Chapter 192

-----------------NOTE: "MTL Translation .... Edited 100% Coming soon , you can join reading like that or wait when it is ok! ^^ "---------------

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The teenagers chattered, and after listening to the story, they couldn't help asking Ziwu, "who is that fairy beside bidome?"

Ziwu glanced at it and said, "it's celadon. The new Narcissus emissary is in charge of the development and thanks of Narcissus. "

Night Tan Oh, asked: "Narcissus What is the relationship between Bu Weiyue and her? "

Ziwu said, "the fairy on the moon is her master. All daffodils, as long as they are intelligent and cultivated, will be taken care of by the florists and taught some magic and skills. But only Hualing emissary's favorite flower essence can give them their first names. If they can give them their own surnames, they will be their own disciples. "

Night Tan nodded: "that makes sense."

Purple Wu a Leng, ask: "what matter?"

Yetan said, "when I went to the world, coriander was infused with a salt tea. I also said that who hates me to such an extent that even a fairy in my palace has to die. "

Ziwu hurriedly shook his head and said, "coriander's salt tea. My second brother inquired about Feichi, saying that it was Bi dome's work. Step celadon is cultivated by the immortal on the moon, and has always been gentle. Besides, she and coriander have no grudge and no hatred. It won't be like this. "

Yetan asked, "didn't you and bidome used to be very good?"

"That was before! The Mother God is very unhappy about the God's affairs in Danxia. But she even started to play with an innocent gong'e. both the father and the mother have forbidden me to play with her. Now, everyone is far away from her. Only celadon is kind-hearted and still manages her. " Ziwu took out two notes and said, "the other day in class, I asked people to take two notes, one for each of us."

Night Tan took notes, said: "a good person is not good, not so."

Ziwu asked, "what do you think?"

Yetan points her forehead with her finger and says, "look at it with this."

Ziwu then covered his eyes with his hands, turned his head for a long time, and said, "you are deceiving me. I can't see you here at all."

"Here and here..." The night pan was terrified.

In the school, the teenagers have their own playmates. When they are talking to each other, the emperor Wenchang comes in.

Suddenly, all the students stood up and shouted in unison, "Hello, sir."

The emperor of Wenchang nodded and looked at me for the night. He was still stern, but his voice was soft. He said, "you've lost a lot of homework these days. Come to me to make up lessons after school." With that, he raised his hand and saw a flash of light. A volume of Dharma had appeared on the night pan table.

The young people's heads follow this streamer and turn to the past, only to see that the volume of Dharma is the manuscript of the emperor Wenchang. There are his detailed comments and explanations on it. For a moment, all the young people's eyes were round. Bidome was even more furious: "Sir, I love her too much! I am proud of the sick leave I have taken for so many days? "

Beside her, Aojiang, the prince of the Dragon nationality, could not help but say, "it's about taking into account her future status as Tianfei, so it's hard to lose the face of Shaodian."

Step celadon glanced at him and said, "don't you know who you are, sir? When did you take other people's face into consideration? In my opinion, this is the outstanding talent from the light green anemone. You, too, are among the best of the Oracle family. But who has ever had a page and a half of your manuscript? "

How can other teenagers get the thrill? Look to night Tan again, cross the eyebrow to be angry immediately.