
Kai walks in his house through the back door. Remi and the twins are standing in front of him. Remi looks furious.

Rachel: Dad?

Remi: Why don't you two go upstairs. C'mon, I'll tuck you both in.

Remi forces the kids upstairs. Kei teleports into his bedroom. He takes his costume off and gets in the shower. In a few minutes Remi walks inside the bathroom while Kai is still in the shower. She starts yelling at Kai from the other side of the shower curtain.

Remi: Why would you walk in the house bloody like that?!

Kai: I thought the kids would be asleep this late!

Remi: Why didn't you teleport?!

Kai: I didn't think I would have to!

Remi: How are we supposed to explain that to our kids? What do we even say?

Kai: I don't know!

Remi: You better figure it out! You're the one who wants to be a superhero again. You're running all over the place fighting crime, working, taking care of the kids. You were bound to make a mistake!

Kai: I'm not becoming a superhero again. I'm stopping this last group and that's it!

Remi: Group?!

Kai: Can we talk about this when I'm out of the shower?!

Kai hears the door open and slam shut.

Twenty minutes later, Kai and Remi are both sitting on the bed.

Remi: Explain.

Kai: It's a group of people with soul blades. Shi, the woman Owen talked about, is the leader of the group. Somehow she is tied to Cal. There are two more members of the group. Carlos, an ex-military soldier that carries a shotgun, and Soul Master, a man who can control people to do whatever he wants them too. You can't help because Soul Master would just control your mind.

Remi: You couldn't tell me anything about them because I would want to help you?

Kai: Yes.

Remi: No!

Remi looks more angry than she has ever been before.

Remi: I would never help because if we both go out there and die, the children will be orphans! Do you think I'm stupid?! You know I wouldn't help you fight! The only reason you didn't tell me is your fucking pride! You just want to do everything by yourself! The only reason you didn't tell me is because, at the end of the day, you want to be a superhero again! Get the hell out!

Kai: Where do I sleep?

Remi: One of the guest rooms!

Remi throws a pillow at Kai as Kai leaves the room.


Caleb and Rachel are in Rachel's house. Rachel finishes making food and they both sit on the couch watching TV. As they are laughing at the TV they hear Will yelling into his phone. Will shuts the door so they can't hear him.

Caleb: Is everything alright?

Rachel: He just hates his job right now. Normally his job is great, but shit happens.

Caleb: It just reminded me of when our parents fought.

Rachel: You mean the time when you cried?

Caleb: I wouldn't have put it that way. I cried to make you feel better.

Rachel: No, you cried because our parents barely fought. They were yelling and we could hear it from our room. I had to lay with you cause you were crying like a baby.

Caleb: Memory is subjective.

Caleb stands up from the couch.

Rachel: No, not this again.

Caleb: I can't just sit by Rachel. I've set out to find our father. No setbacks are stopping me. We'll find the man in the cloak.

Rachel stands up next to him.

Rachel: I guess we will.


Kai walks downstairs. He grabs a slim jim and leaves the house. He teleports constantly throughout the city. He finally stops teleporting on top of Henry Hall's Apartment building. Kai eats his food sitting down watching the city.

Kai: Maybe I do want to be a superhero again.

Kai lays down looking up at the sky.

Kai: All those times I wanted to have a life. When I realized I was always filling my time with something. Whether I was a soldier, bounty hunter, or superhero I never did anything but that.

Beast: You hopped inside a portal without good reason.

Kai: I had your reason and that was reason enough.

Beast: By all means, trust satan.

Kai: Yeah, but going to hell was one of my more fun adventures. I even got to see Jaik again.

Beast: Now that weak human is ruling over one of my great nations.

Kai: You could have always ruled over all the cities. Why have you just showed up out of nowhere anyway? You normally try to stay out of my life.

Beast: Omniscience. I'm just looking out for something.

Kai: Why do you even stay out of my life?

Beast: You don't need any voices in your head, yet.

Kai: Well then, while you're still here. If you have omniscience, do I long for being a superhero again?

Beast: Some questions are better left for someone else to figure out. If I tell you everything there is to know then you won't gain what you need from taking the time to learn it.

Kai sighs. Then a kick comes out of nowhere. Kai blocks the kick and gets up from the ground. In front of Kai is a man with silver hair. The man holds a cigarette up to his mouth. He blows smoke out at Kai.

Adam: Somebody's trying to kill you, y'know. You shouldn't be so carefree. Maybe I'll use your body for parts. Oo, mutant parts. That does sound like something fun to play with. Alive or dead, hard choice.

Adam takes off gloves. Both his forearms and hands are pure metal.

Kai mumbles under his breath.

Kai: Is that his soul blade? He turned his arms into soul blades.

Adam's heavy punch flies through the air. Kai deflects the punch. He feels his skin slam against the metal as he blocks the punches. Adam hits Kai in the arm. Kai's arm flies back. Kai tries to move his arm, but it feels dead. Kai starts blocking Adam's punches with one hand. As his feeling in his arm starts coming back. Adam drops to the ground, and his heavy fist cracks Kai's knee. Kai falls to the ground with no feeling in his leg. Adam stands over Kai, looking down on him. Kai kicks Adam in the stomach. Kai gets up from the ground. He can just start moving his leg again. Adam punches Kai in the arm he hasn't been hit in yet. Kai stands there with both arms imobile. Adam hits Kai with metal blows left and right. Kai teleports above Adam. He throws a last ditch kick. Adam grabs Kai's leg and throws him off the building. Adam fixes his collar.

Adam: He's lucky Shi wants to kill him, or else I'd be cutting him up already.

Kai is falling through the air.

Kai: I can't keep losing like this!

Kai teleports to the ground. He lands on his one good leg.

Kai: That's it. I know what I have to do.


Caleb and Rachel walk outside. They stand on top of a building.

Rachel: Why are we standing here? It's dark out. What are you going to see?

Caleb: You'd be surprised what you can see. People don't hide as well at night. They think the dark is their cover.

Rachel: Yeah, that would be good… If we could see in the dark! Then the dark wouldn't be their cover.

Caleb: Just watch.

They look around for at least half an hour, then they see a shadow move.

Caleb: Follow them!

Caleb and Rachel run after the moving shadow. The shadow moves across the rooftops fluently. Like the shadow is flying across the building. They see the shadow travel inside a window. Caleb and Rachel climb through the window. They see a ninja stand above a man while holding a sword.

Man: W-who are you.

???: To you? Death.

The ninja pushes the man over. As the man is lying on the ground trying to crawl away, the ninja stabs his blade through the man.

Man: AH!

???: Why are you children standing behind me?

Caleb: You're part of the League right? The League of Assassins is famous around here. You guys watch everything that happens. We need to know information about someone.

The ninja takes off his mask.

???: My name is Fang. This is a one time offer. You'll get your information for free.

Caleb: Why? What's in it for you.

Fang: I'm just listening to orders from a child.

Caleb: Why are you calling us children? We're adults.

Fang: Being an adult for a short time just promotes you to a big child. What do you want to know?

Caleb: Where the man in the cloak is.

Fang: Woman in the cloak. She lives in an old mall. It's run down. Most people tell folktales about monsters that live down there so it's pretty remote.

Caleb: Thank you, but, I can't shake the feeling you want something.

Fang: I don't want anything. It's all about what the head of the demon wants.

Fang puts his mask back on. He quickly leaves through the window. Traveling back into the deep abyss of darkness.


Remi walks downstairs early the next morning. She walks up to the fridge yawning, ready to make the kids breakfast. She reads a sticky note on the fridge.

Remi: "I'm taking some time to clear my head. I love you."

Kai wrote his name at the bottom of the note. Remi kisses the note and holds it close to her.

Remi: Thank you.