Chapter 41

Yetan gives her prescription to Manman. Seeing that Xuan Shangjun can't care about it, she stealthily comes to the flower tree. However, she bends down and sees that there is nothing in the flower tree!

This... What about Dilan Jue?!

Ye Tan rummaged around, but not even see a tiger hair.

Strange happenings. I just threw it out of the window. How could he not be?! Not going back through the window, right?

She returned to the inner temple. Xuanshangjun sits cross legged on the couch, palms of his hands are up and folded in front of him. He was still pale, and his mouth was red to the eye. Yetan approached him, raised his right hand and waved in front of his eyes: "are you really hurt so badly? What's this? "

Xuanshangjun was really holding back his anger and said in a deep voice, "I'm just being backfired by the return wind of the technique, and I'm not blind!"

If only you were blind! YeTan disappointed oh, she looked at the room, do not see at Dilan Jue, had to squat down in front of the emperor Xuanshang, want to see the bottom of the bed. Xuanshangjun was sitting cross legged. Seeing her squatting in front of him, he buried his head down. The angle was very strange. He could not help but shout: "what are you doing?"

Night Tan glanced at the bed, which was empty. She relaxed and simply sat down: "Shaodian, why are you always so fierce to me? Don't you think I'm beautiful? "

"Beautiful?!" Although xuanshang Jun was hurt, he still glanced at her, "never felt it."

Night Tan, leaning forward, elbows propped on his legs: "At the whole heaven, which fairy do you like best?"

The emperor Xuanshang really thought about it for a moment. He said: "there are many Fairies in the heaven. Among them, those who are highly cultivated, such as the God of nine heavenly Xuanmu, are the gods of war. I always respect her. There are many dignified and generous people, such as Luoshen, Chang'e, etc... "

Yetan interrupted him: "do you like them when you see them?"

"Like it?" The emperor of xuanshang frowned. Yetan said, "yes, I've met once before, and I often think about it in my mind, hoping to see you again!"

Xuanshangjun thought for a moment, of course not. He said: "all things in the world have fate, and fate will see you again. Why do you think about it? "

YeTan patted his forehead: "Shiaodian, you know, sometimes I think you are really abnormal, you can see the advantages and disadvantages of everything, but it will not be mixed with personal feelings. There is no preference, no hatred. Don't you think it's not like a living man? "

Xuanshangjun closed his eyes and said, "I feel that when I see you, I hate you very much!"

"Er..." Yetan touched his nose and said, "so I said you're not normal. If you have a beauty like Princess Qing Kui in front of you, you should feel happy and crazy. "

Xuanshangjun ignored her. She raised her hand and touched his chin, saying, "don't say, although you are annoying, you have a good face."

"Go away!" Xuanshangjun's voice was as cold as ice, but did not move. Yetan soon found out why: "can't you move?"

Xuan Shangjun covered his face with dark clouds, Ye Tan crawled forward a few steps in excitement: "You really can't move? Hahahaha, Shaodian!" She can't even avoid it. He was trying his best to breathe a scattered energy. At this time, he was in a state of turmoil.

The day of repairing the ancient seal of Pan Long is right in front of him. He has no time to take care of it.

Ye Tan close to him, the back of his hand slipped over his side face, said: "Hey, you really don't feel the woman?"

Xuanshangjun strangled her heart: "get out!"

Ye Tan said, "Don't you, do I know this for you?" She leaned up, her red lips like fire, and gently printed on his cheeks. The red lips are soft, and the dark incense is approaching, Ye Tan is close to his ears, and his tongue lightly licks his earlobe. It's sweet and soft, with a slight itch: "so you doesn't feel?"

Xuanshangjun suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were like knives, scraping her layer upon layer. Yetan was not afraid, but said, "Gee, You don't feel it. Then... " She slipped her hand over xuanshangjun's Adam's apple. With a puff, Xuanshangjun's blood spurted all over her face.

——Today's refining furnace is not enough for clearing fire and reducing dryness!!

"Get away Qing Kui!" He trembled and pointed to Yetan, "you are frivolous and shameless! You are so, so... "

He looks like he will be angry at any time, and his whole body Qi strength is scattered because of chaos. Long hair spread down, as if it was going to be possessed immediately. Yetan turns around and runs away. It's just time to bring the medicine.

"What are you flustered about?" He looked puzzled.

Yetan said, "it's over. I'm dead. Shaodian you are crazy. "

Manman pushed the door of the inner hall open a crack and looked inside. I saw the emperor Xuanshang in his hair and blood stained face. He was lying on his couch coughing. It quickly pushed the door in: "what is dead? He seems to be sober. Come and give him some medicine first. "

After observing for a long time, Yetan saw that xuanshangjun didn't mean to pat her to death. She took the medicine bowl and said, "come on, don't be angry. Drink the medicine first." As she spoke, she tentatively helped up the emperor xuanshang.

Xuanshangjun tried to restrain himself. The more he was on the verge of collapse, the stronger he was. From small to large, he understood that he could not make decisions in a rage.

He kept silent, Ye Tan had to put the medicine to his mouth: "Look, I'm still pretty good to you, right?" Xuan Shangjun took a sip, even though he was very angry, he asked. : "This medicine ... Is there a lack of medicine?"

"Less medicines?" Ye Tan raised an eyebrow. "How is it possible! Can Princess Ben make such a low-level mistake?"

This is also true. Which pharmacist will dispense medicine without knowing it? ! Xuanshang Jun's eyes were hesitant, but he drank the medicine. Ye Tan carried an empty bowl and said, "Then you should get sick first. I won't disturb you anymore."

Xuan Shangjun was too late to pursue her. His eyebrows were tightly wrinkled. After a while, he wowed and started to spur blood again! !

"What's the matter?" Manman asked quietly

Ye Tan bit his lip and pointed to the bowl: "The medicine just now ... is my prescription."

"Then... Congratulations, you are really dead now. " Manman ran with his wings on.

! ! Ye Tan looked at him, and then at the bowl, slowly widening his eyes. For a while, she cated her waist and hugged the bowl, trying to slip away like a thief. Xuan Shangjun vomited over the floor, and all his anger broke out at this moment. He yelled angrily: "Liguang Qingkui !!"

Damn things! Liguang Yang, raise such a sin barrier, you really deserve to die! !

Xuan Shangjun fell to the couch with a snap, Ye Tan jumped three feet high. He propped himself up to the table, almost tremblingly raised the pen, wrote a prescription for himself, and then threw the pen and paper together on Yetan's face.

Ye Tan was able to catch the prescription. He tilted his head and fell down. Ye Tan subconsciously supported him, only to find him fainted.

I was really faint, and I didn't know if it was hurt or angry.

Night Tan can not help, had to let barbarian re decoction the medicine. She helped the emperor xuanshang to the couch and tried to breathe before she was sure that he was not dead.


Lane fair (Nongqing Pavilion.).

Ziwu comes back with Dilan Jue in his arms. Xian'e, who serves her, sees her and comes to her.

"God! Xianjun, is this the dog on earth? " Xian'e can't help but touch the tiger's head with the moon.

Ziwu held Dilan Jue treasure in his arms and said, "it seems that it is, but the sky dog is also a dog from the world. I'm much better than it. Nah, it's color. It's patterned! "

Another fairy e exclaimed: "its hair is so smooth! All the little things in the world are for eating. It's so small. I'm afraid it's still lactating, isn't it? "

A group of fairy maidservants formed a circle, with salted pig hands everywhere. Di Lanjue knew for the first time that beauty like Ruyun turned out to be such a horrible word! He had no choice but to squeeze into Ziwu's arms.

Ziwu hurriedly fends off the Immortals: "OK, don't touch them. Didn't see it hurt? Come on, find the medicine. "

Such a lovely baby, unexpectedly hurt! Is that enough? A group of fairy e hula, all ran to find medicine. Ziwu came in with a tiger in his arms. He really loved it more and more.

"Don't be afraid. No one dares to touch a dog's hair in my Nong Qing Pavilion!"

Nonsense, this young master is a tiger. Who can move me in four realms?! Dilan is extremely annoyed. How can I have a foreboding feeling...