up we need to move on to the Mayor.

Kai: I'm guessing you're talking about Stone.

Owen: You know that he isn't just some candidate?

Kai: I know he's a mutant, but I don't know anything other than that.

Owen: Well then, let me tell you.

I was working late on a case. Then Commissioner Carter walks up to my desk.

Commissioner: Detective Owen.

I was startled by the Commissioner.

Owen: Commissioner Carter!

Commissioner: You're a damn good cop Owen. You solve most cases quicker than any other cop I've seen. You think outside the box. You stick to justice. You would never be a corrupt cop. You're so much, and that includes unemployed. You're fired from this department. Leave your badge on my desk.

Owen: Why am I being fired? You just said that I'm a great cop!

Commissioner: You're just, not what we're looking for. Especially when the new mayor gets elected.

Owen: But he's not elected yet! Nobody has changed the requirements for being a cop.

Commissioner: Not yet they haven't, but he will become the new mayor.

The commissioner walked away. I just stared at my computer. Eventually I packed my things in a backpack. When I left my badge on the commissioner's desk he didn't look away from the newspaper he was reading. I left the building. When I got into my car I just started driving around. I needed to clear my head. Then I saw two men walking up to this other man. I got out of my car and walked up to them.

Owen: It's pretty late to be assaulting people.

Thug: Screw off.

Owen: No, I don't think I will. I have nothing better to do with my time. I think I'll stay right here.

Thug: Smug bitch!

The first guy ran up to me. He swung his fist, and I ducked under it. I punched him in the gut and he fell back. The other thug ran up to me. I punched him in the head. He fell right to the ground. Both the thugs ran off. From the rush of adrenaline I got back in my car and started driving over to city hall. I needed to see the mayor. I felt like I could get my job back, like I had power. I parked the car and walked inside. The receptionist told me where he was. I walked over there so sure of myself. I opened the door, and he was standing in a room looking out the window. He had a drink in his hand. He turned to me.

Stone: Yes?

Owen: I don't deserve to be fired! I am the only cop in that department that deserves to stay! Why do I get fired?!

Stone: Why do you think you were the only one fired? You care about justice. You won't just do whatever you're told. You really want to solve cases. You don't want cases just to be over and done with. Ryan is the perfect representation we need right now. He doesn't care whether he imprisons a good or bad guy. He just likes to close cases and go to the bar at the end of the day to have sex with hookers. That's the kind of cop the department needs.

Owen: Since police departments were started they needed cops who cared about justice. Cops who wouldn't close a case until they know they got the right guy. Why has that changed?

Stone waves his hand in front of the window.

Stone: Can't you see times are changing?! We can't have everything else just keeping traditions. Change things up a little. Get some balls!

Owen: Don't you think a lot should stay the same in times of change. Make people not feel like the whole world is changing around them?

Stone takes a sip of his drink.

Stone: They'll get over it. I'm not here to hold their fucking hands! I'm here to make New York a better place.

Owen: You haven't become Mayor yet!

Stone laughs.

Stone: And? You think I won't become Mayor? The other candidate is retarded! I don't even know why they let him run!

Owen: He might not be the best pick for Mayor, but he would be far better than your deceiving ass.

Stone's face changes to a more serious tone.

Stone: When did I deceive?

Owen: You act like your here to help-

Stone laughs again.

Stone: I am here to help. Here to help mutants! I argue that we need to give mutants jobs. They will be getting jobs. Even if humans have to lose theirs.

Owen: That's deceiving!

Stone: They never asked how. Why? Because humans are stupid. They have ruled for far too long. They are the weakest animals on this planet. It's time for a superior race to step up.

Owen: I'll make sure you don't become Mayor. Even if I have to get help. You will never become Mayor.

Stone laughs.

Stone: Good luck with that.

I walked outside the door. I laid my head against the wall outside his door. I realized I had just made enemies with a man who is about to become Mayor. Then I heard him take out his phone.

Stone: Detective Owen. Good, you know who he is? Kill him.

I started walking away. I needed to get back to my car. I walked outside of the building. As soon as I put my hand on the car door an electrified chain slams into my car, right beside me. I open the car door.

Elecain: A car is nothing to a mutant.

I got in the car and tried to drive away. The chain wrapped around the back of my car. He held my car back. I stepped on the gas. The wheel spun faster, but the car didn't move. I started checking around in my car for something to stop him. I found one of the guns us cops user to take down mutants. I opened the window and shot him with a laser bullet shot out and hit elecain. That second of hesitation allowed my car to start driving. The chain came off the car, and I was able to get away.

Owen: Now I'm here.

Kai: I knew there was something off about him. If he was a mutant though, why didn't he just kill you himself?

Owen: Trying not to get blood on his hands. Lots of reasons why he wouldn't, but we need to stop him.

Kai: I don't know if we can.

Remi: How would we?

Owen: Finding any information he doesn't want to release publicly! Anything that even in the least would start an investigation!

Kai: You said the whole police force is corrupt. An investigation isn't going to work. Neither is trying to get him put in jail. The cops will try and back him up.

Owen: If we give the information to the news-

Kai: There is no telling whether they would actually release that information.

Remi: I could put out the story. As long as we have proof.

Owen: All we need is proof.

Kai: Easier said than done Owen. What do we have? A few days, and Max isn't even here-

They hear the fireplace moving.

Kai: I guess we have a shot.

They all walk down into the basement.

Owen: You have a secret lair under your basement?!

Kai: Of course I do. Vigilantes need a secret base.

Owen: You're not really a vigilante. You're a superhero.

Kai: Close enough.

They see Max on the computer.

Kai: Is your vacation over Max?

Max: It was a relaxing few hours, but I think It's time to get back on the computer. What do you need?

Kai: We need to take down the Mayor.