Chapter 166

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"Who?!" Turning back suddenly from the light, I saw a person standing in the shadow of the corner of the imperial study. The broad robe and big sleeves covered his figure, but his face had a strange pattern - like a serpentine pattern growing on his face.

Unspeakable horror and weirdness! Li Guangmin even thought he had a nightmare! But the serpentine man in the shadow came out slowly, his voice was like a viper, cold and dark, dripping the venom silently.

"Hand it in," he said

Li Guangmin suddenly remembered that he had seen such a snake pattern!!

"The son of God and devil?! How can it be?! " He almost lost his voice and shouted, "the gods and demons have given birth to their children. Because of the mutual exclusion of the two Qi, they are not only filthy, but also short-lived! You How can it be?! "

The snake grain man in front of him didn't listen to him. He was close to Guangmin and grabbed his neck: "where is the thing?"

When he was close, he could smell a rotten smell from the light. Those diseased lines are formed by the intersection of clear and turbid Qi. When it comes to a certain time, the skin and meat will slowly fester from the diseased lines. It is not only painful, but also purulent, maggots and smelly.

What's more, the stink they give out when they are rotten, if people and demons are infected, it is very easy to cause epidemics.

Therefore, the son of gods and Demons has always been regarded as filth by the four kingdoms. Not only gods and demons are disgusted, but also people and demons are absolutely incompatible. They were either burned to death, or they were quietly rotting into a pool of smelly meat.

People passing by, even one more look, feel dirty eyes.

In front of him, though he is also rotting, he has profound accomplishments!

From the light, the heart beats more and more fiercely - impossible. When did the four kingdoms have a son of a God and a devil, and have such accomplishments?! Now, what is he looking for?

When he was cold in his heart, what treasure could Li Guangshi have? It's worth looking for the son of the God and the devil hidden in the four realms?

... Zioderma lucidum

Sure enough, he thought just now. The snake man in front of him was hoarse and asked, "where is my local vein, Zizhi?"

All of a sudden, I'm glad that this man didn't take Zizhi from the earth! That black-and-white double flower is unknown to others. But he is a person who loves flowers and becomes infatuated with them, but he knows the origin of this wonderful flower.

This flower was originally born in the chaos of heaven and earth. After Pangu opened the sky, the energy of chaos was cut into two by Pangu axe. The rising of Qingqi has become the heaven realm where the protoss live today. The turbid Qi sinks and becomes the demon world.

However, people and Demons live together in the world of gods and demons. Because there is no clear and turbid Qi, the cultivation cannot be compared with gods and demons.

The four kingdoms have been stable for a long time, but there is an ancient flower named Zizhi in the ancient fragments. If it is in full bloom, it can control the energy of chaos, make the heaven and earth close again and return to chaos again. It is even mentioned in the fragments that there is a local fungus growing in the ruins. But legend is a legend after all. It's too old to hear a smile.

I didn't take it seriously.

Until that day fifteen years ago, he saw the flower with his own eyes!

Half of them are black and half of them are white. It is as like as two peas in his garden. From then on, he seemed to be hooked, carefully cared for and talked with flowers.

It's said in ancient volumes that it's very difficult for the ground vein to bloom. He didn't even think that he could wait until that day in his lifetime. After all, most of these ancient gods ignored time.

Is not the peach tree of the Queen's mother blooming once in three thousand years and bearing fruit once in three thousand years?

But this local fungus thrives under his daily chat. At last, it produced the most beautiful flowers in the world. What a gift from heaven! How can such a beautiful treasure belong to the rotten and dirty son of God and devil?