
Kai is driving the car to the Dentist. Caleb and Rachel sit in the back of the car.

Caleb: Why do we need to go to the dentist?

Kai: Because you hate brushing your teeth.

Rachel: Nuh uh, we have good teeth!

They both smile showing their teeth.

Kai: That's adorable, but you still need to go to the dentist.

They pout in the back seat.

Kai: If you're good then maybe you'll get something. If your not, I'll fight you.

Rachel: What do we get?

Kai: Don't push your luck.

The car stops and they all get out. They hold Kai's hand as they walk through the parking lot. They walk inside and the kids sit down while Kai grabs paper work. Kai soon sits down. He looks at Rachel.

Kai: Stay a kid. You won't have paperwork.

They are eventually called in. Caleb sits down in the chair first. Kai and Rachel sit in the side chairs. Kai starts hearing his name being called.

Fang: Kai.

Kai taps his earpeice.

Kai: Can this wait?

Fang: No.

Kai sighs.

Kai: I'll be right back. I have to take a call. I'll be right outside.

Kai steps out for a minute.


The door to Rachel's house burts open. Caleb walks inside almost tripping over his own feet. A man walks out of the kitchen.

Caleb: Will! I'll kill you! You're banging my sister!

Caleb goes to run at Will. Caleb trips and falls on the floor.

Will: You already know I'm with your sister.

Caleb: The ground knocked some sense into me. I'm still going to kill you. Just, after I sober up.

Will: Need water?

Caleb: Shut up!

Will: I'll get you water.

A few minutes later Caleb is laying on the couch. Caleb is covering his face with his hands. Will puts a glass of water next to Caleb.

Rachel: Did your great fall hurt, Humpty dumpty?

Caleb: No, I just feel like throwing up. If you keep talking I might just blow chunks all over this living room.

Rachel: Why are you always so spiteful?

Caleb: Because you took me away from the bar.

Will: You sound like an addict.

Caleb: I'm also an adult that can make his own decision. Like beating the shit out of you.

Will: Like you could do that. You'll just fall on your face again.

Rachel: Caleb, we're worried about you. You're at the bar more than you're at your own home!

Caleb: If you're going to force me to be sober I would rather do it while people aren't telling me about all the bad decisions I make in life. Just look at who you married?!

Will: Y'know Caleb. I've always been here for you. Even if you treated me like dirt because I know you haven't been the same since your father left, but your a real fucking asshole now.

Caleb: You know why?! Bcause when we were in college you were my best friend! You lied to me for two years. I asked you whether you were dating my sister and you denied it! I would call you and you would run over sweaty from having sex with my sister behind my back! You were there for me? No, you were making up for what you did!

Will: Get out of my house.

Caleb: I've been trying you, but your wife dragged me in here.

Caleb walks past Rachel who just has he head down. He leaves the house.


Kai: What's going on Fang?

Fang: The target fled. I think he might have gone to his museum, but I don't know for sure. It would take to long for me to find a route inside and to sneak around. You can go undercover and find it out much faster.

Kai: I'm the head of the demon. I'm suppose to give the orders.

Fang: You have a better idea?

Kai: No, I was just telling you you're place. We'll go with your plan.

Kai turns off his coms and walks back in.

Dentist: Your teeth look great. Have you been brushing everyday?

Caleb: I try not to.

Dentist: No, you have to brush your teeth everyday and keep them healthy.

Kai: I make him brush his teath everyday, not without a fight though.

Caleb gets up from the chair.

Kai: Alright Rachel. I expect your teeth to be better than Calebs because you do what you're told.


They are all back in the car. Kai is driving the car down the long road. Kai puts down the window and puts on sunglasses.

Caleb: What do we get?

Rachel: Yeah, what do we get?

Kai: God, I shouldn't have said anything. Spoiled brats. Who wants to go to the museum?

They both raise there hands.

Kai: Put your hands down. You guys aren't in school. They treat you kids like dogs, jesus.


Remi walks inside the reporter building.

Female Reporter: The boss wanted to speak with you.

Remi: Is it another change? I feel like one more change and I'm fired for good.

Female Reporter: She probably wants to talk about the stories your doing.

Remi: Wish me luck.

Remi walks into her bosses office. She sits down in the chair.

Boss: Remi, it's good to see you. Usually you just come in to clock in and you leave before I even get to see you.

Remi: My work is fun. I like to get a head start.

Boss: I know, and that's why I want to promote you to the mutant department.

Remi: What?

Boss: The people need something to hate. They are itching for reasons to hate mutants even more. You need to find out stories about the remaining mutants. I'll give you some time because it's hard now that all the mutants are being thrown in prison.

Remi: What if I can't find any mutant stories?

Boss: Don't be so pessimistic. I believe in you.

Remi leaves the building.


Kai and the kids walk into the museum. They whole museum is all about the Mutant Civil War. Caleb and Rachel run over to a statue of President Bordon. They look enticed by the scenery and displays. Kai walks over to them.

Kai: I'll be right back. If any strangers walk up to you say my name and I'll come.

Rachel: Okay.

Kai looks around the place. People bump into him over and over again. Lots of voices fill his ears as he searches for a suspicious place. Kai mumbles under his breath.

Kai: Not here. He would do either be on the floor above or the basement. He wouldn't be on the floor with all the people. To easy to be spotted with the cameras.

Kai sees the cameras.

Kai: That's it. A camera would be at the door because he wants to know if anyone is coming.

People look at him strangely. Kai taps his earpiece and they look relieved. Kai finds a door away from everybody. There is a camera facing right at the door. Kai teleports inside the door. He lands on a staircase. He starts walking down the staircase. The target is talking to a woman.

Target: I need you to protect me.

Woman: Why?

Target: They are insane! I was attacked by, by some ninja! He held me out of the building. I was dangling in the air! He was going to kill me over some pollution problems or something.

Woman: No they weren't. No one is taking down business men for polluting. You must have done something else or they are attacking every single company out there. What did you do?

Target: Nothing!

Woman: If you want to have a work relationship there can't be lies. I won't help you.

Target: It's because I pollute the waters around my hospitals so my hospitals make money, okay! It just so happens that most of them are kids! It's not my fault! The hospital was a bad investment!

A small blade goes through the chest of the man.

Target: I thought you were going to protect me!

Woman: I protect good people.

Target: I've seen your work! You're a rotten human.

Woman: I'm not that bad, but I think you misunderstood. I protect good people and myself.

She pushes the small blade further into his chest. She turns the blade kiiling him. Kai sees a glow around the blade as he walks a step further down the stairs. He sees the womans long beautiful white hair. Kai takes one more step down the stairs

Rachel: Kai!

The voice startled him. The stair creeks and Kai teleports outside of the room just as the woman looked at the stairs.

Woman: Must just be my imagination.

She shrugs.


Kai walks back into the main room. He sees a man talking to his children.

Kai: Excuse me, who are you?

Man: Who are you?!

Kai: I'm there father. So let me ask again. Who are you?

The man walks away.

Caleb: This place is awesome! There are cool people with superpowers and stuff.

Kai: Really?

They continue to look around the museum


Later that day, Kai drives back home with Caleb and Rachel taking a nap in the back seat. When Kai gets home he picks both of them up and puts them in there beds. Kai starts cooking dinner. An hour later, Remi walks through the door and drops her bag on the couch.

Kai: Someone's angry.

Remi: My boss wants me to do stories on mutants!

Kai: The mutants locked up. What story is there to tell?

Remi: That's the problem. What am I going to do? There isn't any story to tell.

Kai: You could always go to the mutant camps. I could call Terra or Bordon and get you into one to do a story.

Remi: I'll try it.

Kai: I'll call her tomorrow.

Remi walks over to Kai and looks over his shoulder as he cooks on the stove.

Remi: What's for dinner.

Kai: You're so fat.