Chapter 141

-----------------NOTE: "MTL Translation .... Edited 100% Coming soon , you can join reading like that or wait when it is ok! ^^ "---------------

Sure enough, Qingkui picked up a piece of cake curiously on his face and bit it gently. Taunt wind smile, see her brow is tight first wrinkle, then slowly stretch out, unexpectedly revealed a sweet smile.

"It's wild vegetable bran cake." Although green anemone has never been eaten, as a doctor, she can tell what is inside.

"Is it delicious?" quipped the wind

Green anemone swallowed for a long time, and was almost stopped. Mocking the wind, hands are quick to see, and hands the hot water quickly. Green anemone water will be sent down the bran cake, for a long time to say: "difficult to swallow, but really fresh."

Mocking wind chuckled, but also picked up bran cake, but eat smoothly.

Green anemone saw that he seemed to be used to such a coarse food, and asked, "how can you swallow such a meal when your third highness is of noble birth?"

"When I was six years old, my mother bought the old servant around me and made him strangle me to death and throw me out of the demon family," she said

"How could such a thing happen?" Qingkui was shocked. "You are the third highness of the demon clan. How dare they do this to you?"

"Your Highness?" The mocking wind chuckles, "the identity of a child who has no strength and no protection is a piece of waste paper. Fortunately, the old servant was greedy. He took me out of the demon family, but he didn't strangle me. Instead, he sold me to be a slave. It was the first time that I came to the world. After three days of hunger, I knew that the people and the demons needed to eat because they didn't have clear and turbid Qi. "

Qingkui thought of the shocked look on the child's face at that time, which was funny and sad.

Mocking wind filled a bowl of pimple Soup for her again, saying, "I escaped from my master's house and drifted here. I have eaten such a meal for half a year. Every meal is expected to be full, but every meal is not. Even now, I always think about the taste when I'm hungry. "

Qingkui said: "half a year, no one from the demon clan wants to see you?"

Taunting wind shook his head: "my mother and concubine are falling in love with each other, and the whole demon family is wary of me. If I really don't see them, they will only celebrate. Who will come to find me? "

Green anemone was compassionate, patted his arm gently, and said, "Your Highness will surely do something amazing when he traverses the world."

Mocking wind took the pickles to her and said: "say it, maybe the princess doesn't believe it. I intend to command the world and all the demons to bow down, and I'm willing to take my beloved man with me to live in the countryside for the rest of my life. "

Green anemone tasted a mouthful of salted vegetables. In order to eat, the salted vegetables were also salty and astringent. She said: "if there is a choice, I also hope to be born in a normal family and open a small hospital. All the people in the world live a long and healthy life. My house is cold, so I can have a free tea and sleep in the flowers."

That is What a luxurious life. Mocking wind sighed in his heart, even I was so bloody and full of plans that I couldn't help but look forward to it.

Lei xiaze, the crab fairy shop earlier.

Emperor Lanjue said: "mocking wind cunning, cultivation and high-strength, I'm afraid Qing Heng Jun is not his opponent. What are your plans? "

"I'm not his opponent!" Qing Heng Jun is very dissatisfied, "this is called low-key, low-key understand?"

"Cut!" This time, not only did Dilan Jue and savage refuse to sell his face, but even Ziwu couldn't help laughing. Qing Heng could not hang on his face and said, "I'll go back to the army."

Night Tan said: "come to a mockery, as for?"

The other three almost said in unison, "not yet?!"

Yetan said, "of course not. Today, I think his face is blue and white. He must be seriously injured. You! " She pointed to Qing Hengjun and said, "you only need to disclose the information to Ding Yun. Ding Yun will naturally chase him as a street mouse. Their brothers are fighting against each other. We can take the opportunity to act. "

"How can you be so smart?" said savage, with his wings on his head

Night Tan a face complacent, be about to boast, retribution came!!