Chapter 04

Xuan Shang didn't stop, late at night, a man alone with a woman. If someone else finds out He doesn't know what it's like.

It was just that the future consort was completely different from what he had envisioned, so he couldn't help but pay attention. He walked on the wind and quickly caught up her: "It's nighttime, how can you walk alone when you're a woman?!"

"You were a Buddhist monk in your last life, weren't you!" Ye Tan rolled his eyes, not wanting to pay him any attention. He is so old-fashioned. My sister and him are perfect for each other.

She hurried forward, with Xuan Shang following close behind.

On an April day, the Begonia blossoms and the wind brings fragrance. Ye Tan is in a hurry to walk on the road, so she was covered with falling flowers. Xuan Shangjun frowned and found that she actually used the Demon Clan's Wind Emperor Technique, the Clear Light Ghost Step. She was born on earth, and the Li Guang clan was also human, so why would she practice the Demon Clan technique?

What did Li Guangshi teach her?!

Ye Tan obviously didn't care what the old man behind her had in mind. She hyped up her kung fu and moved forward quickly, quickly exiting the land boundary of the Away from the Li Guang Clan.

A black gate appeared in front of the eyes, and the three words of Wucheng (Liang City) shone coldly in the thick night.

City of sprites and goblins.

In the heart of the emperor Xuan Shang, The city of sprites and goblins was a grey area between the four realms of gods, humans, demons and devils.

Because there is no control, there isn't much law here. Outside the law, of course, there is dirt and dirt, but it does have a lot of fun.

Xuan Shang can't remember when he came last time.

The walls were high and deep, with torches burning from the left and right. The light was golden red, reflecting the black gates of the city. The city of sprites was like a giant beast with a mouth full of blood.

Ye Tan was quite familiar with this place and entered directly. The city is unguarded, and there is certainly no need for tokens. But this also proves that the city must be dangerous.

She looked east and west as she walked, and not long after, stopped at the roadside - someone had laid a rough black cloth on the ground to sell a flute.

The flute is lustrous and transparent, like jade. But Xuan Shang could already tell at a glance that it was a bone flute. Most of the things that will be chosen to be offloaded in sprite city are of unknown origin. Of course, it's also is expensive.

Sure enough, the stall owner directly said, "The flute is called "Datong Tongbei", and if you buy it, it will be 150,000 taels of gold, or 80,000 demon coins. Don't touch it if you don't buy it."

Ye Tan picked up the bone flute and played with it for a while, then turned back and said him, "Buy me this."

Xuan Shang faintly stalled and said in a sullen voice, ''Princess Kui, beg for money from a strange man! Is that how the Li Guangshi family taught you since childhood?"

This old man is really stark and stingy...Ye Tan touched the bone flute in his hand and really loved it, patiently coaxing him: "With our current relationship, then you are not a strange man, right?" Of course not, if you married my sister, it would still be my brother-in-law.

When Xuan Shangjun thought about it, it was indeed so. Since it's the future consort, there's no harm in giving a gift. Only...he said, "The God tribe is not allowed to store up family property in private on earth."

Ye Tan stared in surprise and said halfway, "That have no money?"

Xuan Shang lowered his gaze and watched his nose and heart: "Hmm."

Oh my God. Old, poor, and long-winded, and very, very, very....bland and boring. Ye Tan put down the bone flute, and halfway through finally let out another exclamation, "My God."

What expression do you have! For the first time in his life, Xuan Shang was embarrassed because he had no money in his pocket.

Ye Tan moved on and stopped looking east and west - couldn't afford to look at anything, anyway.

Xuan Shang followed behind her, and it wasn't like he really didn't have any personal assets. It was just that in his position, in order to be free from earthly disturbances, all the personal possessions in the other three realms were handled by special deities. It's a complex process whenever it needs to be used.

It's just that...there doesn't seem to be a need to explain it specifically.

What he was thinking, Ye Tan didn't care. She went directly to a challenge arena, Tianxiang arena.

The most special place in this arena is that only women can fight on the stage.Nowadays, it's the most popular place in the whole city of sprites. There was no one on the stage to fight, and yet there were already quite a few people waiting under the grandstand.

"Bitch, I thought you were too scared to fight!" A woman standing on the challenge arena smiled coldly when she saw Ye Tan coming. Xuan Shangjun frowned slightly, the woman was dressed in a red dress with an extremely low neckline, revealing a large area of snow-white skin under her neck. Her arms were wrapped in a cloak and adorned with gold beads. The words were a bit charming.

Ye Tan turned his head and teased Xuan Shang, "Is she pretty?" Xuan Shang frowned slightly and did not answer. Ye Tan said, "Why didn't you talk? Don't all of you men like it? "

Xuan Shang finally said, "lack of solemnity."

That's an honest answer. Ye Tan couldn't laugh at him: ''Are all of you God Clans this serious? It's a race without fun!"

Xuan Shang stopped ignoring her, and Ye Tan finished laughing and said, "But it's just that Princess Kui is a bit more conservative in her dress today, not blowing it... If I change into such a dress... "She drew a half circle on her chest with her left hand, a proud face, "How old is she lotus flower?"

Xuan Shangjun subconsciously swept a glance at her breasts. Indeed....he just thought so. The moment he blushed said: is it necessary to compare? Is it necessary?

Ye Tan's face changed color instantly when he looked at him, even more so when he laughed. Xuan Shang knew that he was being teased by her and stopped talking. Only then did Ye Tan turn his head to the woman on stage and say, Defeated by hand, what gift have you prepared for me today?"

Xuan Shang's brow furrowed even tighter, "You guys know each other?"

But he soon learned that the word "know" was wrong. There is a lot of water on the stage because of the exposed clothes. Don't think you have any luck from last night! Bitch, put down the head and come up here and die!"

As she spoke, the weapon came out of its sheath and turned out to be a pair of golden hooks. Ye Tan jumped onto the challenge arena and looked at the colored box on the stage, which held a Galang Buddha Fruit. It is a healing sacrament.

Ye Tan is the princess of the Li Guangshi clan, and although not favored, she is not shabby either. She immediately took the jade pendant from his waist and put it in. The value is almost the same.

Xuan Shangjun looked left and right and saw that there were demons, demons, and people watching the battle, and there were even little immortals.

He picked up an empty seat and was about to sit down when someone next to him said, "Are you blind? Is this where you can sit?"
