Camp Bordon

General Grey is sitting at his desk. He is sitting in front of a computer. To his left was a hologram map. The map has a 98% on it. General Grey hears a knock on his door.

General Grey: Yes?

A soldier walks in. He walks up to General Grey's desk.

General Grey: What is it? Spit it out before I kill you, dammit!

Soldier: I got this when we attacked the warehouse.

He shows the usb.

General Grey: So it might not have been a complete waste, or maybe it is. What's on the usb?

Soldier: I haven't checked it sir.

General Grey snatches the usb out of his hand and plugs it into the computer. He sees the coordinates in the file.

Soldier: Is the usb useful?

General Grey: Get out.

Soldier: Huh.

General Grey speaks slower.

General Grey: Get out.

The soldier quickly runs out of the room. General Grey looks at the coordinates.

General Grey: Where are you Bordon?


Kai is running through the grass. The wind whipping his face as his body tires from running. Kai sees buildings in the distance. A shadow of a city under the light of the sun. Kai closes in on the village. As Kai gets more of a sight on the buildings he sees that what he originally thought might be a city or a town is more like a camp. He approaches the gate to see an old "friend." Kai stops running at the gate, out of breath.

President Bordon: So your hear.

President Bordon checks his watch and looks at Kai.

President Bordon: Right on time. Follow me.

Kai is breathing heavily.

Kai: Give me a minute. I've been running all around california. I need a second.

President Bordon: You can get a second when we sit down. I'm the President of the United fucking States. Don't waste my time.

Kai reluctantly follows President Bordon. They both walk into a tent far bigger than the rest. As they walked around the camp Kai saw guards everywhere. Bordon sits down at a desk. Kai sits in the chair in front of him.

Kai: What is this place?

President Bordon: This is a refuge for any human that comes along.

Kai: What if a mutant comes along?

President Bordon: They either die or they leave. Who cares?

Kai: Have you heard of Quirin?

Bordon cocks an eye.

President Bordon: Why?

Kai: I just went there. It's terrible, they teach their people that it's okay to have people destroying buildings all the time. Fighting, wrecking, and putting other people in harm's way is normal because they are mutants. They believe that's just what mutants do.

President Bordon: That's why we need to take this country back. Every single mutant will be thrown in prison, and they will be kept there until the day they die. Without mutants, the USA can keep everything under control. When you have people that could take down a fleet of soldiers than it is much harder to control.

Kai: Wait, you're going to throw them in prison? Where? How do you even plan to do that?

President Bordon: They will be put back into the slave camps, and kept there forever. I have a certain pain in my side that I'll make help me.

Kai: I guess there really isn't any other way. You can't just leave the mutants alone because they'll try to create another civil war.

President Bordon: Glad you're on board, but how did you find me?

Kai: Your computer had your location on it.

President Bordon: Did you destroy it?!

Kai: Of course I did!

President Bordon: Good. Then there is no way they could ever know I am here.

Kai: We have a usb with the coordinates on it, but my team has it. I doubt General Grey has any idea we have it, and then on top of that, steal the damn thing.

President Bordon: General Grey… What is he doing?

Kai: He is trying to take over New York. He's killing every mutant there so when he takes it over there isn't anyone to stop him.

President Bordon: You'll have to stop him. How many soldiers are left in your area?

Kai: Not to many, but the B.L.A.D.E soldiers are more of a harm than a help. They attack civilians and mutants. They don't care.

President Bordon sighs.

President Bordon: They are the best we have. The draft brought in spiteful people that didn't want to put their life on the line for the war so in retaliation they do whatever they want.

Kai: How can you live with knowing that the soldiers you let fight the mutants are creating just as much chaos?

President Bordon: How else will we fight them? I don't have to "live" with myself because there isn't any other option. The useless heroes, like yourself, have mostly died out fighting the mutants solo. You're lucky you have a team or you would have already been gone.

President Bordon stands up. He holds his head and stumbles. He falls back into his chair.

Kai: Are you okay? You just looked like you were in pain.

President Bordon: Not pain, shock. Follow me. I have to show you something.

Kai follows President Bordon. Kai sees all the guards giving him dirty looks. They both walk up to the lake. Bordon brings out a remote. He clicks a button on the remote. Something starts coming out of the water. The water rushes to the sides of the dark grey object appearing on the surface. The dark grey object slowly rises up. Then the object stobs. Kai sees the object is more like a dome with an enhanced steel door. Bordon walks up, and puts the password in the door. Both Kai and Bordon walk into the dome. The door shuts and the dome slowly descends back into the water. The dome stops moving, and more doors open. They both walk into a giant armory. Guns hang upon the walls with suits of armor.

Kai: What are you, a supervillain?!

President Bordon: Those guards are going to try and kill us.

Kai: All of them?!

President Bordon: A little over half.

Kai: Is this what you meant by "They do whatever they want?"

President Bordon: No. You think that all those guards would be stupid enough to attack the President of the United States. You must be real dumb then. They were given orders from Nick Fury.

Kai: Who's Nick Fury?

President Bordon: The leader of B.L.A.D.E. He wants me dead. He's always wanted me dead, but now he's taking strides towards his goal.

Kai: Of course he is. Now he has soldiers all around you. If there is anytime to try and kill you, it'd be now. How do you know?

President Bordon: When I stumbled back into my seat I saw a vision. I can see the future. I knew the war was going to happen, but not when. I was too late to destroy my computer after I sent the email. I was dragged out of City Hall.

President Bordon presses another button on his remote. The right wall, which has all suits on it, has one suit move into the back of the wall. Another suit comes forward. The suit is labeled Crimson.

Kai: Is that-

President Bordon: Take the suit. Your old one seems destroyed.

Kai puts on the new suit in another room of the bunker. Bordon puts on different clothes too. Kai walks out. He is wearing the same metal red mask over his mouth and black eye mask. He has no sweatshirt. He is wearing a black shirt with red through the middle of the torso. A red hood is attached to the shirt. He is wearing a black belt with red on the right and left side. He has loose black pants. Then he has red and black shoes.

Kai: Feels nice.

Bordon is wearing a tight black shirt. He is wearing baggy black pants. He has a black cloak that is open in the front. There is a long brown belt along the bottom of the cloak. He has black shoes and a sword attached to his side. Kai sees a glow around the sword.

Kai: Why is your sword glowing?

Bordon looks down at his sword and sees nothing.

President Bordon: It's a Soul Blade. You can see the spirit energy off of it.

Kai: Another Soul Blade.

President Bordon: There are sixteen different Soul Blades. You ran into the tenth soul blade when you fought Cal.

Kai: ...So, when we go up there we'll be shot at.

President Bordon: Not if you move out of the way.

They both walk into the dome elevator. President Bordon slowly brings the sword out of the sheath. The door opens and bullets fire. Kai teleports outside of the elevator. President Bordon moves his sword, blocking the bullets. The plasma bullets bounce off the soul steel and hit some of the soldiers. Kai runs up to a soldier and knocks him out with one punch. A rifle is pointed in Kai's face. Kai moves the rifle up as it shoots. The bullets fire up at the sky. Kai grabs the gun and kicks the soldier back. Kai shoots a few bullets off at soldiers, as shots come his way, Kai throws the gun in front of himself. The gun takes a few shots and Kai teleports in the middle of a group of enemies. Bordon runs at a soldier. He slices his sword, cutting a soldier's gun in half. He stabs his blade through the soldier. He quickly slides his blade out of the soldier, and slices down another soldier's chest. Blood spews out of the man. Then Bordon is shot through the back in the heart.

Bordon: Let's do that a little differently.

Bordon runs at a soldier. He slices his sword, cutting a soldier's gun in half. He stabs his blade through the soldier. He quickly slides his blade out of the soldier, and slices down another soldier's chest. Blood spews out of the man. Bordon turns around and blocks. The bullet bounces off his sword and hits the soldier in the head, killing him. Kai standing in the middle of the group of soldiers punches one in the stomach. Kai puts his hand over a gun's muzzle. A bullet goes through his hand. Kai pushes the gun back as hard as he can. It's the man holding the gun in the nose. Another soldier punches at Kai. Kai drops down to the ground and leg sweeps everyone around him. Kai picks up one of the guns that the soldiers dropped when they were falling. Kai stands up and shoots the ground in a circle, hitting all the soldiers on the ground with bullets. Bordon thrusts his sword through a soldier's stomach. He runs forward pushing the soldier into other soldiers creating a shishkabob of dead soldiers on his sword. Bordon sticks his sword in the ground. He steps on the soldier closest to the handle of his sword and pulls his sword out of the soldiers. Bordon sees Kai knock out a soldier while another one sneaks up on him. Bordon goes invisible and runs up to the soldier. He becomes visible again and stabs the soldier in the back. Other good soldiers finish off the rest of the rogue soldiers.

Kai: Is that all of them?

Bordon: Luckily yes, but they will return. Nick Fury will always want to kill me. He wants to have all the power in the United States, but he will never have it when there is a president in office.

Kai: Then he'll never have power, but I need to go back to New York. I need to stop General Grey from making it a mutant zone.

Bordon: I have a jet. You can take it back whenever you need, but I'd prefer you stay. We don't have many soldiers in New York. It's a lost cause.

Kai: I'll stop New York from falling.

Bordon: You'll need to find soldiers.

Kai: I will.

Kai follows Bordon to the jet. Kai sits inside the jet, and it takes off.