Chapter 113

-----------------NOTE: "MTL Translation .... Edited 100% Coming soon , you can join reading like that or wait when it is ok! ^^ "---------------

All the magic soldiers were serious. Qingkui carefully asked: "here is Haunted soul cave

When the firecrackers are off, a magic soldier puts on a scarf: "please wipe your hands."

Green anemone inexplicably wiped her hands, and a magic soldier came forward and smoked her all around with incense. That's when the demons come forward and open the door.

In the room, the woolen carpet is as soft as snow, but it's cool to step on. The most conspicuous one is the flying fresco on the wall. The painter took a lot of effort. He applied some magic skills to the painting. The flying fairy smiled and changed his dancing posture from time to time. He was very nimble.

One side of the piano stand is placed in front of the mural, on which the Guqin can be seen that it's not an ordinary one.

Jade inlaid on the left wing room's gums, carved with dragons and painted with Phoenix. The gauze is like smoke and mist, falling heavily. The bronze lampstand is high enough for one person. It is arranged on the left and right sides. The bright pearl on it can be seen clearly.

Next to the dressing table, bronze mirror is more complete.

Green anemone stood in place and dared not move.

In a short time, some magic soldiers came up with fresh fruits, cakes and snacks, and placed a full table. Green anemone has not yet sat down, these magic soldiers present a thick human recipe: "please order princess."

Green anemone is always calm. However, even such a calm person began to feel uneasy. Especially after taking this recipe!!

This recipe basically includes all the things that ordinary people can eat!!

Green anemone looked at their serious faces, and his heart slowly panicked? Am I crazy?! She asked, "the food in this Are there any haunted soul caves? "

The magic soldier was more afraid than her, and kowtowed tremblingly: "yes! Please do as you please! "

What are you afraid of It's me that should be scared, OK?!

The magic soldiers are almost crying: "go back to the princess, subordinates My subordinates are not afraid Not afraid. "

Outside the haunted soul cave, countless silver armor demons are hidden in the dark, and they speak in a low voice from time to time.

Silver armour magic armour: "look carefully, your Highness has ordered. Whoever dares to be disrespectful to the princess will cut off his head immediately. One head can be exchanged for one hundred baht. "

Silver armour demon B: "listen carefully, chop more heads back! Otherwise, how can we divide so many brothers? "

Silver armour magic C: "just now that guy said not afraid to the princess, the last two words suddenly increase the volume, is not to be regarded as frightening the princess?"

The guards of the haunted cave want to cry.

A scout camp.

Gu Haichao looked serious: "as you expected, people have sent it, and almost all the pills of the demon family have been collected. But the high priest XiangLiu, the high priest Wudai, and the chalullo were still quite unfair, and secretly all inquired about the situation of the princess. "

Holding a transparent jade bottle in his hand, mocking wind said, "gather these people together."

Gu Haichao said, "you are openly challenging the whole demon clan."

Taunting wind raised his head and drank all the potions in the jade bottle: "I know."

I don't know what kind of potion is in the bottle. As soon as it enters the throat, it will corrode the skin between his throats and make light scorch marks. Taunt wind slowly bite teeth, bear the pain of bone erosion. Gu Haichao can't see it. Help him to sit on the chair.

"Water?" He poured the water and handed it over. Mocking wind shook his head, unable to say a word.

Moon village.

The stone house is still there. Yetan took the gloves and shoes from xiuniang and ran all the way back to see the stone table and chair at the door of the stone house.

At the table stood a strong man, holding up a jar of wine in his hand, and said, "I'd like to offer you some good wine. Please come out of the mountain and kill a man."

Night Tan stopped, stone house, less code spicy voice from afar: "roll."

Outside the man a Leng, obviously he is not the first time to find Shaodian spicy eyes, but it is the first time to be rejected. He asked, "don't you like the nine gold liquid these days?"

In the stone house, Shaodian's eyes didn't come out, but a ball of fire flew out of the house.

"Stay out of the way." His voice was full of impatience. "It's holding me back."

He said he was waiting for someone. Night Tan is inexplicable is a sweet heart, footsteps as light as the wind: "less code spicy eyes!"

The man at the door managed to extinguish the fire on his body. He took the lead in looking at it, but almost instantaneously, a few pianos, like a gust of wind, had blown to the front of Yetan. His red hair is still wild and warm, and the golden and red lines on his white clothes are faint. He held out his hand, but suddenly withdrew it when he was about to meet the night pan. So I don't know how to put my hands.

Yetan found that she was also happy to see him. She handed over her gloves and shoes: "come on, put on your gloves and shoes."

Shaodian takes the gloves and puts them on obediently, then bends down and puts on shoes. Night Tan's eyes, with the people behind him. The man was also looking at Yetan's ill intentioned appearance.

Yetan frowned and asked, "who is he?"

Shao dianla's right hand is raised and a ball of fire is thrown. The man rolled away quickly. Shaodian put on the gloves made by tianguangling and looked forward to it: "it should be OK, you try it?"

Shaodian's eyes spread out their hands and looked carefully. Yetan picked his own flower and put it in his palm.

Sure enough, the flower showed no sign of burning.

Shaodian spicy head Zan back to her hair, night Tan took his hand: "come!"

She pulled Shaodian's spicy eyes far away. In the soil, a jasmine flower was in full bloom. Night Tan took the less classic spicy hand, to touch the petals: "you see! Can I feel it at will? "

Shaodian's eyes are fixed, and the White Jasmine spits out pistils between his fingers, which is intoxicating.

——It didn't wither.

Yetan was elated: "later, you can touch whatever you want."

"Touch what you want?" Little code spicy eyes asked.

Yetan said, "yes! There will be no more fires. " As soon as she finished speaking, Shao dianla held her face in both hands. Night Tan raised his head, saw his pupils clear, a few lines of fire flow, like the red maple floating in the autumn water.

Yetan raised a smile and asked, "am I beautiful?"

"Well," said Shaodian, looking down

This answer can never be heard from Shaodian. If he was there, it would be another irony. Yetan even had his lines figured out for him - he was nothing more than arrogantly saying: "the red and white skeletons, the skin and flesh, the superficial ones, ignorant and superficial."

Hum! It's still less spicy and cute.

The night pan teased him and asked, "how beautiful am I?"

For a long time, Shao dianla thought and said, "I am inconvenient to walk. I have never seen much scenery. But your smile is sunny, and your frown is like rain, like the four seasons of this world. "

"How can I say it's so sweet? Let me see. Is it honey on the mouth?" Yetan reached out to touch his lips, but his face was also very hot. She was so hot that she took hold of his wrist and blew her fingertips.

In fact, the breath he exhaled was very hot, but nightpan did not shrink back.

When he was anxious, his eyebrows and heart were all wrinkled together, and he had some shadow of the emperor xuanshang. But it's much more true than xuanshangjun, who refuses to let people go for thousands of miles, and he's right in front of him.

At your fingertips.

"Does it hurt?" He asked.

In fact, there is no such thing as a little scald. But when someone in front of me is worried, I can't help but want to hum for a while. Night Tan said: "pain."

Shaodian's eyes were worried and said, "wait for me here. I'll find some medicine for you."

He turned away like a warm wind. Savage angry: "do you do it? Just a little bit of scald, as for letting him find medicine? "

"Night Tan said:" so, you a bird will not understand what is called coquetry

Savage shakes his head and shakes his head: "of course, I know what is coquetry, but I know what is essence! Don't put yourself in it. "

"Ha!" The night pan is like hearing the joke of Tianda, "the princess has been in a million flowers, and leaves don't touch her!"