Japan Versus South Korea IV

"Limit Break!" Mariposa stated as she unleashed the level 200 skill given to summoners.

With one skill, Mariposa unleashed all the soulbounds in her arsenal. Seven bug soulbounds are now present in the battlefield. The Undaunting Stag Beetle, the Psychedelic Butterfly, the Crystal Mantis, the Generator Centipede, the Sonic Dragonfly, the Stink Bug, and the Wyvern Hopper is now released in the battlefield.

[All soulbounds of the player Mariposa has been released due to the Limit Break skill.]

[Soulbounds will have 50% more stats for the ten minutes that they are summoned.]

The spacious stadium suddenly started to feel small with all the bug soulbounds in the area. All the gigantic bug soulbounds started rampaging towards the enemy team. The one team member of the South Korean national team could not keep up with the onslaught and died as a result.