Behind the Hydrangea Bush *Trigger Warning!*

Drake hovers high above Rayne's cabin, watching as she and her neighbor yell back and forth through the rain. He listens carefully as Rayne lies her way around their encounter. His thin lips smirk, impressed with her quick wit, and he turns and flies slowly away. He wishes he could have stayed longer but he knows the scrutiny Rayne could face if the townspeople found out he was coming to see her. Still, even speaking with her momentarily has left a strange, bubbly feeling in his chest. Though the feelings brought on by this young woman frighten him, he can't help but want to explore them. Drake soars lazily back to the mountain when he hears faint shouting below.

"No stop." A young voice pleads. Curious as to what's caused a scuffle so late in the night, Drake descends onto a nearby rooftop. He sees two boys in a barn, one much younger than the other. The door is propped slightly open, allowing Drake to peer inside. "Please don't Frankie, it hurts when you do it." The youngest begs again. He sits upon the older boy's knee, his face twisted with sadness and confusion. One of the older boy's hands rests high on the kid's leg and the other lingers on his back under his shirt. Drake cringes and his stomach turns as he realizes the situation.

"It's okay buddy." Says the young man, "I love you." He trails kisses from the kid's ear to his lips. The young boy squirms uncomfortably. Drake's eyebrows furrow and anger burns in his chest at what he's seeing.

'This must be stopped.' He thinks to himself, stepping forward but pausing. 'What about Rayne?' He hadn't planned on attacking anyone in her village again after he saw all the hurt he caused last time. His thoughts flash to the lonely look in her beautiful blue eyes. He glances back at the two boys in the barn. 'No, I can't allow this to continue.' His thoughts determine. Drake closes his eyes and rolls them back into his skull. He inhales and begins to float until he hovers slightly above the cabin. Slowly, the pale skin under his shirt begins to turn a deep, matte black. Drake tilts his head back and extends his arms out at his sides. His features morph as the color spreads over his body, covering him. His normally lean frame swells large with hard muscles. His chin, nose, and cheek bones lengthen to a chiseled point. The tops of his ears extend to a thin, sharp tip and his fingernails grow out to long claws. A thick, black shadow-like fog surrounds him. Drake's canine teeth protrude over his slim lower lip and he opens his eyes which have turned a bright, flickering red. Swiftly and quietly, he jumps off the rooftop. He doesn't want the younger boy to witness what he's about to do so he grabs a large rock and hauls it effortlessly at the side of the barn. It smashes into the wall with a loud thud, causing the two boys to flinch.

"What was that?" questions the older one. He sets the sad young boy down. "Hold on Elijah, I'll be right back, stay in here." Elijah nods and hides behind a large bale of hay. The young man steps out of the barn, fastening his pants. Intense rage growls inside Drake because of what he's seeing, making the flames in his eyes burn brighter. "Who's there?" The skinny youngster asks as he walks nervously around the side and into the darkness. He squints at the two small glowing eyes in the distance, unsure of what they are. "Is someone there? What do yo…" his words are cut short as Drake suddenly lunges at him from the shadows. He takes his throat in his hands and slams him hard against the wall. His razor-sharp claws sink deep into his skin. The boy gasps and his eyes bulge wide with fear as Drake lifts him from the ground. Drake throws him toward the back of the barn, the kid lands rough on the ground, crying out. Drake runs over and grabs him by the roof of his mouth, dragging him behind a large hydrangea bush. Snatching him by the ankle, Drake lifts off, flying high into the clouds. He dangles the skimpy young man in front of him. "No! No please don't hurt me!" He screams. Drake tilts his head condescendingly and narrows his eyes.

"It's okay buddy." He repeats patronizingly, "I love you." Drake smirks and the man's eyes pop with terror as he realizes his horrific acts have been seen. Drake snaps forward and sinks his two teeth deep into the pervert's neck, piercing his artery. He takes long, thirst-quenching gulps and the boy's body begins to go limp as the blood drains from him. As Drake drinks, the now dead young man's skin turns grey and wrinkled like old paper. When he's finished, Drake inhales sharply, satisfied with his meal. He drops the lifeless body and licks the blood clean from his lips before taking of rapidly into the sky toward the mountain. The body lands hard in the dirt next to the barn. Twisted and curled unnaturally, it waits to be found.