A Brighter Future

A snake head slowly rises above the water. The long snake-like body slithers over the buildings of New York. The weight of the Leviathan destroys all the buildings below it. The serpentine slithers around General Grey's base, blocking off all exits. The serpentine head raises above the building. Kai is standing on top of Leviathan's head.

Kai: You know the plan L?

Leviathan: You have five minutes before I leave you behind.

Kai listens for General Grey's position.

Kai: I found him.

Kai slams his fists together. His normal white aura changes to a raging red.

Kai: Time to go Beast mode.

Kai jumps off the Leviathan's head. He slams through the roof of the building. He lands on General Grey, grabbing his neck. Kai smashes General Grey through three floors. Then General Grey knocks Kai off of him with a piece of metal. They both hit the ground. Soldiers look at Kai surprised. Kai stands up. The soldiers shoot at Kai as he stands. The bullet stop as they hit his aura. Kai pushes out his hands and the bullets fly back at the soldiers. A beam of metal control by General Grey flies at Kai. Kai catches the beam. The force pushes him back. Kai throws the metal beam out the window. All of the soldiers' guns fly into the air. They all point at Kai.

General Grey: Die.

A barrage of bullets fly at Kai. Kai jumps out the window. His arm extends with a red aura. He grabs onto the side of the building and swings through a window. He lands on the floor with soldiers staring at him. Kai teleports next to the soldiers. He puts a hand on both their faces and slams them into the ground knocking them out. He hears a jingle as one of them falls to the ground. He grabs a key off of them. A beam comes through the ceiling. Kai sees a button next to a keyhole. He teleports next to the button dodging the metal beam. He puts the key in the hole and presses the button. Alarms go off and cell doors open.

Kai: Good enough.

Kai listens for General Grey, who is on the floor above him. He figures out his position. Kai extends his arm with red energy. He punches at the ceiling. The hand goes through the ceiling and hits General Grey. Kai jumps up slamming through the ceiling. General Grey rolls out of the way. Kai grabs him by the collar and throws him into a wall. His back slams into the wall and he slides down it. He falls to the ground on his knees. Kai mumbles under his breath.

Kai: One more minute…

Kai's staff turns into a spear. Before Kai can react it stabs into him. General Grey has his hands on the ground.

Kai: You think a spear will stop me. You covered me in metal spikes.

Kai rips the spear out of himself. Red aura fills the hole in him. Kai's wound quickly heals.

General Grey: I wasn't trying to kill you. I just needed a little more time.

A water tower flies through the building knocking Kai into the air. As Kai is falling, the metal of the water tower wraps around him. The water falls to the ground. The metal keeps Kai floating in the air. General Grey floats over to Kai on a piece of metal.

General Grey: This is where it ends.


Remi, Max, and Owen all hear the alarms. Red lights are shining throughout the halls. Their cell door opens.

Owen: Kai's back!

Remi: I knew he would, but we have to get out of here. There are still soldiers.

Leo: Remi, go find Terra and all them. I'll handle Owen.

Remi runs out of the cell and Owen stands up. Owen uses Leo as a crutch to walk. Remi finds Terra and Delta.

Remi: We have to go!

Delta: What the fuck is that thing?

Delta pointed at the Leviathan.

Remi: It's the reason we're free!

Terra: Yeah. Let's go.

The group all ran out of the base. Remi threw sparks all around. Blocking off the B.L.A.D.E soldier's paths.


Leo and Owen are walking through a corridor. They are both stopped by a man holding two guns.

Ryan: Did you think you were just going to be able to leave? You're not getting out of here, and after I kill you I'll lead the police force to help the mutants take this place back over.

Owen: It's been you this whole time. You were leading the police into corruption. I thought it was the commissioner, but he's been killed. It was you this whole time.

Ryan: What can I say? Getting paid to do good work and bad work at the same time makes a lot of profits.

Ryan shoots at them. Leo pushes Owen behind a wall. Leo shoots a web at one of Ryan's guns. Ryan shoots Leo in the leg with the other gun. The web on Ryan's gun goes loose. Ryan tries to hit Leo with the gun. Leo punches Ryan in the chest. Ryan falls to the ground and shoots bullet after bullet in each gun. Two of the bullets go through Leo's side. Leo grabs Ryan with a web and slams him against the ceiling. When Ryan hits the ground he lands on his feet with both guns pointing at Leo's head. Owen is standing there with a gun to Ryan's head.

Ryan: If you weren't so wounded this would have been a hell of a battle Owen.

Owen: When you become partners with a cop you become brothers. You look out for each other. You do everything together. Nothing hurts as much as betrayal from family.

Leo shoots webs at both Ryans arms. He pulls Ryan's arms to the side. Ryan shoots his guns, but the are no longer aimed at Leo.

Owen: Goodbye.

A bullet fires out of Owens gun. The bullet flies straight through Ryan's skull. Ryan's body drops to the ground. Owen stares at Ryan's dead body.

Leo: C'mon, let's go.

Leo helps Owen down the stairs.


General Grey is floating in front of Kai.

General Grey: Let's take care of the overgrown snake, shall we?

As the snake moves closer to General Grey a tower slams into its head The Leviathan falls to the ground. Kai mumbles under his breath.

Kai: I gotta stall.

General Grey: You were never supposed to come back from California. I thought that you were a smart enough mutant to realize that you would die if you did that, but unfortunately, I was wrong. Now I'm going to kill you for the second time. This time I'm going to watch you die. Make sure it happens.

Kai's red aura disappears.

General Grey: Has your little power up red bull worn off? That's okay. It wasn't doing much for you anyway. You will always lose, why? Because you're an inferior mutant. Your powers are useless for anyone but a grunt.

Kai: Every power is useful, but what you were born with doesn't give you your power. Humans will win this war. Whether you think so or not. When you're born with power you don't need to search for it, and when you search you find powers so strong there unimaginable. I don't need to be a superior mutant. The red aura I was beating you with isn't even one of my powers. Do you know what kind of snake that is that you just threw a tower at?

General Grey: Why would I care?

Kai: Because it isn't a snake. It's a Leviathan. That beast is one of the only creatures that can travel between dimensions without some power. It can survive at the deepest center of the lava lakes in hell. Do you really think a tower would kill it?

The leviathan's head shoots up from the ground. It swallows General Grey in one big bite. The metal surrounding Kai stops holding him up. Kai starts falling through the air. Kai teleports to the top of General Grey's base. The leviathan looks at Kai.

Leviathan: You humans are a strange species. Your greatest strength is also your greatest weakness. Goodbye Dragon.

The leviathan slithers away. Kai looks down at the ground. He sees his soldiers leaving the building. Kai smiles.

Kai: We won.


After the escape of General Grey's base everyone meets back up at Kai's warehouse. The League members go back to the B.L.A.D.E. base to drop off their gear. Kai talks to Terra on the second floor of the warehouse.

Kai: Thanks for helping me take down Grey. If you weren't there Fox and Grey would have ended me.

Terra: Fox probably could've killed you easily. Delta and I only did good because of our armor.

Kai: I wouldn't say easily, but he would've killed me. I have to ask you for one more favor though.

Terra: What's up?

Kai: I have to protect New York from being attacked again, and I don't have the power to take on stronger General's in the army. You need to end the war.

Terra: That's what I've been trying to do the whole time. It's gotten so blown out of proportion that I don't know what I can do to stop this.

Kai: You have to cut the head off of the snake. End the war at its source.

Terra: Are you saying General Grey was taking orders from someone even more powerful than him?

Kai: He is a general. Someone has to give him orders. You need to figure out who that is.

Terra: I can try. Delta and I make good detectives.

Kai: Alright then. Let's hope you can keep to that.

They both walk downstairs.

Terra: Delta, let's roll out.

Delta came over to Kai and Terra.

Delta: Guess we got off on the wrong foot. Old habits die hard.

Terra: Remember the radical feminist thing? She's taken a turn for the best.

Kai: Okay… Good luck and all that.

Terra: Yeah, I'll do my best to stop all this fighting.

Terra and Delta leave.

Max: Are they even human. They're so weird.

Kai: There… Different. It's time to switch bases. We can't just live in a warehouse.

Remi: The whole city is destroyed. Where else will we stay?

Kai: Now that all the mutants are gone soldiers will make sure that this place is clear. We can operate away from here. We'll move to the League of Assassins mountain. It has enough room and we have planes to get back and forth. We can stay there until the war ends.

Max: Yes! I get to see real ninjas! It's going to be like an adventure.

Kai: Why do you care? You won't leave your room to see anything.

Max: It's the thought that counts.

Kai: Everyone pack up. We're moving.


Months later Kai is walking through the hallways of the League.

League member: Ra's, the League members don't like the no killing rule. They believe that it takes away the precedents that the other Ra's have set.

Kai: They'll get used to it. Did one of the members get my staff back?

League member: Yes they did. There are also League members patrolling New York city. They will report as soon as they see any mutants.

Kai walks to the door leading into his room.

Kai: Good, now please leave me be for the night.

Kai walks in and closes the door behind him. The door to the bathroom is shut.

Kai: Remi?

Remi opens the door with something in her hand.

Kai: What's going on?

Remi: Kai, I'm pregnant.