Side Stories: Shepherd of Lost Souls III

"She must not do that or else she might become an undead. Even worse would be her soul perishing which means she will no longer be able to go to the afterlife. If that happens then people who knew her would eventually forget her." Adrian stated as there are dire consequences of souls vanishing.

"My time has already passed my dear grandson. I am sorry that I will not be able to see you have a child which is why you must make sure that you get married soon. A love child is not bad as this is a new generation." The old woman stated.

"Grandma!" The grandson reacted with embarrassment.

"I am just messing with you, but I am also very much serious." The old woman stated as she hugged her grandson or one last time.

"Can you not go?" The grandson asked once more but her grandmother only answered him with a smile.

"I shall now proceed with the blessing." Adrian stated as he placed his hand on the old woman's forehead.