Chapter 224

-----------------NOTE: "MTL Translation .... Edited 100% Coming soon , you can join reading like that or wait when it is ok! ^^ "---------------

Qingkui is the most uninjured person, and immediately prepares medicine and equipment. These demon soldiers are already committed to life and death, and want to be proud of their deaths in battle, so how can they let her be treated?

One by one, holding his last breath, climb out of the camp.

The blood bats were dragged back regardless of the three seven twenty one, and the whole army camp was bloody. There was the one who abused Qingkui, and the blood bat had planned to drew out the knife to kill him. Qing Kui said hurriedly: "General Blood Bat, don't care about them."

Next to him, Laughing Wind gave a look, and Blood Bat understood it in his heart-everyone already knew the situation. The Crown Prince of the Demon Race is undoubtedly the Third Highness. Looking at His Highness San's licking of the dog, who still needs to say who the Queen is?

He made a decisive decision, took off his socks, and blocked the swearing soldier's mouth! When the camp soldiers saw it, they blessed their hearts and followed suit. In a short while, the insults turned into "Mmm" and "Wow..."-I was vomited.

Qingkui couldn't help but turn the pain medicine into water to wash the wounds for the wounded soldiers. In a short while, the vague insults in the camp became smaller and smaller. The wounded soldier looked at his wound with suspicion.

——It really doesn't hurt anymore.

Although a warrior is not afraid of death, a warrior who does not fear death will suffer. They look at me, and I look at you, all silent.

Qingkui will treat each person with bones according to their different injuries. The magic soldiers were still embarrassed at first, and after a while, they began to jump in the queue.

Xiaofeng sat aside, poured a glass of wine, and stared at the woman surrounded by magic soldiers. She wiped the fine sweat from her forehead from time to time, and she was too busy to give him a look.

He watched it for a long time and didn't realize that the time was long.

Liguang Qingkui, like this name, was born toward the sun, warm and bright. People who attract attention are obsessed with nostalgia.

On the bank of Nai River, Monarch Xuan Shang fell asleep.

He sat leaning against the willow tree, his eyes closed slightly and his breathing was shallow. Ye Tan was walking around, but he did not wake up either.

He has such a cultivation base that he rarely gets sleepy. However, escaping from the Palace of Bute, breaking through the enchantment of the heavens, almost consumed all his energy. Ye Tan couldn't bear to wake him up, but was really worried about his sister.

She leaned over and turned around on Monarch Xuan Shang. After a while, the "baked sweet potato" will be found.

Monarch Xuan Shang fell asleep, because the difference in cultivation level was so great that Ye Tan didn't even know if he was injured. But at this moment, his face turned pale, his whole body was lethargic, and soft as a baby.

Ye Tan quietly used roasted sweet potatoes to contact Qingkui again.

Poor Sang and Qingkui were busy healing the soldiers, and the magic weapon shook in her arms. Of course she noticed it. However, because of the crowd, it was not convenient for her to talk to Ye Tan, so she did not respond.

Ye Tan was pacing anxiously. Behind her, Lord Xuan Shang suddenly said, "I will accompany you to see the Demon Race?"

"Ah?" Ye Tan was taken aback by his sudden voice, and hurriedly hurriedly baked the sweet potatoes. Hidden in his arms, "I thought you were asleep."

Monarch Xuan Shang stood up and cleaned the dirt on his clothes with a cleaning technique.

Ye Tan felt uneasy and asked in a low voice: "Are you...are you okay? If you are tired, I can go to my sister by myself."

Xuan Shangjun felt warm in his heart and said, "It's okay!"

Ye Tan was still uneasy. I don't know about Xuan Shangjun's injury, his exhaustion is also clear. She said: "But you are tired, if you meet the Demon Race and recognize your identity..."

Monarch Xuan Shang was despised by his sweetheart, and finally became somewhat aggressive, and said, "I can deal with the devil in the area."

But as soon as the two entered the demon clan, Monarch Xuan Shang regretted it.

The Mozu did not recognize the identities of the two of them. Not only did they fail to recognize them, but when they saw them, everyone was quite enthusiastic.

In the lively night market, a child ran over with a flower basket and said: "Grandpa, my daughter is so beautiful, can I buy a flower to wear?"