Chapter 29

The palace is dark, the cold night snow, more late leakage.

"You are a disaster star, and you shouldn't have been born in this world at all." On the couch, a woman's voice was weak but her words were bloody, "Don't blame me after you die. So many people are dead, what are you for? why do you live? "

The woman's hands were as dry as claws, and she came closer in the dark, slowly catching her neck. The strength is so great that I wish I could break her neck.

She was caught by nightmare again.

Yetan knew.

This woman is her mother-in-law and forgets which one it is. She only know that her husband and children died in the flood of the Huai River fifteen years ago. She entered the palace and deliberately went to the Chaolu Hall where no one wanted to go, just to strangle the catastrophe that killed her family in the midst of death and avenge her own flesh and blood.

For many years, She still remember this face. Maybe it's too tired today.

YeTan stared at her, her face was ferocious and her pupils were bloody. So for more than ten years, when she thought of hatred, she still had these eyes in her mind.

But people will grow up after all. Countless nights, she faced the eyes alone, from crying for mercy, to struggling to escape, to the end, she was full of mockery and indifference to the sadness and mourning of the eyes.

At the first meeting, Shao Dian Youqin said: "You are born to be human, you should be compassionate."

Haha, compassionate? Ye Tan reached out his hand and shattered the nightmare in front of him. If the world shows me bad words, I will return to them with a blade. Those who dare to deceive me, wrong me, or bear me, I will let them one by one and taste the pain of the late.

"Sister Qingkui? Sister Qingkui? Didn't it say that I was sleeping? Why didn't anyone? " In the inner hall of Tianpa courtyard, Ziwu looks around, but the couch is empty.

"Qing..." She didn't shout at the next time. The smoke curtain warmed the curtain. Suddenly, she dropped her head, with long hair and red lips.

"Ah ah -" Ziwu jumped three feet, like a rabbit with strong body. The head of the top of the tent was askew and asked, "what's the matter?"

It's YeTan.

Ziwu almost became the second God of myocardial infarction. She covered her chest: "sister Qingkui, how do you sleep..."

She pointed to the top of the account, jumped down in Ye Tan, straightened her hair, and said, "it's cool up there. Why are you here? "

Ziwu stroked his chest: "my second brother asked me to see what Tianpa courtyard still lacks."

Ye Tan this may have reason: "what all lack?"? Delicious food, fun, clothes and jewelry, precious magic materials, how many to send. Why didn't he come? "

Ziwu said with a smile, "brother Xung punished him to copy the rules of heaven a thousand times. He still copied them."

YeTan jumped from the top of the tent, because sleep is not good, hair is also messy. She picked it at will and was ready to go out. Ziwu grabbed her tightly and took the silver comb to comb her hair: "no way!! It's not written in the heaven rules and regulations, but it's required to be tidy. You have to be angry to go out like this and let my brother see it. "

"Your elder brother, did he get angry?" Ye Tan yawned, and even when she was sleepy, she still looked scornful at the mention of Xuan Shangjun.

Ziwu laughed and said, "Don't be like this, brother is actually very good. By the way, the father and mother goddess held a banquet in Penglai Jiangque at night to catch the wind and dust for you. Then all the fairy families will come. The father god is strict, Don't make a mistake. "

uh? A flash of light in Yetan's eyes: "if something goes wrong with me, will he drive me out of heaven and send me back to earth?"

Ziwu said, "here Don't worry, I will go with my two brothers. I'll remind you when we meet something you don't understand. There will be no mistake! "

——She thought Yetan was worried! YeTan repeatedly nods, ask: "don't know what emperor hates most?"

Ziwu said, "Father God? Um... Father God does not like women rebellious, usually he talks, if she answer back, he will not be happy. He always taught me that women should be gentle and quiet, considerate and virtuous. So all you have to do is dress gracefully, smile from time to time and talk less. "

The more YetTan listened, the brighter his eyes were. Ziwu said, "don't worry, you are the concubine chosen by the father and mother. The father and mother will be very satisfied. I think your clothes are all very good. Well, you can wear this. " She helped Yetan pick out the clothes.

Those clothes are Qing Kui's, of course, each set is dignified and generous. Ye Tan picked up a hairpin ring, looked at himself in the mirror, said: "I suddenly have a bold idea."

"Ah?" Ziwu is inexplicable.

YeTan waved: "nothing. Ah, your father and mother must dress up for dinner, right? You go back first. I'll see you at the dinner. "

Ziwu said, "but I can help you..."

YeTan pushed her to the door: "no need, I can! Darling, go back and dress up beautifully. "

Ziwu is still uneasy: "I'll choose the white one with cloud pattern. I'll put all the jewelry on the table for you."

Ye Ye said nothing, and then turned back and closed the door.

He like women who are elegant, gentle, clean and elegant.

Emperor, let me give you a big surprise!

She picked up the dress Ziwu and put it on the couch, shuashed and tore it to her knee. She still feel the neckline is too tight when she put it on. So she simply pulled the dress down until it changed into her shoulder.

She walked several times in front of the mirror, in which the collarbone was warm and white, and her legs were long.

Good, good.

Ye Tan continued to work hard and used eyebrow powder to paint her eyeshadow. The gold foil was also good, but where was it enough to shock ... Princess Ye Tan stared at her face in the bronze mirror: "Gee, Your Majesty the Emperor, I am Ye Tan for you old man, really I will racked his brain ... "