Chapter 147

-----------------NOTE: "MTL Translation .... Edited 100% Coming soon , you can join reading like that or wait when it is ok! ^^ "---------------

In the wing room, green anemone closed the door and leaned against it. She put her right hand over her chest and found her heart beating so hard.

From the day when she was sensible, she knew that she was going to marry the divine family. Although I don't know who I will marry eventually, my father still cultivates her little by little according to the preferences of the Protoss.

She is good at music, chess, calligraphy and painting, but she has never been so close to any man in her life. There are so many beautiful thoughts of daughters that she has never had before. Over the years, she has worked hard to learn medicine and study, just to make herself worthy of the status of divine concubine.

Even in recent years, the father and the master mentioned many times that it is possible for the divine family to establish Shaodian and Youqin as the reserve monarch. She never thought about what kind of person Shaodian and Youqin are.

The heavenly concubine of the Shenzu is just a clergyman in the heaven.

Her virtue matches her position, and she doesn't need to be moved.

But mocking the wind, like a stone thrown into the heart of the lake, has made several ripples after all.

Green anemone closed his eyes, slowly calmed his heart.

Riotous building, night Tan is also calming his heart.

Qinghengjun and Ziwu were worried. Dilan was so happy that even dongqiushu came to watch.

"If you hesitate for a while, Shaodian Ramu and Mei Youqin will come down." Barbarian stood on Dilan Jue's shoulder, flapping his wings to remind him. Night Tan molars teeth, a refers to di LAN Jue: "you go to tell the procuress, this princess wants to offer dance!"

"Dance?" "You can dance?" said Dilan

Before Yetan spoke, Ziwu said, "yes. Sister Qingkui's dance is very good! At the beginning, my mother God held a banquet in jiangque, Penglai, and my sister Qingkui danced, but even my mother God was full of praise. "

Er Night Tan a face modest: "small purple Wu, to be honest, in fact, at that time, I really prepared a dance, intend to ask God Emperor, God queen to enjoy it.". But your brother doesn't agree. "

"Ah?" "Purple Wu excites a way," the dance that elder sister prepares meticulously, won't be bad certainly

Next to him, Qing Hengjun is also very confident: "go."

Night Tan touched his nose, a bite of teeth, it is also open to go: "I go to change clothes."

Dilan is still a little uneasy: "if you don't want to, I'll find someone to replace you."

Night Tan Leng hum: "for me?! I haven't eaten pork. Haven't I seen a pig run yet? "

She was busy changing clothes. She heard that people like Qin, Mei Youqin and Shaodian Ramu were still waiting. For a long time, hearing that someone has a piano, he can still sit down. He waits quietly in the night. Mei Youqin can't sit still. He doesn't like the noisy world in the colorful building, which makes people impatient.

He stopped Xiaoer and was about to ask where Yetan was going. Suddenly, his ears were quiet and the lights were dim.

Mei Youqin turned to see the past, only to see the stage, the dancer did not know when to retreat. The plain curtain rises and covers the stage. However, the short silence attracts everyone's attention.

A moment later, someone whispered "ah". The original plain white silk reflects a delicate figure. It's a woman who has made a posture of shooting at the swallow. Across a thin white silk, she can't hold her waist and legs. Her clothes and clothes are floating like clouds. Her body is graceful and graceful, which makes people think deeply of her.

In a flash, the whole colorful hall suddenly lost its voice.