Chapter 67

-----------------NOTE: "MTL Translation .... Edited 100% Coming soon , you can join reading like that or wait when it is ok! ^^ "---------------

On the other lone star, the stars are like rain.

Under the fringe umbrella, mocking wind handed the wine bag: "the yellow rice wine was warm inside, and the princess took a SIP to drive away the remaining cold."

The green anemone took over and took a sip. A warmth spread from her stomach to her limbs, and she looked up at the shooting stars. But the light is far away.

From childhood, she knew that she would go to the Shenzu, bear the whole expectation of Li Guangshi, and become the Tianfei of the Shenzu and even the future Shenhou.

But now, I am trapped in the demon family. I can only see a meteor in the sky from a distance on this lonely star. I don't know what I'm doing. When can our sisters escape?

Qingkui frowned slightly, but as soon as she thought of Yetan, she felt a sharp pain in her birth. Night Tan... She hurt?

She was shocked in the heart, and the mocking wind immediately noticed. He asked, "does the princess have something on her mind?"

Of course, Qingkui didn't talk to him about anything. She said, "it's just a feeling. It's a pity that I didn't bring a piano today. "

Ridicule wind accident: "princess also understand Qin?"

Of course, green sunflower knows.

The whole Li Guang family thinks that the emperor in the heaven is rare to have a Qin, and the life magic weapon of rare to have a Qin is the victim's Qin. Can she not learn the piano?

"A little knowledge," she said

The mocking wind smiled and reached out. In the spirit boat, a black guqin, like being called, flew out and landed in his arm. Holding the piano in his arms, he led the green anemone forward a few steps. There was a piano platform in front of him.

"Who left it?" Qingkui is surprised. It seems that someone has come here.

Mocking wind said: "my mother Princess."

Green anemone understood, she sat down at the table, mocked the wind to set up the piano for her, even point on sandalwood, to dispel the taste. Qingkui's hand is always tuning. If the Qin knows, it will respond. Miss, worry, but just helpless. She looked at the open and lonely star, and her heart was all to Qin.

The mocking wind held her umbrella, watching the stars fall, beautiful people like jade, and the music in her ears like ripples in the deep universe.

On the other side, Yetan has no strength to curse.

Stars are boundless, meteors fall into rain, like fireworks in the vast universe. Mocking the wind in listening to the Qin, Qing Heng Jun alone drink. Ziwu holds Dilan Jue in his left hand and looks at the stars in his right hand. The gods and friends raise their glasses to enjoy this magnificent moment.

Only Yetan lies on the lonely star, motionless, like a dead dog. She has had too many diarrhea. She is about to dehydrate.

Xuanshangjun stood by, until she really scolded not moving, he finally said: "go back."

Yetan really killed his heart: "if the road returns, I will die. I won't bother you to move your grave. "

Xuanshangjun knew what was wrong. He bent over and put the warm stone he had just found into her arms. He said, "close your eyes."

Then, nightpan felt a sudden darkness in front of her eyes, weightlessness in her body, and the sound of her ear was like a stone bursting, which made her feel terrible. Star transit, space distortion. Yetan saw the reversal of air flow, countless meteorites and dust caught fire, hunting and burning. Xuanshangjun carries her and shuttles between the fire and the stars. The thunder starts, the wind roars and the rain pours.

Yetan wants to shout, but he hasn't called it out. He has returned to the south gate.

The whole sky is stormy, thunder and lightning roar as if the sky is falling apart. The hail fell like a child's fist. So the protoss who had just finished watching Liuyu star was first cooled by the heavy rain, and then immediately beaten by hail.

When the gods were looking for the culprit, they saw that the emperor xuanshang was wearing a headdress, hunting and burning in his clothes, and he appeared in the middle of the thunder and lightning, with a great momentum.

When the rainstorm extinguished the flames on his body, we could see that he was still holding a man in his arms. A woman.

At this time, can he hold the woman in his arms, in addition to the future Tianfei, who else?

The fire in the hearts of the gods has turned into the light of gossip - the princess Li Guang is a bit fierce. So soon, I'm in the right place with my husband?

Qing Hengjun stood in the rain, quietly watching xuanshangjun disappear in the heavy curtain of the rain holding the nightpan.

Behind him, coriander held an umbrella for him. At this time, he pulled his sleeve: "my second highness, our princess is back. I'll go back to Tianpa hospital first."

Qing Hengjun said, coriander put the umbrella in his hand, turned around and ran a few steps, and looked back again. Qing Hengjun threw away the umbrella without using the water avoiding charm. It's just a moment, it's soaked by wind and rain.

He seems a little unhappy.

Tian Pu Yuan. Coriander was the first to come back.

"Princess!" She cried out, "Princess! No wonder I didn't see you all night. It turns out that you went to star watching with Jun Shang! "

Her face "I know everything" smile, but xuanshang Jun bosom, night Tan did not answer.

Xuanshangjun's expression was not so good. He said, "go and invite the king of medicine."

Coriander ah: "Jun Shang, our princess is ill?" Yetan or do not speak, coriander hurriedly said: "is watching the meteor shower cool? Oh, I'm going to invite the king of medicine. "

She turned around and ran to the medicine King's hall. The emperor xuanshang walked to the inner hall holding Yetan. It was all OK, but I came back pretty!

It's flapping its wings, obviously in a good mood. At a glance, seeing the emperor xuanshang holding the nightpan, he rushed over: "Princess! Who are you going out with quietly. Hum. Worried about the color of his hat, he asked strangely, "is the meteor shower nice?"

It doesn't say it's OK. When he asks, he cries in the arms of xuanshang emperor.

Savage was so scared that he shrunk his head and asked in a low voice for a long time, "what's the matter?"

Yetan cried and cried: "if the princess becomes a God, it will be stipulated that no one in the future is allowed to watch the meteor shower! Whoever dares to go, I'll poke the blind one's eyes, then peel his skin, chop him into meat mud, shovel him out and feed the wheezing dog Whoa... "

She cried out of breath. Finally she struggled to get to the ground and cried heartily, "let go, my princess is going to the hut..."

Xuanshangjun: "..."

A moment later, the king of medicine came.

He went in to feel the pulse, but xuanshangjun didn't follow him. He waited silently outside the hall.

Until he came out, the emperor of xuanshang asked, "how is it?"

Yaowang looked puzzled and said: "the body was severely frostbitten and then burned. He took too much lead cream, which was quite toxic. " As he spoke, he couldn't help glancing at the emperor xuanshang.

What happened to the princess!!

In the inner hall, coriander applied medicine to Yetan. Yetan was crying with pain.

Coriander's face was sad: "princess, didn't you go to see the meteor shower with you? How can it be this way? "

When Yetan mentioned this, tears flowed.

I know what I've been through!!

On the lonely star, let's play a song of green anemone. Taunting wind smile gentle as lover, but in my heart I think about other things - according to the information from the scouting camp, Princess Li Guangshi Yetan was raised in the deep palace because she was born unlucky. She is regarded as a malignant tumor by Li Guangshi, who does not want to mention it.

But the beauty in front of us is noble and dignified, good at zither skills, refined and yellow, innocent and simple, gentle and kind.

How can such a woman be unlucky?