Chapter 37

The lamp in the Chuihong Hall was not extinguished. The sky will be clear, which is the time when the stars will hand over.

Xuan Shangjun certainly hasn't rested yet.

Yetan held a bowl of soup and came to her in a hurry. Seeing Feichi, he hurried up: "Princess Qingkui, why are you here this time?"

Ye Tan lifted the soup soup in his hand: "I see that the sky is about to dawn, but Shangjun has not rested yet, so I made a bowl of soup for him."

"The princess has a big heart." ——In the future, the princess will care about her husband, which is a great thing. Feichi quickly said, "Feichi will go in and report."

Yetan waits outside. In a moment, the emperor Xuan Shang passes her in.

When she entered the palace, she saw that there were several piles of manuscripts on the case of Xuan Shangjun, which could crush people even if they fell down. Xuan Shangjun is looking over, looking up to see her and saying, "the princess is just in time. I'm going to send someone to invite you."

He didn't see joy and anger on his face, but he didn't know why. His voice was a little cool and whooshing, and he was cold all over.

YeTan smiled and said: "since the return of Penglai jiangque, Qingkui has been thinking of you. I didn't expect you to think of me. I saw you stay up all night and made a bowl of assorted Tangyuan for you. Please don't abandon it. "

She put Tangyuan soup on the desk case in front of Xuan Shangjun, and Xuan Shangjun said in a deep voice: "Just before, Xian'e sent this pile of manuscripts, saying that it was the" Nv Ze "and" Nv Xun "that you personally copied."

Xuan Shangjun placed the manuscript in front of her, and his voice seemed to freeze: "Princess Qingkui is really good at writing, and in just a few hours, she copied" Nu Ze "and" Nv Xun "thousands of times !!"

Xuanshangjun put the manuscript in front of her, and her voice seemed to be frozen: "Princess Qingkui wrote like a God. In just a few hours, she copied" nuze "and" Nuxun "ten thousand times!"

Ye Tan smiled and said, "yes. This is not the order of your majesty. People dare not neglect it! "

Xuanshangjun was really angry and his heart ached. He covered his heart, and his ears were buzzing with rage: "dare not neglect?! So it took more than two months for others to copy it. The princess Qing Kui only took a few hours !!! Not only that, but every book has different handwriting! I roughly turn over 30 books, there will be 30 different handwriting!! The princess is so versatile! "

30, More than 30 kinds?!

This stupid bidome!! Yetan was more angry - she must be looking for a lot of little fairy e to copy! God, it 's really harmful to have low intelligence! ! Ye Tan's eyes flicked, and he quickly said, "Well, that's why people are practicing and writing. Is it good to learn more handwriting, right?"

Xuan Shangjun only felt an old blood stem in his throat, and the sky was covered with dust and haze again! He pointed to Yetan: "since the princess copied so quickly and liked to practice calligraphy, then copy it ten thousand times."


No way! I can't be angry. I will bear the insult!

Yetan pounced on him, hugged his calf, and looked affectionate: "Shangjun, to be honest, since I saw Shangjun at the first sight on the Palace Road, the great demeanor of Shangjun has been lingering in Qingkui's heart. After that day, Qing Kui sleeps and thinks about clothes and food. It's hard to sleep and eat. It's not until I see you again that I understand what love destroys the intestines. "

Xuan Shangjun's body is rigid and becomes a stone statue. After a while, he says: "what about, what about?"

Drama! YeTan made an oath: "my sincerity to you is on this fat beef, fat mutton, hairy tripe, duck intestines, lotus root slices and Flammulina mushroom in a pot of red soup..."

Xuan Shangjun interrupts her sincerity and says, "in this way, the princess must be happy to accompany me?"

Er... Accompany him?! YeTan toothache like a light hiss, said: "yes, yes, I would." As long as I don't copy the work's book, I will do whatever you say.

Xuan Shangjun said: "very good. The princess likes to practice calligraphy as well as Ben Jun, so copy books in the rainbow hall. Ten thousand times, copy on your knees! "

... Bitch.

Feichi comes in and sets up another case.

Yetan resents injustice, but what else can he do? Copy!

Kneeling at several cases, she raised her pen and unwillingly began to copy. The emperor Xuan Shang is really in pain. The assorted Tangyuan soup at hand is steaming, but the smell It seems to be different from the usual taste. He picked up the silver spoon and took a taste. The taste of soup spreads on the tip of his tongue. His strange taste makes him have to doubt his 2700 year life!! To the point that he took another mouthful with a face that he couldn't believe.

A moment later, the emperor Xuan Shang said in a deep voice, "this soup is really made by yourself?"

Yetan hurriedly said, "yes! I have done it for a long time! Is it delicious? "

Xuan Shangjun said: "Feichi, take the bowl, let the princess eat the soup, and then copy."

"Come here Are you concerned about others? " YeTan a pair with her eyes black and white clear, innocent - is this princess's beauty plan work?!

Xuan Shangjun ignored her, motioned to Fei Chi to bring the bowl over, and pointed to her: "Eat all, and no drop of soup will be left."

Ye Tan picked up the spoon suspiciously and scooped a dumpling. Tangyuan soup is shining and looks very good. She took a bite, then slowly opened her eyes, and for a long while, spurted and sprayed to the ground.

"Hey ... Bah, why is this like this?" She grabbed the teapot and rinsed her mouth, and Fei Chi came to smell it, and looked at it for a long time. He hesitated and said, "Princess, sometimes this white powder Well, it 's not just sugar, it could be something else. "

"Something else?" YeTan asked, "for example?"

Feichi said, "for example, it's used to make noodles Alkali. "

Ye Tan opened his mouth wide, froze for a long time, and finally put down the spoon lightly. She glanced at Xuan Shangjun who was sitting precariously, and Ye Tan said awe-inspiringly: "That ... I think" Women "and" Women's Training "are well written. Fei Chi, take down the food, don't let the appetite affect the princess's heart of learning! "

Feichi: "..."

Xuanshangjun: "..."

After Xingjun has handed over the shift, each of them will perform his duties, and Xuan Shang Jun will have a moment's free time.

Although he doesn't need to sleep in the dark, he often goes into meditation. At this time, Yetan was reading a book. He sat at the edge of the case and supported his forehead with his hand. There was only the sound of Langhao walking upstream of the paper in his ear. The ink was long and he slept.

In his dream, the gods gather in Penglai fairyland. Yetan sprang out naked and shouted, "Shaodian Shangjun. Do you think my clothes look good?"

Xuan Shangjun suddenly woke up and saw that the surroundings were as quiet as before, and Ye Tan was still copying his book on one side.

——Since two thousand seven hundred years ago, the fearless God has had his first nightmare.

When he woke up YeTan, she was full of hope: "can I copy a little less? My hand hurts. "

Xuanshangjun rubs his temple - where is Li Guangyang sending a daughter? It's a devil! Is it true that I will not be possessed in this way? He said weakly: "go back to Tianpa yard and copy it, one word less and one hundred times more."

Ye Tan yelled, stood up, kneaded his shoulders and waist, picked up the two books "Female Rules" and "Female Training", but returned to Tianbayuan by herself.

Xuanshangjun looked at her back. After a long time, he finally raised his pen and made a prescription for himself.

"Fei Chi." He called out to the celestial servant, "take the medicine according to the prescription and make a furnace of pills."

Feichi bowed to receive the prescription and opened it only after taking it out. Then he found that it was a prescription for clearing fire and reducing dryness, soothing liver and relieving depression.