Chapter 168

-----------------NOTE: "MTL Translation .... Edited 100% Coming soon , you can join reading like that or wait when it is ok! ^^ "---------------

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Night Tan a startle, ear thunder and lightning strike, such a sound, he can hear it?

She allows Shaodian to cover her mouth with her eyes, but she dare not move. All of a sudden, Dongqiu pivoted his right hand, and a flash of lightning stretched like a string. Dongqiu is like plucking a string, but his piano is the boundless sky.

The thunder was deafening, the mountain and the stone were hit by lightning, and the stones were flying. Shaodian hot eyes tightly hold the nightpan, and let the gravel like locusts strike themselves. His sleeves covered his face. Night Tan in front of a vast expanse of land, nothing to see.

Her ears are broken by the stones. Shaodian's eyes hold her too tightly. She knows the danger, but her eyes can't see it. It's hard to avoid uneasiness. She pushed Shaodian's eyes. Suddenly, something covered her face softly across the sky.

From the center of her brow, I pecked and kissed her all the way, skimmed over the tip of her nose, and stayed at her lips.

After a long night in the pan, she suddenly realized that Shaodian's eyes kissed her. His lips were full and soft, with shivering itching across the thin white silk.

For a moment, the stones and lightning were not enough to fear. Yetan carefully responds to him. Shaodian's eyes feel it. He holds Yetan's hand and puts it at his waist. Let her touch every contour of her body.

His hard chest and strong waist Night Tan heard his heartbeat, heavy as a drum.

What is a kiss? It's blood, it's the heart, it's the mind, it's the God, it's the water.

Xuanshangjun once kissed her, but there was a big difference between them - at that time, she just wanted to bite his face. But Shaodian's eyes are not the same. His breath pesters her. She closes her eyes through a thin layer of sky light, but she can see all his things clearly. Let her Want to be close, want to have.

At this moment, the voice in her ear did not exist. She reached out and wanted to untie the tie between Shaodian's eyes and waist. Shaodian's eyes are slightly shocked, and she suddenly holds her hand.

——It's impossible for him to be close to her, so the body with different fire can't be close to anything. It was the illusion given by tianguangling that made him greedy.

Little code hot eyes stupefied, night Tan also momentarily from the meaning of chaos in love in awake.

I don't know when all the sounds outside have stopped. Xu shidongqiushu is not sure if someone is there, just a move to test it.

Shaodian pulls back her sleeves, and Yetan's face is not covered by tianguangling, so she can't hang immediately - what is she doing next to tianguangling! She looked around and pretended that nothing had happened and said, "that It seems to be all right. "

Shao Dian's eyes ignored her, but he looked at her deeply, pretending to be calm: "what are you looking at?"

"You've bitten the sleeve." Said Shao Dian lightly.

The night Tan simply has no face to see a person, angrily scolds: "shut up!"

I'm so uneasy to die!

Night Tan covered his face and ran away. Shao dianramu was about to catch up. Suddenly, he saw a stone with a strange shape. The stone is engraved with strange words, which Shaodian read carefully. It says: "the little princess of the light family has a good appearance, virtue and virtue, is dignified, has the ability to pull mountains and surpass the sea, and covers the talents of the world..." He frowned, quickly omitted a large number of boasting words, and looked at the end, "today's lofty aspirations are not paid, sleeping here, the sun and the moon are mourning, heaven and earth are sad."

She .... I intend to die here.

Shao Dian is stunned.