Chapter 218

-----------------NOTE: "MTL Translation .... Edited 100% Coming soon , you can join reading like that or wait when it is ok! ^^ "---------------

Bu Weiyue ordered all the daffodils to dispatch, search for Bu Celadon. She herself left the Salt Mountain-that belt was obviously owned by "Liguang Qingkui". Before his death, Celadon also mentioned Dongqiushu. Dongqiushu is not a nosy person. What is the intersection between him and "Liguang Qingkui"?

Bu Weiyue only had to think about it for a moment, and she felt that what Danxia God had said before was indeed reasonable. The identity of this cheap maid is in doubt.

Thinking of this, she went directly to the Demon Race, planning to visit the Demon Queen.

The Mozu forgets the river, and the flowers of the other side bloom undefeated. The purple air is faint in the river, and magic fish can be seen frolicking from time to time. Now the ridicule wind is fighting against the poor sang, and here is Wu Dai's defense.

As a Protoss, Bu Weiyue couldn't get in. But the Mozu's temperament is bloodthirsty and greedy, and there is nothing that Mozhu cannot solve. Bu Weiyue knew these rules well, and she spent a lot of money to not only enter the Demon Realm, but also easily entered the House Demon Queen's No Confusion Pavilion.

Bu Weiyue still drifts with the water, but Bu Weiyue can hardly recognize the queen's tricks!

She saw her hair in a fluffy bun, her face turned yellow, and her eyes were scattered and dull. She leaned in the pavilion, her clothes drooping, she crushed a flower from the other bank in her hand, and her fingertips were mottled red.

Bu Weiyue was secretly frightened--it was only a few days before the heroic move had actually become like this.

Can such a mad woman really help me?

She thought so in her heart, but people could not help stepping into the pavilion.

"Bu Weiyue has seen the Queen of the Devil." She respectfully saluted, but the Queen in front of her did not respond, just muttering to herself: "Ding Yun, look, how nice the flowers of Wangchuan are." She

She picked another flower from the shore and said softly, "You said that the queen will always bloom undefeated like these flowers. You see, these flowers are still blooming." She was already confused, and walked Weiyue. She knelt down in front of her and said, "Ding Yun is dead."

She was merciless and poked at the sore spot of Yingzhao, but Yingzhao did not seem to hear her. Bu Weiyue had no choice but to continue

: "You know who killed him, don't you?"

"Who killed him?" The eyes of the heroic move slowly turned red, as if being mad

Bu Weiyue felt a little bit of comfort in her heart—just hatred. It's just... mocking the wind... Didn't You Qin admit that this was his work? Why did Yingzhao keep saying that the murderer was mocking the wind?

Bu Weiyue frowned and asked tentatively: "The mocking wind killed Dingyun? Did the queen see it with her own eyes?" With a

palm of the hand, Bu Weiyue avoided it. She palmed the wind across the pavilion and hit the huge waves: "It was he who killed my child!" She was bloody, and slowly seduced: "But now, the enemy who killed him is still alive, the devil But the queen has withered to this point. Does the queen know that Xiaofeng has cleanly pushed the charge of killing Dingyun to Lord Xuan Shang. I'm afraid he will become the crown prince of the demons within a few days."

"Push it to Monarch Xuan Shang?" The expression in the eyes of the queen finally became clear.

Bu Weiyue said: "Exactly. Now, in the name of avenging his brother, he is leading troops to attack poor sang. After this battle, I am afraid...the Devil Realm will change hands. Zigui, I'm in the twilight of the Lord."

She speculated about the thoughts of the queen. She hates mocking Feng so much, and she must hate her biological mother even more.

Sure enough, when she mentioned Xue Qingxin, venom dripped from her eyes.

"That bitch don't think about it!" The queen stood up abruptly, but was dizzy and almost fell into Wangchuan.

Bu Weiyue hurriedly supported her and said, "The empress is overwhelmed with sorrow and grief. I am afraid it hurts the soul." She sat down with Yingzhao and said, "At this moment, sadness is of no avail. The enemy is still proud, Niang Niang. How can you pity yourself?"

She thought for a while, and deliberately led the disaster to the princess who was sent by the Liguang clan to the demon clan, and said: "Also, the princess who the Liguang clan originally planned to marry the demon clan, Now... I'm afraid I will also belong to Xiaofeng."

She deliberately listened to the response of

, Yingzhao gritted his teeth as soon as he heard this person: "This cheap maid, she was a mocking recommendation, I'm afraid she had an affair with him. Pity me Dingyun, who was naive, was innocent of being victimized by the culprits..."

Her tears rolled down, like beads. Bu Weiyue was naturally indifferent to her grief.

——So stupid, deserves the bleak evening scene.

She was not here to comfort her. She was determined to inquire about something beneficial to her, and said: "His Royal Highness Dingyun really didn't know the cause of death?" The

hero said: "Zhu Jiuyin and my son met together. After attacking, he rushed back after being poisoned and told me personally that Ding Yun was killed by the mocking wind. He also said..."

Yingzhao was stunned, and Bu Weiyue asked hurriedly, "What else did he say?" The

queen thought for a long time. , The whole person is initiating.

She recalled the words of Zhu Jiuyin word by word: "He said that the mortal princess of the Mozu is a fake! This so-called Princess Yetan is actually the Liguang Qingkui who was supposed to marry to the gods of the heavens!" These days, She was deeply sad, and she couldn't think about the words before Zhu Jiuyin was about to die. I suddenly remembered today, and my heart was shaking.

"Xue Qingxin and her bastard have long wanted to kill Ding Yun, trying to get a big position!" Yingzhao's breathing gradually became short. Bu Weiyue almost laughed out loud—you have a piano, look, even the heavens help me!

She whispered: "If I were a mother, I would never sit and wait for death. Whoever destroys my hope, I will ask her to survive, but to die!" Yingzhao

held the railing of the pavilion tightly with her right hand and her nails broke. Fingertips soaked in blood. It seems that until this moment, she has carefully looked at Bu Weiyue: "Who are you?"

Bu Weiyue slowly backed two steps, and floated down and bowed: "Going to the palace of the gods daffodils, I would like to do my best to help the empress. Revenge and hate."

Her voice was hoarse. After she became sober, she was not confused, and asked, "What do you want?"

Bu Weiyue also ignited a cluster of fire in her eyes: "Shaodian has a piano." The four words told everything.