Chapter 45

Evil clan.

At the edge of turbid heart lake, Qingkui gives the body tonic prescription to the demon servant sent by XiangLiu and tells him how to use it. The devil servant thanked him politely and turned away.

The maid Sushui said, "princess, how old are the high priest XiangLiu? There are many wives and concubines. Are you really effective in prescribing this medicine? "

Qingkui said, "I'm a doctor. I care for patients. I'm a part-time job. It's natural and effective."

"Su Shui covers her mouth and say:" I'm afraid there will be more demons who will find the princess to prescribe medicine later

Qing Kui walked along the lake and said, "it doesn't matter." As she spoke, she suddenly covered her forehead and hissed softly.

Su Shui hurriedly asked: "the princess's forehead hurts again? What's the matter? "

Qingkui sighed. She and Yetan were in pain. She knew that Yetan must have met with something difficult. But I can only do it in a hurry. I can't help at all. She said, "nothing, please go boating with me."

There are three different customs of the demons. In the morning and dusk, light and shadow are mixed into the lake. The lake is half colorful and half dark, which can be called a wonder of the world. Qing Kui can't like it in any way. She frowns deeply, but tonight on the lake, she is not the only one who has not slept.

There was something floating in front of her. She looked at it. It was nothing else. It was the head of nine monsters. Qing Kui took a surprise, the plain hand one finger: "that is what?"

When Su Shui saw it, he was shocked: "nine monsters! It's the magic boat. If it is here, it must be the Demon Lord. Princess, let's go back first. "

Qingkui didn't want to see the devil. She was about to turn the boat. Suddenly, the monster raised its head, and its hoarse voice clearly reached her ear: "Princess Yetan, please come to the devil."

Qing Kui heard, but no time to react, the boat has carried her and plain water, straight to the devil's boat and go.

As the boat approached, nine monsters reached out a head to pick it up. Qing Kui stepped on its neck, all the way into it.

As expected, the Lord is discussing the matter.

The queen of the devil and he sat on the top, with the three princes, Wu Dai, Ding Yun and Qifneg. Next to the high priest Xiang Liu, the devil will candle nine Yin, the mother of the corpse devil white bone lady and so on are all listed.

Qing Kui went to the devil and the queen of the devil to salute. The LORD said in a deep voice, "today, all people are here to discuss the candidates for repairing the ruins. You are the concubine of the demon family, and should not have concealed it from you. Sit down. "

Repair the ruins?

The brow of Qing Kui is slightly wrinkled. The empress of the devil has indicated to her maid to add a chair and arrange her to sit beside her. Qing Kui was still puzzled. The queen said: "before the world opened, it was chaos. Pangu opened up the world with Pangu axe, but at last it broke into three pieces, and Pangu died of exhaustion.

There are four boundaries between heaven and earth. But only at Guixu, there are still chaotic energy. "

Qingkui has been named Tianfei by the Shenzu since she was young. She knows these things very well. She said: "it is said that later, the gods and Demons sealed the ruins together with the ancient seal of Panlong, so as to ensure the stability of the four kingdoms." Later, she didn't say - in the biography given to her by the Gods, the demons didn't do anything good. They sealed the ruins together with the gods, but at the same time, they also attacked secretly, causing the gods to lose a lot.

The queen smiled and nodded, "that's right. But now, the ancient seal of Panlong suddenly appears cracks, and the chaotic energy in Guixu seeps out. People and demons are plagued by diseases, and gods and demons are dying early. If I let it go again, I'm afraid that in the near future, it will close the world and return to chaos. "

Qing Kui understood, she said: "so, we need the cooperation of gods and demons to repair the seals on the ruins again?"

The queen sighed: "exactly. Moreover, no one in the four realms can live in chaos for long unless Take Pangu axe pieces to enter. "

Qing Kui said: "but the pieces of Pangu axe have disappeared since the last war between gods and demons." ——If there are no fragments entering the ruins, will they not go to die?

The devil didn't speak, but he gave her a meaningful look.

In the boat, the spirits are very serious.

"There is a lot of danger in repairing the ruins. Only the most powerful people can be selected to cooperate with the Gods. I don't know if you have any candidates? "

The Lord has been silent for a long time. Now, the first warrior recognized by the demon clan is not others, but his eldest son, Wu Dai. Without the pieces of Pangu's axe entering the ruins, he would have died.

But the leader of the demon clan has no right to silence. And he said, "now, my demons are the backbone of my demons. But the danger of returning to the ruins is related to the survival of the demons. I will go from Wu Dai and Ding Yun Bi Dou to the winner. "

As soon as his voice fell, the devil smiled and said, "how can you forget it? We are not only Wu Dai and Ding Yun. Mockery has long been an adult

"Mockery?" The Lord frowned and glanced at the three children in the corner.

Under the eyes of the demons, Qifeng was safe and contented, and kept silent. But he waved his hand and said, "isn't it repairing the ruins? Why are you so bossy? I, Wu Dai, went to repair the seal. Even if there is no return, it's a pleasure! "

He was bold and dry, and Qifeng was still silent. The queen and Ding Yun look at each other, but the mother and son dare not say more.

——Of course, it would be better for him to volunteer. Otherwise, in case the devil chooses Ding Yun, what should he do?

Of course, no one has any objection.

Although he was a demon, he also knew that it was only because the birth mother of Odes had already passed away. In front of this child, in addition to his own father, no blood close relatives. Who will speak for him?

He stood up and said in a deep voice, "in that case, you are ready. But if you need it, you can speak directly to me. "

Wu Dai's voice was rough: "don't worry about your father, your children will not violate their orders!"

Devil Zun is in a bad mood after all. He leaves the boat.

Since he left, all people naturally left.

Wu Dai did not have the color of uneasiness. He held a pair of sky shaking axes and passed by Qingkui. Qingkui finally said, "Your Highness."

Wu Dai's footsteps are tiny. He has no good feeling for medical repair: "what's the matter?"

Qingkui said: "although your highness is brave, there are many old wounds on his body. Your highness, you really shouldn't support yourself. Let me take care of your highness and recover... "

Before she finished speaking, Wu Dai asked, "why, you are so good at medical practice that you can let me come back from Gui Xu alive?"

"Here..." Qingkui hesitated for a moment, and finally told the truth: "I'm not sure."

Wu Dai said coldly, "do more than that."

Words fall, he goes.

Next to him, Gu Haichao followed at Qifeng and said, "for so many years, your highness is still in this temper."

Sneer: "impulsive and stupid."

Qing Kui looked back at the past, he picked it up and stared at it, then he immediately smiled: "why, beauty has something to say?"

However, Qing kui, who was not close to him for a long time, actually went to him this time. What's more shocking is that her soft fingers hold his hand, pat him gently, and then turn away.

The beauty is fragrant, soft and greasy, and the smile of Qifeng is stiff on her face. Since she came to the demon family, Qingkui has been cool to him. What's the matter today?

He was in a state of the mind, and coughing gently from the valley and the sea tide nearby, he said with a straight face, "people have gone far!"

Qifeng jumped down from the boat of nine monsters and stood by the lake. His face was full of meaning: "beauty is beauty, and those little hands are as smooth as blood..."

Then he felt his tongue straightened and his body slowly lost consciousness. He looked down and saw his hands Green.

Yes, there are two bushes of grass growing on it. And soon, his whole body could not move at all, the grass sprouted all over his body, soon broke his clothes and covered him happily.

Gu Haichao used to walk with his head bowed, but the owner behind him was silent. He turned around and looked for it for a long time before he saw this green hill of grass.

There are two dark eyes in the grass mountain.