You are Back


"Elle !!! Look who's here," Flora said with wide eyes.

'Shit !! What is he doing here, 'I thought.

The man approached me.

"Hi Elle, how are you?" said the man, sitting in the chair next to me.

"Hi Rick, fine"

"You look even more charming after three years," Eric said.

---- Lecturer Entrance ---

"Bye Elle, I have to go back to my class," he said as he left me.

'You are back, Rick. After all this time, you reappear, bringing back the memories that I have buried, 'I thought.

Yes, he is my first love, Eric Fritzhart, the eldest son of King Fritzhart. We were in a relationship when I was in junior high school. Our relationship has been very beautiful for 3 years.

Until suddenly after graduation he left me. Leaving without saying a word. Bring all my happiness with him. He disappears like a gust of wind that just goes away.

It took me a long time to move on from him. Take off one piece of memory with him. Keep it far from the deepest place in my heart. So I no longer remember.

And now, he just appeared in front of me. Asking how I'm doing. Reopen the worn sheet. Scraping this heart right on that old scar. Doesn't he know how much I hurt ?? How hurt I am. How broken my heart is, knowing he left without saying goodbye.

----- Class is complete ----

"Elle, are you okay ?? You don't seem to be focused during class," Flora looked at me with a worried face.

"I'm okay Flo. Come on out, Chris must be waiting for me outside."

"Elle, you don't need to cover up your feelings right now. If you really feel that you have something to do with Eric. Finish now, Elle. You have the right to get the answer to the big question Eric made." Flora held back my steps.

"Thanks, Flo, you are my sister! When I'm ready I'll ask Eric."

-----In front of the class----

"Heyy, Elle, Flo !!!" Eric shouted as he ran towards us.

"Hey, Rick. What's up?" asked flora.

"Good, how about you ??" Eric replied.

"As always, Rick. Uh, I'll go home first ... bye Elle, bye Rick." Flora left us both here, in an atmosphere that I really avoided.

'Oh, God! Why did you leave me, Flo! ' I cursed in my heart

"Elle, are you busy tonight? I need to talk to you about something," Eric asked.

"Sorry I can't go with you, Rick. Besides, I'm not ready to hear anything you want to talk about."

"Please, Elle! Please," Eric held my hand tightly.

"Don't force me, Rick!" I let go of his grip.

"Alright Elle, if you're ready, call me." He handed me a piece of paper.

After that, I immediately stepped away leaving Eric. I can feel my tears starting to collect in these eyelids. Preparing to fall when it cannot be stopped anymore. For some reason, I really want to feel his grip again. But my heart hurts too much to do it all.

I immediately wiped the tears from my cheeks. Hurried off to the boutique, for the final fitting dress that I will wear at my father's wedding.


'Who is he? What is the relationship between him and Miss Elle? ' All of these questions occurred to my mind. When I saw her expression while talking to the man.

"Miss, are you alright?" I asked this when I saw tears streaming down her cheeks.

"I'm fine, Chriss," she answered in a sad voice.

Along the way to the boutique, I watched her eyes. I no longer see the bright eyes she has. All I saw was a look of deep sadness from Elle's eyes. She was also seen daydreaming all the way.

"Miss, we've arrived at the boutique."

Elle ignored my words.

"Ehmmm... Miss are you alright?"

"Ohh .. Yes, yes.", Elle answered with a half-surprised expression.

'Obviously, the man is a person who is valuable to her. Maybe her ex-boyfriend, 'I thought.


"Mhmm .... Miss are you alright?" Chris set me free from daydreaming. During the trip, I thought about Eric's invitation tonight. Considering whether I should accept the invitation.

"Ohh .. Yes, yes," I replied.

I also entered the boutique.

"Good Evening, Miss Elle. What can I do for you?" the waiter asked kindly.

"I want to do the last fitting for the dress that I ordered."

"Oh ... Over here miss," said the waiter as she invited me to the place in question.

After all the preparations were done, I returned to the palace. Now that I think about it, I will accept Eric's invitation. I also sent a message to the number he gave me.

--- Chat ---

Elle: "Hi, Rick. It's me, Elle."

Eric: "Good, you're texting me. So what? You want to accept my invitation tonight."

Elle: "Yes, after thinking about it, I want to accept your invitation."

Eric: "okay, I will pick you at 7 pm."

Elle: "You don't need to do that. I will be accompanied by my bodyguard. You just tell me where it is."

Eric: "Ok, meet me at Ana Maria Bana Restaurant, private room."