Chapter 204

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Seeing Ye Tan's dissatisfaction, Shao Dian Xiao Yi suddenly increased his tone: "Qing Ji, things start from you, you say!"

Qing Ji stammered: "Return, return to your majesty. The day before yesterday, Qing Ji discussed spells with Princess Qingkui in the book bag, and the princess was defeated."

Next to him, Yuan Niu Shangxian snorted: "Shut up!" Xiaodian Xiaoyi

said, "Speak the truth, and forgive you for not guilty!"

Qing Ji had to bite the bullet and said: "Who knows that the king came to Lei Xiaze that night, and used the same spells to discuss with... my ancestor. The ancestor was defeated by the king, and he was also defeated. What happened So, the little one never said half a word. I don't know why the rumors came from outside."

Shao Dian Xiao Yi patted a few cases and asked, "Qingkui, is it true at this time?"

Ye Tan said, she grew up. I'm used to Dapi, and I won't be scolded by Li Guangyang for a day, even if I have performed well. So even in the face of Shao Dian Xiao Yi's anger, she was not afraid. She just said, "Mr. Xuan Shang hit your ancestor?" She had a flash of inspiration, and suddenly reacted, "No wonder you came to follow me early in the morning. I beg you."

Xiaodian Xiaoyi said in a deep voice: "You are all classmates in the book bag. As a goddess concubine, you should be tolerant. How can you remember your success or failure when you compete against each other? You don't think about your mistakes, but encourage others to do you Being jealous, how can such nasty means be worthy of the word "good"?"

Ye Tan didn't say a word, she was not interested in arguing between right and wrong-since she was a young girl, who had argued so many times, who would really be fair to herself? !

She was not afraid of being punished, and let Qing Ji see it later when she came out. It's just that Mr. Xuan Shang is standing up for himself, why hasn't he ever heard of him? !

In the seat, Shao Dian Xiao Yi said: "You secretly used tricks, tricked right and wrong, and instigated the king. Punished into the Palace of Bizheng, copied the scriptures and meditation, regretted for three years!"

Copy books, three years to copy? Just as Ye Tan was about to speak, suddenly someone outside the hall said, "Slowly."

Ye Tan turned back suddenly, and saw Emperor Xuan Shang hurriedly walking. He was as bright as a star and moon, and as soon as he entered, the palace filled Tsinghua University. He quickly walked to Ye Tan's side and said, "Father God, this matter has nothing to do with her." It's

okay if he doesn't show up. At this time, he came in uninvited and contradicted, undoubtedly adding fuel to the fire! Shao Dian Xiao Yi said angrily: "You have always acted very well, but now you are avenging yourself for a woman! Where do you put Shao Dian's family discipline and discipleship?!"

Xuan Shangjun glanced at Yuan Swamp Immortal, Yuanzhuo Shangxian has already vomited out of bitterness-who is making trouble!

"Father God's face!" Xuan Shangjun blocked Ye Tan. Even in the face of Shao Dian Xiao Yi's monstrous anger, he was still as stable as a mountain and his face remained unchanged: "Qingji is unfair by deceiving each other by his cultivation. She never told her children, let alone instigated her. The fault is not in her, and the father cannot punish her."

"Asshole!" Shao Dian Xiaoyi was more angry, "I originally thought that you were just confused for a while. Now it seems that , You are actually fascinated by your mind."

Xuan Shangjun refused to give up and said: "Father God, children and ministers have a clear mind , and have not been deceived. Qingji is more than six hundred years old, and teaches Qiang ascending to heaven with such a spell. Is it true that a 15-year-old human woman is not wrong? Of course, the Shaodian family cannot be partial. But because it cannot be partial, it should not be lenient to the outside and harsh to the inside. Otherwise, how can you convince the public?"

"Jiao Qian ascends to heaven?" Shao Dian Xiao Yi's eyebrows frowned. Of course, he knew that such spells were not fair for discussion. He immediately asked: "Is this true?"

Qing Ji had already been so scared that he was so scared that he kept kowtow: "Your Majesty forgive me, the younger one just listens. Said that the princess was extremely talented and she was dissatisfied. Only then did she deliberately provoke the princess and wanted to make her be embarrassed. Little damn!"

Yuan Numa Shangxian also trembled: "Xiao and Xiaoxian also think that this is the fault of Qingji. It has nothing to do with the princess and the emperor."

Xuan Shangjun also knelt down and said: "Father God Mingjian."