Chapter 43

There is no saying that the sky is made by sunrise and rest by sunset, and everyone doesn't care when it comes to night. Until the bright moon is in the sky, clouds are shining, and finally all the fruits are buried.

Shenhou came to check it in person, and Yetan followed her. She inspected the landfill site and said, "these fruits are called spiritual forbidden fruits."

"Ah?" How does it sound like a serious fruit?

The queen Goddess then said: "the nature of the gods is thin, even between the immortals, they don't like to be too close. However, the forbidden fruit of spiritual cultivation formed by the building wood can help the gods. Make them more engaged in spiritual practice. Therefore, every year, if there are people who want to breed, they will apply for the forbidden fruit in advance. But it takes years of preparation for the Gods to breed. Therefore, this spiritual forbidden fruit does not need much. The rest, in order to prevent people's evil thoughts, can only be destroyed without omission. "

Er... In fact, this fruit is the spring medicine of the Gods! It's a race that needs medicine. YeTan covered his own will be broken, asked: "that After God, if you eat too much of this fruit, will you lose your mind? "

God smiled and said, "that won't happen. This medicine does not work on the users themselves, but only to attract the heterosexual couples. Because it is very easy to cause Gods chaos, so it is strictly controlled. "

Ye Tan was relieved: "That's good, that's good." Strangely, this spiritual cultivation ban fruit, although she ate a basket, she didn't feel anything like it. She said, "Queen, can I go back?"

The queen said, "Well, this palace has forgotten that you are a mortal, and it is time to sleep at night. Qingkui, you have to learn the technique of gugu as soon as possible, otherwise it is quite inconvenient to be in heaven."

Yetan waved: "I know."

Tianpa Courtyard.

As soon as Yetan came back, Manman came up with wings. Ye Tan hit a growl burp, ask: "that Shaodian Youqin, how is he?"

Manman said: "He is still sleeping. I think it's hurt a lot. I haven't found my young gentleman yet. What can I do! He won't be caught by the generals of heaven, will he?

Yetan said: "it's impossible for heaven's soldiers and generals. If they catch him, someone must report to Xuanshang. If he turns into the original body, it's hard to trace the evil spirit. I'm afraid that she took him away. "

"No way," he said, quite seriously

"Why?" Yetan asked

Manman shook the bird's head and said: "my young master, how beautiful that is. If those fairies found out, thousands of people would have robbed me. Is there no movement? "

"..." Yetan didn't want to talk about it.

In the inner hall, the emperor Xuanshang was dressed in Inner clothes and was still fighting and sitting cross legged. But this time, the medicine was extremely symptomatic. He breathed steadily and his whole body was no longer in disorder. Ye Tan did not find at Dilan Jue, but also uneasy, sitting on the mat beside the couch dazed.

The soul of the emperor Xuan Shang is too empty, and his whole body is full of pure Qi, which is originally dust-free and filthy. Suddenly, a sweet smell seeped in. This crystal like world is impeccable and full of waves in an instant. He bowed his head, his feet as clear as water, and a figure appeared in the ripples.

It's a woman.

Her white dress can reach her thighs, her waist is flying with ribbons, her collarbone is warm and white, her shoulders are warm and moist, her hair is barefoot, and her steps are like lotus flowers.

The heart is broken, and the surrounding air is broken. The emperor Xuan Shang looks like a God and a devil, and steps back.

At first sight, YeTan saw that his face had changed greatly, so he had to go forward: "are Shaodian Youqin? What's wrong with you? "

Xuanshang opened his eyes, and the sweet fragrance was lingering. He said with difficulty, "you What did you do? "

Yetan helped him to sit up and said, "I didn't do anything. Goddess Queen asked me to help. I was obedient. Of course I went. But I thought you were hurt, so I came back immediately after I finished. How are you, how am I to you? "

She was noisy in his ear. All the attention of the emperor Xuanshang was in her hand holding her shoulder. The plain hand was almost on his shoulder, and the temperature was a little hot, which made him uneasy like the tide.

"Did you listen to me? Oh, you are so hot. " Yetan lowered his head and was about to test the temperature of his forehead, but only saw him staring at his lips, swallowing his throat and rolling his Adam's apple.

"Ah," YeTan saw his pupils on fire, but he was interested. "What? Did you suddenly find the princess's peerless beauty? "

Xuanshangjun didn't even retort. He grasped Yetan's wrist and slowly pulled her to his eyes. For the first time, she found that her skin was white and warm. On her small face, her red lips were as delicate as cherry blossom. He want to have a taste.

Suddenly, he covered his lips.

Yetan only felt black before her eyes, and then her lips were hot. It took a long time for her to react-Shao Dian Qin kissed her. But the lip-tooth connection was not enough, and the tip of his tongue opened her lips to further invade possession.

Bastard! YeTan brain buzzing - he actually put out his tongue! God, it's disgusting! She held the beauty's thorn in her back hand, but the distance was too close, and her hand was pressed by the emperor xuanshang. Xuanshangjun took hold of her weapon and pressed her under her body, kissing her deeper. Yetan only felt a mountain on her body, and her struggle was like shaking a tree.

The emperor Xuanshang knew that he had to stop, but the taste of the people in front of him was so beautiful. The more he resisted, the more he fell.

Outside, I heard the noise rush in. As soon as he saw the scene on the couch, he flapped his wings and knocked on his bird's head: "Ouch! It's bad manners! No shame! " Xuanshangjun's response is to take out the beauty stab of Yetan and throw it at it.

He opened his beak, flapped his wings decisively and ran at the speed of taking off.

Yetan saw that he had lost his reason, and immediately stopped struggling.

As expected, the emperor Xuanshang kissed her wildly for a long time, and finally found a trace of wisdom. Almost with his last effort, he turned at Ye Tan into a walnut.

Yetan: "..."

Sometimes Xuanshangjun holds her, gently massages her with his fingers, sometimes lets her go, and lets her roll around in bed.

Yetan really rolled the bed sheets all night, but the painting style is not right!

The next morning, Xuanshangjun woke up, and Ye Tan rolled from his hand to the corner of the bed to make a walnut with his back to him. The atmosphere was very awkward. Xuanshangjun straightened his clothes without saying a word. After a long time, he couldn't stand at Ye Tan. Finally, she said angrily, "let go the princess first, you pervert!"

Xuanshangjun's face was pale with a morbid purples, until his appearance was very neat, and he finally picked up the Yetan walnut. Yetan looked at him in the palm of his hand.

He was so serious that he snapped, "forbidden fruit of spiritual cultivation? Where did you get it? "

Yetan brand walnut turned uneasily: "that The green dome fairy gave it to me, saying that it's a seasonal fruit for building wood knots. " Alas, Bidome, I have to do it. You can carry a pot for this princess again.

Bidome again! Xuanshangjun's eyes were cold, then he asked: "she sent it to you, will you eat it? How much did you eat? "

Er... "One..." said Ye Tan

"One?" said the emperor

A basket. Where dare you say more about Yetan? Heaven as a witness, I will never eat fruit again Her eyes turned, but the walnut was expressionless.

Xuanshangjun's eyebrows are full of rivers - just a forbidden fruit of spiritual cultivation, how can I move here? Did I have such a dirty idea of her?

But this... How is that possible?

For many years, even if the color in front of you is like spring flowers, you are also like a rock in your heart. How could it be....