Chapter 103

-----------------NOTE: "MTL Translation .... Edited 100% Coming soon , you can join reading like that or wait when it is ok! ^^ "---------------

Morning and evening road.

The empress of the devil is ordering people to prepare a banquet. The devil says, "why does the empress mother invite snow to the banquet? In this way, didn't she lift the ban on foot set by the elders? "

The empress of the devil said softly, "she has made such great contributions to ridicule the wind. Even if she doesn't mention it, she will come out sooner or later. It's better to do this with the flow of water and people's feelings. It seems that our palace is magnanimous. "

Candle nine Yin said: "recently, mocking wind has been living in turbid Heart Island, which is taken care of by the mortal Princess herself. Everyone in the palace is talking about it. Now if this woman comes out, I'm afraid that the mockery will be even more powerful. "

The queen said, "if you want to break something, you have to lift it up so that you can use your strength."

In the evening, the demons came to the banquet.

Green anemone, holding the taunt wind, also entered the mat. In order to take a close look at mockery, empress devil arranged her to sit with mockery. They sat down, but this time it was different from the past. A demon family had come forward from a long distance to help support the mocking wind. With a smile on his face, the devil poured a glass of wine: "the wind is still hurting. First, drink a glass of wine to warm up, but don't suffer from the cold again."

Taunt wind hands over the wine, head up to drink. They are a mother, kind and filial.

In a moment, it's quiet outside. Demon Zun Yan Fang falls in love with snow and enters the table slowly.

This time, the seat arrangement is also very interesting. In the past, the princess could only sit next to the queen of the devil. But this time, the queen of the devil's moves and the princess sat around the Lord. Yan Fang didn't release Snow's loving hand until he was seated.

The demons stood up to worship, and nightpan stole a glance. But she saw the once God of heaven. She had high temples and black hair with a white hairpin. She was dressed in a black princess dress. Pearls adorned the silk dress into snow. She wore a white cloth between her arms. Covered with silk like flowers, long drag, elegant and easy. Just like its owner, it has never been in a state of depression for a long time, nor has it been widely publicized. It has a quiet and elegant appearance.

She sat down with the Lord, and the demons returned.

The devil Zun Yan Fang was obviously in a good mood. He looked at the taunt wind and asked, "how is the injury recovering these days?"

Taunting wind rises and bows slightly: "return to the father, recently Thanks to Princess Yetan's caress, the condition of his son's injury has improved. " As soon as he said it, he had a fit of cough.

Seeing this, Yan Fang said, "sit down. If you are not well, don't bother talking."

The mocking wind saluted him again before sitting down. The green anemone took away all the food that was not good for the injury in front of him.

The queen smiled and said, "today's feast is a celebration for the wind. But the first thing I want to do is to give sister Xue a drink. " She raised her glass and stood up, saying, "congratulations to sister Xue who has been in luoweidong for many years. Today, she is finally cured and can walk around."

Snow fell in love to stand up, raised the wine, light way: "I fell in the micro hole for many years, self-cultivation, but is used to. If I really let my sister out, I don't know where to go. "

She drank a little wine in the cup, and Yan Fang immediately said, "these years, there are quite a few scenes in the palace. In your spare time, I will accompany you. "

Snow poured out his cup and saluted him. Yan Fang pulls her up and still sits beside her. Although only a few words, but the meaning of love, but overflowing.

The queen of the devil grinds her teeth in secret, almost unable to hold on to her gentleness and magnanimity. She said: "don't forget, these days, Princess Yetan, who is away from Guangshi, has been taking care of the wind. She has done a lot to recover the wind so quickly. "

"HMM." Yan Fang said, "these days, night Tan also hard."

Qingkui got up to thank her. The queen smiled and said, "well, our feng'er had an engagement with Xuanyuan magic Ji of the scale family. It's really up to Xuanyuan to say thank you. "

Green anemone back slightly stiff, subconscious to see the wind.

——He has a engagement? Why have you never heard of it?

No, No. Even if he has a engagement, what is he panicking about?

When Qingkui was at a loss, Xuanyuan magic Ji stood up and said respectfully, "the queen said so." She walked slowly to taunt wind, poured wine for him, and then stood with taunt wind: "I have a toast to the princess with taunt wind, thank the princess for taking care of these days."

Taunt wind stared at the glass of wine on the dwarf table. Otherwise, all the demons in the palace will decide that Xiao wants to be the future concubine and covets the position of the emperor. The suspicion that has just been dispelled will be revived again.

He smiled, slowly grasped the pale gold cup, and said, "the mother is right. These days have been disturbing the princess, mocking the wind is really guilty. I... " Strange, a simple sentence, but also the words cone heart, a painting of pain. He takes a deep breath, smiles the same, says: "I and Xuan Yuan, to the princess."

"Ah." It took a long time for green sunflower to alleviate its embarrassment. She also raised her glass and said softly, "Your Highness, you are welcome. Your highness, for the sake of the four realms, makes danger by himself. To be able to take care of your highness is My pleasure. "

She looked up to drink all the wine, the liquor into the throat, spicy and bitter, let people have an illusion that they want to cry.

How absurd. Who am I? Why am I here to describe the embarrassment to an inexplicable person?

She sat back at the table, on the hall, and the voice of the devil's Queen was far and near, hazy: "speaking of it, feng'er is getting married. Now that he has made great contributions, it's better to be happy and complete his marriage with Xuanyuan. What do you think? "

Ridicule wind and Xuan Yuan stand side by side. Naturally, he listens to empress devil's words. He kneels down and says, "thank you, empress mother..." When he spoke, he held his palm slightly, and his internal power shook his heart.

"Poof -" his blood gushed out, and the magic hall was as bright and clean as a black jade, which immediately became scarlet.

He put his hand on the ground and gasped. The Lord quickly stood up and said, "what's the matter? Come on, help the third highness into the back hall! "

There are magic soldiers who come forward and help ridicule wind to the back hall. Qingkui naturally took the elixir and brought the water. Xuanyuan magic Ji smiled and said, "Princess Yetan, I'll come."

Qingkui then handed her the pills and water.

In front of the taunt couch were his parents, his brothers, and his wife, who had not passed by.

There is no place for her.

This demon family is to marry, for it is Yetan. I will go back to heaven sooner or later. Who is qualified to hurt?