Chapter 180

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There are 14 disciples under xuanshangjun. Awed by the majesty of the master, the young people are not brave to make mistakes in the Chuihong hall. At this time, they are divided into two rows according to the rules, standing in the Chuihong hall and waiting respectfully.

When the emperor xuanshang came out of the inner hall, everyone felt that his long, smoke gray hair was tied up with a silver crown, his inner garment was still white, and his waist was inlaid with dark blue star fragments. When he walked, he was like a wave of light.

The blue stars perfectly set off his appearance. It seems that for many years, heaven and earth have been created, and then the qiongzhi tree is condensed. It's just too cold. The gods in the dream, no matter how beautiful they look, can only be feared and dare not have evil thoughts.

So he chose the robe woven by the Xia people, and the collar stood slightly, slightly covering his long neck, only revealing the hidden Adam's apple. Originally extremely ascetic dress, but in the shoulders of the Department of delicate bead network.

When he sat on the temple, the bead trembled slightly, which made the heart tremble.

Feichi and Hanmo stand with their heads down. They dare not even look at each other.

"I congratulate you on leaving." Wenquxing leads his younger martial brother and younger martial sister to worship him with great ceremony. It's not surprising that the heaven calls xuanshangjun a recluse. He glanced at the palace and immediately raised his eyebrows - Yetan didn't come.

Why not come? His voice was slow, and he was not angry. He said, "has everyone informed me?"

Wenquxing hurriedly said, "return to Shizun, younger martial brother and younger martial sister are all here." He looked around, thought for a while, and then understood. He quickly added, "Princess Qingkui of Tianpa hospital has also been informed."

Just as his voice fell, he came in at the gate of the palace, groaning in the night, still standing on his shoulders.

Xuanshangjun's eyes were drawn by the thick purple and solidified on her. She didn't dress very much today, but she had a beautiful peacock feather tied around her waist, which was lively and charming.

When she entered the palace, she did not have the consciousness of being late at all. First she glanced at the end of the bidome, and then she quickly found a seat for herself.

Xuanshangjun sat down slowly, but for a while he was speechless.

Wenqu star just thought that he was angry again, and suddenly he dared not go out. Night Tan is to see the fruit on the short table, she picked up a fruit, bit a, frown down. The fruit of the Chuihong hall is too plain. She doesn't like it.

Xuanshangjun took back his eyes and found that his disciples were still kneeling.

——Is it a loss of soul?

He put on his gaffe and said lightly, "get up, sit down and talk."

Wen Quxing and other Xie en sat down, and Xuan Shangjun tested and taught them their lessons one by one. It's said that it's a test to teach the disciples, but the mind turns a thousand times. How could it be put on the disciples? It's just that disciple man Dian of the sect, with the master's shelf, can't go up to talk with Yetan.

——Her sharp mouth can give him a good look?

I don't know why I think of the kiss across the sky. At that time, she wanted to untie his belt. If it wasn't for the fire No She didn't want to untie her dress belt. She wanted to go with the ugly Shaodian Ramu If it was not for the fire, she would not have done anything!

Xuanshangjun's face is becoming more and more ugly.

Night Tan idle boring, but also swept a glance xuanshang Jun. At this glance, she immediately felt angry, and whispered to savage.

"This guy, isn't he hurt? It looks great! " Her face was uneven.

Savage said, "Shh, don't you think he looks good?"

Night Tan more uneven: "he can only take the hand, that is, this face!"