A Fox and A Wolf

General Grey is sitting at his desk. He is speaking into a phone. His face looks as serious as ever.

General Grey: How am I supposed to figure out where these coordinates are. My men need to be in new york! You just want to take over New York yourself General Fox!

General Fox: What if I do? You should try to take over wherever the coordinates are. You know you will die trying to take over New York. You always had high ambitions Nick, and you always succeeded in letting yourself down.

General Grey slams the phone down into the handle. The call ended. General Grey stands up and starts pacing around. He kicks his chair, and knocks all the stuff off of his desk. General Grey walks over to the window. He slicks back his sweaty hair and wipes off his face. As he looks down at the ruined streets he almost feels like he goes back in time to when he was a young teenager.


A kid runs down the streets of Harlem with his friend. The little kid has dark black hair. His friend has light brown hair.

Nick: We should go to Central Park. Beat up some ducks or something.

They both laugh.

Allan: Those damn ducks are always stealing our bread. What could we even do at the park?

Nick: Well, we could beat up ducks-

Allan: Thats a good one.

Nick: Or play with the football we have-

Allan: Bingo. There's something we can do.

They wait for a bus. The bus stops and they give the driver a bus token before they sit down. As Nick and Allan walk by a seat they see a dark haired man wearing a black cloak. The man smiles at them as they walk to the back. To grab the only seats left.

Allan: That guy's cloak was awesome. He looked badass.

They hear a man yelling right before the bus starts moving. A man walks onto the bus with a token.

Driver: Sorry sir the bus is full.

Man: What do you mean the bus is full?

Driver: There are no seats left. Maybe next time.

The man looks furious. He looks around the bus.

Man: The bus is full! I have shit to do! I have to go to work!

He sees Allan and Nick sitting in the back. He stomps over to them.

Driver: Sir, please step off the bus.

The man stops in front of the kids. Allan and Nick look terrified.

Man: Get up! I have to go to work. You kids wouldn't know anything about that. Get up before I throw you off this goddamn bus.

The cloaked man was about to stand, but when he felt the bus shaking he sat back down with an eager smile.

The man reaches out to grab Nick. The bus jerks. The man slams into one of the seats. He gets back up, and tries to grab Nick again. The bus jerks and the man falls to the ground. The cloaked man grabs the angry man. He drags him down the aisle, and throws him out of the bus door. The man walks over to Nick and Allan.

???: You two are special kids. What you just did was no ordinary feat. Why don't you two come with me?

Nick: What's your name?

???: My name is Ivan Springer.


Kai walks into a large room in normal clothes. There is a long table with people in almost every seat. All of them are business owners. They are all looking at Kai as he sits down.

Kai: I've heard that you have a deal for me.

One woman speaks up first.

Isabella: We want you to set up new buildings to make even more weapons. We need more for our soldiers!

Kai: At the end of the war. No, that would be an awful idea. I would spend millions to set up buildings for a few months. Then I would lose millions once those months are over and the buildings are useless.

Isabella: We all will pitch in for you. We will fund most of the cost. The construction workers will build the building far faster than they do any other buildings. B.L.A.D.E's best construction workers will be on it. All the buildings will be done within a month.

Kai: And how are you going to afford that? Isabella, you own a movie company. You have absolutely no revenue.

Isabella: If we set up the buildings B.L.A.D.E. is going to send a fleet here that they believe will be able to take back New York.

Kai: When will that fleet be here?

Isabella: As soon as the construction starts.

Kai: No.

The business owners look confused and angry.

Business man: You better take this damn deal you slimey fucking idiot! Most of the people in this room are decades older than you! We know more than you! Why the fuck would you pass on this! You can't lose!

Kai stands up.

Kai: Lose? How many people lost their lives because the B.L.A.D.E. soldiers have no care for human life? Just yesterday they blew up City Hall because they heard rumors of mutants. What they didn't know was it was a hideout for humans. Children died in that explosion because they were too scared to check who was in the building. I'm not taking the deal.

Kai starts walking away.

Business man: You will come back tomorrow! Think about this! Your making a big fucking mistake! We'll run Adara Incorporated into the ground!

Kai stops. The business man finishes talking and Kai continues on his way out of the door.


Nick and Allan get thrown into a jail cell. Ivan closes the door and dusts off his hands.

Ivan: This will be your room. Cozy right?

Nick: I thought you were a good guy!

Ivan: Good and evil are fake constructs. It comes down to nature. Human nature. Violence breeds within ourselves. Why cure it?

Ivan walks away.

Allan: What are we going to do?

Nick: I don't know.

They both sit down in silence.

Nick: W-we have to break out!

Allan: They have iron bars! How are we going to do that?

Nick: I could move a bus. Buses are made out of metal.

Allan: It's worth a shot, I guess.

Nick holds out his hands at the bar. A kid a bit younger than them is in the cell opposite of them laughing.

Nick: What are you laughing at? Who are you?

???: Everyone around here just calls me Fever, and I'm laughing at you. You can't use your powers here! You're being held prisoner by a smart woman who has dozens of these camps with hundreds of thousands of mutants like us. There haven't even been ten breakouts. You're not getting out of here.

Hours later, Ivan walks up to their door. He unlocks the door, and drags Nick out of the room. He shuts the door on Allan.

Nick: Wait!

Ivan: He has no powers. He's useless.

Ivan throws Nick into a metal room. Ivan steps into a padded room. There is a machine that is normally used for shooting baseballs to Ivans side. Ivan walks over to it.

Ivan: This machine will be shooting a certain object at you. Do you know what it is?

Nick: Baseballs?

Ivan: Close. Balls of metal. You can use your powers here. Just a heads up. Thinking you might want to use them. Hands up.

Ivan presses a button on the machine. Metal balls start firing out of the machine. Nick holds up his hands terrified with his eyes closed. When he opens his eyes he sees the metal balls are in front of him still in the air. Nick pushes his hands forward. The balls are sent back at Ivan. As soon as the metal balls get close Ivan takes out his sword. The metal balls are cut in half quicker than Nick can even see. The metal all falls to the ground.

Ivan: This is a training exercise. Shouldn't you be thanking me?

Nick moves his hands. The machine flies at Ivan. Ivan grabs it. Nick moves his hands, but the machine won't loosen from Ivan's grib. Ivan slowly walks over to Nick. Nick punches Ivan in the stomach. Ivan felt nothing.

Ivan: We'll try this again later. I wonder what you fear most…

Ivan grabbed Nick. He could do nothing against Ivan. Something happened. Ivan invaded his mind. He saw visions of his Allan being killed. His parents being hunted down and slaughtered like dogs.

Ivan: Try to kill me again and I'll make your nightmares reality.


Kai is sitting on the couch. Remi is walking around the living room.

Kai: They want me to take the deal. I met one of the kids in City Hall. They just want their businesses up again so they can make money.

Remi: Can you blame them? They don't just want their business back Kai. They want their lives back. You said there were a lot of older business men there. They probably want their kids to come back home.

Kai: People will die for their wants.

Remi walks behind Kai. She leans over the couch and throws her arms around him.

Remi: People could also be saved. General Grey has an army. Why don't you get your own army?

Kai: They won't let me lead them though. They could end up causing more harm then they even help.

Remi: Make them think they are leading. Tip them off so that they come to conclusions.

Kai yawns.

Kai: Remember back when you first became a superhero? I basically told you what to do all the time, and now you're leading me to better ideas then I even have.

Remi: You could have come up with that idea. You just didn't want to.


Nick and Allan are outside kept in by a high wall with barbed wires. Everyone outside has cuffs on.

Nick: We have to find a way out.

Allan: We have been here for months. Everyday you try to find a way out. They have been training us like dogs for months. You think they want to just let their dogs go?

Nick: They don't have a choice. Everyday I come up with a new idea to make it out of this hell hole.

Allan: And everyday you fail. Stop with the hoping.

Nick: Not today. This time I'll do it.

Allan shakes his head.

Nick sees a stack of metal storage containers near a wall. Nick runs up the wall, and grabs onto the ledge before the barbed wire. Nick pushes off the wall and grabs onto the top storage container. He pulls himself up onto the container. Now he stands level with the barbed wire. Nick smiles. He runs and jumps. A bullet hits him in the stomach. He falls down to the ground.

Nick: Ahh!

Nick's stomach gets covered in blood as Allan runs over. Ivan walks outside. He sees blood on the top of the container. Ivan shakes his head. He walks over to the kids.

Ivan: Ah, now what did you kids get yourselves into?

Allan: I didn't do anything.

Ivan: Guilty by association.

Ivan looks at Nick bleeding.

Ivan: Let me help you. This wound will take a while to heal.

Nick and Allan end up in solitary confinement. They both sit in separate rooms next to each other.

Nick: Allan, I'm sorry.

Allan: No, not anymore. You're the only reason I'm here. You're the mutant. Now I'm stuck in solitary confinement without food because you won't give up. Don't say another word. I never want to speak to you again.



General Grey snaps back into reality. It is starting to become dark. He stares at the moon appearing in the sky. He sees an army walking up to his front door. A soldier walks inside General Grey's room.

Soldier: It's General Fox.

General Grey: Let him in.

Minutes later the elevator to the top floor stopped. The door opened. General fox walks out of the elevator.

General Fox: Nick.

General Grey: Allan.


The next day Kai sits back down at the table. Business men are staring at him as he sits down even more eagerly than last time.

Isabella: Do we have a deal?

Kai: It's a deal.