Chapter 73

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The huge skull looks up at the stars silently, and the wind of the universe passes through its empty eyes, whistling.

The temperature of the nearby star meteorite iron is very high, and the night pan is burned red. But she is still trying to survive: "besides, you know, I know all four magic weapons very well. After that, I will stay in the heaven, and I will try my best to make weapons, and become a horse and a cow for the gods of the heaven. I will devote myself to it and die later. "

Seeing that xuanshangjun didn't believe it, she raised her right hand: "I swear."

If so, it would be a way.

Xuanshangjun pondered for a long time - at the end of the day, she was just a woman who had seen all the heat and felt sorry for her fate. There was no need to let her die. What's more, the real green anemone is still in the demon world, so we can't disturb the demon family at this time. Moreover, it would be a good thing if she could really work for the protoss with her talent.

He said, "do you really want to live?"

"Think!" Night Tan chicken pecks rice.

The emperor xuanshang said coldly, "listen to what you said. First, from then on, we will strictly abide by the rules and regulations of heaven, and we will not do anything to harm the interests of the Protoss. "

"No problem at all!" The night pan is determined.

Xuanshangjun continued: "second, cut off all relations with the demon family, if there is any involvement..."

Yetan quickly added: "Heaven takes the hindmost The sky thunders. " When she said this, the bright lights of her forehead gathered and dissipated. Night is short still from do not feel, say: "I have made such a poisonous oath, you should believe it?"

Xuanshangjun hummed and reluctantly accepted the proposal. He said: "in order to avoid disturbing the demons, your identity is temporarily kept secret."

This, of course, should be kept secret. Nods in the night pan are like mashing garlic. After saving her life for a while, she began to wonder: "since you are going to repair the ruins, is that Qing Hengjun inherits the throne of emperor? After that, did my sister marry him? "

"You don't need to ask about these things," said the emperor

The same is true. "Night Tan said:" in fact, if she really married Qing Hengjun or

Xuanshangjun picked up his eyebrows: "OK?"

Night Tan pulled the sleeve, exposed his arm which was burned so badly that he could not bear to see it, and said with a sad face: "at least when Qing Hengjun ignited the fire for her and warmed her, he would not light it with her."

Xuanshangjun's eyes lingered on her arm for a while, and he stopped talking.

Yetan suddenly thought of a serious question and asked, "Oh yes, do you have any heritage?"

"Legacy?" Xuanshangjun is stunned. Why does this girl always say something amazing? Yetan said, "of course. On earth, if a husband dies, he will leave a legacy for his wife. Otherwise, how can I live alone and alone? "

"Is that still necessary?" Xuanshangjun frowned, thought for a long time, and said: "there are some of my cultivation experience, medical calligraphy volume, as well as my own magic weapon and pill, you can stay if you need."

It's a real legacy. Night Tan smile: "then I will go to the rainbow hall to see."

Xuanshangjun let out a sound, and the night pan rubbed against him. Xuanshangjun picked up her eyebrows, but she saw the fun and sat far away consciously.

He doesn't care about his dislike. For the sake of heritage, his attitude can be forgiven. Shaodian has a piano. When you die, my princess will take your inheritance first and then slip away.

Anyway, you are going to die. Before you die, I will show you the stars. Ah, how merciful Princess Ben is! She pointed to the nearest star on her finger and asked, "what is that star?"

Xuanshangjun took a look and said, "Sirius."

"Oh." Yetan nodded. "I saw it in the palace before."

"Sirius is very far away from the world. It takes eight years and six months for its light to reach the world," said xuanshangjun. So what you see in the world is actually eight years and six months ago. "

"Ah?" She asked, "if it falls, the world will be able to see it in the next eight years."

Xuanshangjun said, "well."

Yetan said, "which is your life star?"

Xuanshangjun pointed to a star in the distance: "it is connected with my life. If I die, it will fall and crash."

Night Tan slanted head to see: "it is also far from the world?"

"It takes thousands of years for its light to reach the world," said the emperor

That star is very big, night Tan a face sigh: "when I was a child, I thought the stars are only so big." She made a small circle with her hand. "At that time, my sister was designated as the divine Princess of heaven. I always wanted her to pick a string of stars for me when she reached the heaven. It should be as round as pearls, but brighter than pearls. Now it's really in the sky. I saw it with my own eyes. I know that the stars are so big. Some of them are potholes and ugly. "

Xuanshangjun stood up and extended his hand to the starry sky. The light in the universe condensed.

The stars drifted, and countless light blue dust floated around him. His side face was bathed in the starlight, with a kind of palpitation that was pleasing.

He holds his five fingers slightly, and those scattered stars gather in his palm and become a small blue planet.

Xuanshangjun polished it to be very mellow, so he handed it to Yetan. Night Tan in his hand, but see its tattoos such as flowers, trees, water and light, can not say the exquisite.

"This one is different from other meteorites. It's much more beautiful!" She was holding a light blue ball and couldn't let it go. Even the emperor xuanshang looks good!

Xuanshangjun said, "there is a fierce star in the seven nights in the north, named Wei Yueyan. Dangerous, high and dangerous, because in the end of the northern Xuanwu, such as the battlefield after the break, more bad than good. Therefore, when the star is on duty, it is also regarded as an ominous omen. From the light night Tan, with your qualifications, sooner or later there will be a day proud of the four worlds. I don't have much time. I can't see it. Today I will give it to you by the name of weiyueyan. May you be born like a star, bright in the sky, calm in the ground, able to bear the admiration and admiration, and able to stand the bleak and ordinary

The ghost wants to be gloomy and ordinary, and the princess wants all living beings to look up to! Yetan holds this miniature version of the moon swallow. Of course, he didn't listen to the instruction, but he really likes the gift. She nodded repeatedly: "yes, it will, it must be."

The answer was insincere. Xuanshangjun doesn't care - for those who don't keep their word, he has some ways to cure her.

Night Tan in the sky healing, green anemone in the demon do anxious.

These two days, Yetan has been unable to contact. Qingkui has a sharp pain. I know she's hurt, but I can't help it. She was fidgeting when suddenly a witch came in. Green anemone turned to look at the past, the witch smiled and said: "princess, Princess green anemone in the heaven sent you some fresh herbs, you can take them away." Finish saying, she also does not allow Green Kui to ask more, turn around to leave.

Princess mallow? Fresh herbs? Of course, Qingkui felt suspicious. She turned over the medicine basket and saw a magic weapon with light flowing under the herbs.

This is... Listen to Wanxia!