Chapter 20

Tianpa Courtyard.

One big one small two lumps of ice are boring. Manman is wailing: "is Xuan Shangjun sick? You are the future Princess of heaven. It's also you who carry the rules! I am a good bird. Why am I imprisoned here! Sobbing, pitiful, weak and helpless! "

Ye Tan turned a white eye: "you really speak of righteousness ah."

"Of course," said Manman. I've always been righteous! Alas, I began to miss my family, Lan Jue Shaojun.. If he is here, how can we be so miserable... "

The sky is golden and dark, and Ye Tan finally agrees with it: "yes. I miss that stinking tiger a bit, too. "

Manman immediately came to the spirit: "right? My young gentleman is romantic, gentle and considerate. Tantan, it's not that I'm rude. I don't think any blind man will treat you so well except him in this life. "

Ye Tan turned his eyes: "you stinky bird, the hot pot we eat at noon is not Kui Niu, but your conscience, right? Like a princess am so beautiful and intelligent in this golden age that everyone will bow down to my pomegranate skirt, okay?"

Manman just wanted to retort. Suddenly the ice broke into two and they fell to the ground, turning into a small ice bead. It is also out of trouble with Ye Tan.

"Why?" It looked around, and Ye Tan picked up the ice beads and said, "I'll tell you, my beauty like princess and wisdom are rare."

Manman fanned his wings: "my royal highness." Manman swear, after going out from here, Manman will make you a hot pot for three hundred years free! "

Ye Tan was very satisfied: "it's up to you!"

One bird and one girl are bluffing, and the footsteps outside are approaching. Yen Tan is afraid to call his name again, can only ask: "who are there?"

Xuan Shangjun's voice then rings behind: "how are you doning on Tiangui?"

If she accidentally cracked the last time she tied the rainbow rope to Mo Han, this time, Ye Tan was deliberately tempted.

At least part of what she said is true. Among the four magic weapons, she is at least proficient in match and weapon.

But Princess Qing Kui is only 15 years old. Can she have a wide range of knowledge?

That's not likely. Her identity is even more suspicious.

Ye Tan was a bit abrumed. It was obvious that the rules had not been recited very well. She can only howl: "I have a headache, a pain in my feet, a pain in my stomach. I can't remember anything!"

Xuanshangjun was standing behind her. For some reason, he began to hope that she was really a demon girl who had infiltrated betwen the Gods. If he is a disciple of a sect who does not obey orders, he has thousands of ways. But she! Her current identity is princess Qing Kui of Liguang, the princess of heaven determined by the Shenzu.

Or maybe his future sister-in-law.

she could not be tortured or killed in public! But he was ordered to discipline.

How hateful!

So with a wave of his sleeve, Yetan and Manman immediately turned into two round walnuts, which turned round in his hands.

Manman screamed: "I said that although you are the eldest son of the emperor of heaven and respected your status, your words do not agree with our habits. It's really abnormal!"

Ye Tan more clear than it, said: "his hand is a border. This is to prevent us from being discovered. No matter how fierce you shout now, in the eyes of others, we are just a walnut. "

"You know again?" I don't like it.

Ye Tan said, "of course. Haven't you heard that Buddha Wuzhishan trapped monkey king? He has the same palm. "

In the desperation of Manman, he lost hope again: "can you crack it?"

Ye Tan in his hand turn around, said: "yes. Give me two thousand seven hundred years. I'm almost as good as him. I'll have a try. "

Manman was very angry: "fool, after two thousand seven hundred years, he is five thousand four hundred years old! When can you surpass him! "

"Yes! Heaven helps thief but not me! " Ye Tan turned into a top.

Xuan Shangjun's eyes are slightly drooping, looking to the palm - she turns into a walnut in a circle, which is much more lovely than her human shape.

Xuan Shangjun comes to xuanhuangjing with walnuts, and the more they are, the better they feel.

The emperor of heaven and earth has accepted the game of cards. At this time, he is sweeping the dust hand in hand, and his spirit is bleak. When he saw Xuan Shangjun, he smiled and saluted him. Xuan Shangjun also replied with the gift of his younger generation: "heavenly father."

The emperor of heaven and earth sat opposite to him, and the fairies offered tea. There are cranes flying in the sky in the dark yellow land, and herbs are fragrant. It's a view of peach land.

Xuan Shangjun said: "I bring people here, which is very important. Please test their bones as soon as possible to prove their identity."

"Oh?" Fazu God of heaven and earth stared at his hand. He held two walnuts in his palm, which were smooth and round. "Is that it?" he asked

The emperor Xuan Shang said softly, "that's right. When she went up, she also brought a Parakeet, but it had no foundation. It was just a common savage animal. "

The emperor of heaven and earth nodded. Shaodian's heirs had no other hobbies. Now Xuan Shangjun came in with a walnut, and he found it at a glance. He said with a smile, "you're very comfortable with this walnut dish. If she is really a witch, it's appropriate to stay with you and make a walnut. "

The emperor Xuan Shang frowned slightly and said lightly: "I am going to go back to the ruins. There is no need for me to have sundries outside. If this woman is determined to be a witch, she must be killed immediately to avoid any unnecessary consequences. "

He may not have realized that what he blurted out was "no need.". It's not rejection, it's unnecessary. Fazu God of Heaven and earth smile and ponder.

Two walnuts, Ye Tan and Manman, were in his palm. Ye Tan worked hard for a long time, but only vaguely heard the words "bone test" and "killing". Ye Tan was so angry that he was about to roll to the ground. The emperor Xuan Shang held her hand slightly and put her and Manman in front of the emperor.

When the emperor of heaven and earth shakes the dust, he doesn't try to cover up at Ye Tan. He sighs softly: "it's really dangerous to mend the seal of Guixu, but the emperor's accomplishments are excellent. Maybe there is still vitality."

The emperor Xuan Shang didn't care, saying, "I come from nothingness, and naturally I should go to nothingness. As long as we can do our part to protect the peace of the whole world, we don't have to worry about life and death. It's this woman's bone. Please test it as soon as possible. "

Heaven and earth God said: "don't worry, my Lord. I'm ready."

Xuan Shangjun nodded and asked: "before the result is determined, she is the future Princess of heaven. Please keep the secret and take good care of her."

Fazu said. Do you have any other orders? "

"There is only one thing left." Xuan Shangjun got up, changed his face and said sternly: "at noon today, Emperor Fazu of heaven and earth, Emperor Ziwei, Emperor Changsheng, and the God of zhenyuanzi openly gathered for gambling. According to the rules of heaven, they was punished for half a year's salary! No publicity, considering the prestige of heaven! " Then he turned and left.

... It's true that I don't speak of any emotion. The emperor of heaven and earth beat his chest and feet.