Chapter 110

-----------------NOTE: "MTL Translation .... Edited 100% Coming soon , you can join reading like that or wait when it is ok! ^^ "---------------

——Your majesty, you are always in the sky, and I have tried my best! You must bless him that he hasn't had time to treat your little son. Otherwise, I will not be responsible for the later affairs!!

"Who are you?" In front of me, it seems that the voice of a zither is also stained with the warm fragrance of flowers.

I wanted to keep a charming standing posture, but when I saw that someone had a slender waist, weak shape and charming appearance like a zither, I was not as charming as him! She had to stand up straight and say: "I heard that young man looks beautiful for a long time. I I'm from the pillow. "

"From... Self recommended pillow seats? " I heard that a peach blossom was broken at the fingertip of a zither, and the smile on the corner of the mouth solidified, "I see that there are countless beauties like carp crossing the river. So frank and frank, girls should be the first. "

I don't have your charm, I can only be magnanimous!

Yetan greets Shaodian and Youqin in his heart, but he still smiles on his face and says, "I'm so flattered. May I come in and talk? "

In front of her, a peach blossom smeller Youqin looks at her carefully. She has purple clothes, black hair, and skin like clear cream. It's just that the water is running out and the cold pool is clear. The smoke is coagulating and the mountain is purple in the evening. "Of course," he said. Girl, please. "

Yetan just stepped into the dissolving peach blossom.

Under the sweet flowers and trees, countless beautiful people wear gauze, some wear brocade, or lean on, or lie down, or chant poetry, or play the piano. At this time, the beauties' eyes converged and fell on Yetan. Someone snorted, "Qin Lang has accepted the new man again."

Yetan turned around and looked at the source of the voice. Suddenly, it was even more disorderly - it was a man!

What kind of ghost is a lover!!

She looked around to see if Shaodian yuanxiu was in it. A woman holding a peach blossom fan went up and took the arm that smelled the man had a Qin. She was as soft as a bone and drilled into his arms: "Qin Lang, you promised to draw a fan for someone today."

Hearing that someone had a Qin, he gently encircled her slender waist like a water snake and said, "since he promised Yi'er, he would not destroy Nuo. Yi'er will wait for me in the painting room first, OK? "

The beauty named Yi'er looks like autumn wave: "that people will go, Qin Lang, you must come."

Hear a person to have Qin Wen Yan soft language: "I answer Yi son, when have false?"

The beauty then twisted her small waist and walked like a weak wind supporting the willow.

Night Tan saw a gooseflesh, next to a number of other beauties seem to have seen strange. Someone else said, "Qin Lang, today's ink is not strong. Please help others to have a look."

When he heard that someone had a piano, he leaned over to look at the ink. When he was unprepared, he started running!

On the peach blossom mountain, there are many exquisite wooden houses, some locked, some open. Night Tan hurried to check everywhere, finally in a small cabin, but also really find a little code far Xiu!

She rushes in, and Shaodian yuanxiu is unconscious. Night Tan patted his face and shouted for a while, but people did not respond. Hearing that someone has Qin coming after him, he stands at the door and smiles against the doorframe. "What did you do to him?" Yetan asked

I heard that someone had a tiny pluck at the corner of the eye of a zither, and I didn't know when to climb a peach blossom and half cover his face, saying, "what's the matter? Guess?"

Alas. Night Tan confessed to sigh a breath, will be little Dian far Xiu up and down to touch again, found that his clothes are complete, limbs are in! Thank goodness, he looks ok! Night Tan hurriedly from heaven and earth bag to find a white robe, white robe black lattice such as chessboard orderly arranged. She shakes off her robe and puts it on for Shaodian yuanxiu.

This... What operation?!

"What is this?" he asked

The night Tan wore the robe of Shaodian yuanxiu, and then he was relieved: "this robe is a magic weapon. It's made by a man of ability. It had no name before. But now, I think it can be called Yujie Bingqing robe! "

"Jade and ice robe?" I heard that Qin reached out to touch the robe, but the robe flashed a white light in an instant. The white light was like a net, forcing him to step back.

This white robe is a magic weapon for self-defense!

I heard that someone suddenly understood that the peach blossom in his hand covered his face and his smile was enchanting: "it's not only beautiful, but also interesting. It's a wonderful person. Is this man your lover? "

No matter how many night Tan, since the robe has been put on, the little code far away from the purity of the mountain. She has nothing to worry about. She said, "No. It's my friend. People stay here first. This magic weapon is powerful. Don't embarrass him. I'm gone. "

Then she turned and left. It's said that there is a slight frown on Qin's brow and he wants to stop him. However, the fingertip could reach her wrist, and his whole body suddenly solidified. The grey Taoyao Pavilion is like peeling off the fog!

Blue sky, green grass, and thousands of trees of peach blossom. They are so charming and warm.

The world has never been bleak. It's green and colorful.

In surprise, he took back his hand. The night has gone far away.

After the separation of fingertips, the color in front of people's eyes converged, and Taoyao pavilion was dark again. After a moment of intimacy, it is as far away as a dream. This woman can make him feel the world clearly and completely!

I heard that Qin chased people out, but there was only a pink flower rain outside. In the rain of flowers, there is no trace.

Tianjie, chongmo platform.

Bi dome fairy has not been out for many days. The God of Danxia was sent to the earthly world, and the power of Xia nationality was temporarily transferred to the hands of the neon God. Bi dome is like a fly without a head. For a while, it is sad and worried, even more helpless.

She was in a daze in the room when suddenly someone knocked at the door.

"Who?" Bi dome quickly dried his tears and asked.

"It's me, bu Weiyue. You open the door first. " Outside, there was a soft voice with concern.

Bidome opened the door and was stunned to see the man outside. The Xia nationality is powerful and has never had much contact with the Narcissus hall. In fact, step micro moon cross rob failure, fall to earth, the God on the Danxia is loved.

So Bu Weiyue would come to see her. Of course, she was surprised. She asked: "micro moon, you What's the matter? "

Bu Weiyue held the corner of his mouth with silk and coughed softly. After a long time, he said, "I heard that Danxia went down to heaven and suffered a lot. I'm worried about you, so come and have a look."

Bidome welcomed her to the room, poured tea for her, and said, "I Very good. Lao Weiyue is bothered. "

Bu Weiyue looked at her carefully and said, "the God of Danxia has always acted safely. What happened? Will your majesty suddenly let her go down to earth for a long time?"

As soon as she mentioned it, bidome hated her teeth: "it's all because of green anemone! She... She... " Bi dome can't go on - if you really care about it, it seems that you can't tell the mistake of "green sunflower".

Bu Weiyue smiled and said: "the God of Danxia is in the world, and the Narcissus hall will also send people to take care of it. Don't worry too much. Look, your eyes are swollen with tears. "

She reached out and wiped the tear marks on the corner of bidome's eyes. Bi dome sobbed and said: "the Mother God has been robbed by his Majesty's order. No one knows where she is going. Narcissus Hall Can you find it? "

Bu Weiyue sighed softly and said: "even if it's difficult, in the end, it's also a scene of Xianliao. In any case, I always need to find her before I feel relieved. "

Blue dome burst into tears: "then Can I come to see her? "

Bu Weiyue holds her hand and says, "I promise you that as soon as you find her, you will meet your mother and daughter."

"I..." Bi dome was moved in his heart. He bowed his knees and kowtowed: "today's grace of the immortal on the micro moon is engraved in Bi dome's mind. I will repay you in the future. "

Bu Weiyue holds her up and says, "good boy, why do you get up here?"