Chapter 90

-----------------NOTE: "MTL Translation .... Edited 100% Coming soon , you can join reading like that or wait when it is ok! ^^ "---------------

Turbid Heart Island, green anemone out of a long list, Xiang Liu asked also did not ask, immediately sent an urgent delivery.

She is busy inside and outside. Several elders of the demon clan are looking at the girl for the first time. She is also corroded by chaos energy, but it may be a short time to enter, not very serious. She didn't care about her own injury, just to help taunt wind scrub the wound.

There is no suitable medicine child in the demon family. She is busy but not flustered.

Although she is a mortal girl, she did not hesitate when she jumped into the market. In contrast, the second highness Ding Yun is not even a woman.

Lady Baigu, the mother of the corpse devil, did not disturb her, but asked the devil: "the princess is still in the cave, your highness Do you want her to come and see it in person? She must be worried about her own son's risks. "

The devil said, "come to invite the princess."

The attendant agrees to go to luoweidong quickly. But soon, she came back frustrated and said, "report back to the Lord. The princess said that there is your highness and the elders here. She is not worried. She's a very sick person, so she won't come. "

When the demons heard this, even the elders of the demon family were not ashamed. In recent years, we have prevented her in all kinds of ways, forcing her to be imprisoned in luoweidong. She has been ill for more than 2000 years. But look at other people's mind.

The queen of the devil bit her teeth secretly, but at present, she can't help but smile and fake care.


Xuanshangjun's situation is much more serious.

His whole body has been left with little flesh and blood. The emperor of heaven and earth, together with Shaodian's night clothes, reshaped his kung fu body with Qingqi. But soon, the two men sweated their hands off.

"How is it?" she asked

Fazu of heaven and earth is dignified and silent for a long time. Shaodian night clothes covered the emperor of xuanshang with quilts. After thinking for a long time, he said: "his Yuanshen is about to break up, relying on pure Qi Unable to repair. "

Then God stopped looking at his manners, grabbed his sleeve and asked, "what do you mean by that?"

Next to heaven and earth Fazu said: "after God and calm down, let me think of another way."

Then God came out of the inner temple. As soon as she came out, Qing Hengjun and Ziwu surrounded her. When they saw his brother and sister, they couldn't stop their tears.

Yetan sneaks out of the Chuihong hall when no one is ready - not only inherits a large amount of heritage, but also follows the access token of the emperor xuanshang. Now the whole Shenzu is busy for the emperor xuanshang, which is a good time to escape. She trotted all the way to Nong Qingge with barbarism.

In the Nong Qing Pavilion, Ziwu is not there - of course she is not. She is keeping her brother in the juchuihong hall.

Night Tan swaggered in, only to see the inner hall, a smooth little tiger wearing a weaver's fine cloud vest, wearing a necklace of star fragments on the neck, wearing delicate little leather boots on the feet, playing ball. There is sweet fairy fruit in the ball. If it is played properly, it will fall out.

These days, it has been playing very skillfully. You can eat all the fruit if you play.

So Ziwu gave it a lot. If it wasn't for the heaven's cleaning formula, I was afraid that the sweet fruit would be eaten too much, and the tiger's teeth would become cavities.

Because this day lived too moistened, night Tan went in to be shocked: "what are you doing?"

Dilan never glanced at her and ignored her. Yetan grabbed his tiger's ear and said, "only a few days ago, have you fallen to this level?"

"A few days?" The little tiger struggled to finish the last fairy fruit before roaring: "you know it has been several days!"

Yetan held him in his arms, and Dilan Jue kicked his four claws: "what are you doing these days?! I had a good time with Shaodian Youqin, so I forgot that I was waiting for you?!"

"My eldest young master, didn't I let you raise more wounds?" Yetan grabbed a molars bone and put it in his mouth. Then he put savage bone in his arms and said, "less nonsense, let's go!"

Emperor LAN Jue bah out of the bone, asked: "xuanshang king died?"

Night Tan inexplicable: "Why say so?"

The emperor LAN absolutely uses the claw to pick off the savage bird's head and says: "the defense of the heaven is loose a lot. I think something big happened. "

Yetan took him out and said, "although he is not dead, he is fast." At this point, her conscience awoke a little bit and sighed: "this man, in fact, is quite a pity. These four circles are full of hypocrites and greedy people. It's not easy to have a straight idiot who died so early. "

Then she ran out of conscience and said, "well, he died for his way, and I don't need to cry for him. Come on, Princess Ben has smelled the fragrance of freedom... "

When Dilan never entered the heaven, he studied the route of escape. With Yetan, he left Nantianmen and returned to the world all the way.

However, just left the sky, the night tan on the forehead of the rainbow treasure eyes, suddenly began to heat. Night Tan a hand to cover the forehead, casually put the emperor LAN Jue on the ground. Dilan never found out, and asked, "what's the matter?"

Yetan covered his forehead and said, "Shaodian has a zither to plant this magic weapon for me. If you violate the rules of heaven, it will happen. Heaven forbids to go down without permission. That old man, he is really a ghost and won't let me go! " She just scolded, and Hong Guangbao's eyes were even hotter. Yetan hurriedly said: "ah, he's not old, he's not old, he's rich and powerful, he looks better than Pan'an, and he studies Fu wuche Ah, you are such a magic weapon. When I take you off, I have to grind you into powder to feed the dog Hiss... Help, help... "

Dilan Jue looked at her forehead and touched her fingertips. There was a strange power in that magic weapon. He said, "there is a great power in zangzhihai, named dongqiushu. It is said that there is a great supernatural power. Even Shaodian and Youqin once admired his name and went to travel to study. I'll take you to him. He may have a way to remove this magic weapon. "

Yetan was grinning: "where is this honorable and lovely gentleman? I can't wait to see him! "

S from the strong wind, the flood drum ravine.

Tibet knows the sea.

A waterfall hangs between the Daise ravines. It is the spring that opens the blue sky and flows out. Yetan stood under the waterfall and looked at it, but there was only water mist in front of her eyes. What kind of figure was there? "Dongqiushu lives here?" she asked

Dilan Jue arranged her clothes and said, "Well! Sir, please

Night Tan Wu forehead, this time it is obedient, she shouted: "Mr. dongqiushu in?"

With the roar of the water in his ear, Dilan Jue said: "this waterfall is a border of Dharma formation, not everyone can enter the sea of Tibetan knowledge. Sir will try to test it. You need to... " Before he had finished speaking, all of a sudden, the mist in front of him disappeared and a clean white stone path appeared. A welcoming pine sticks out from the cliff, as if it is really welcoming.

Emperor LAN Jue Wei Zheng -- welcome song? Is this permission for us to go in?

Yetan but no matter how many, since there is a way, of course, it should go in! She climbed up the white stone road. After a while, I saw several clean courtyards on the hillside.

There are many books in my ear. There are people reading books here.