Connected Soul II

All the enemies that charged towards Yumeko's house were now frozen in time which made even the guards that were fighting incredibly shocked. Their shock did not last long because a voice suddenly echoed in their heads. They were told to immediately kill all of those that have attacked them while they cannot move.

All the rebels that ransacked the place looked in fear as they were helplessly slaughtered without a fight. The fear of dying was etched into their very core as they could see that their bodies would only start to move once they fall down from getting killed. The scene was incredibly shocking as even blood will not flow out upon getting killed while frozen in time.

The scene of a rebel getting his head cut off and then only getting separated with the head still floating haunted them. It was such a surreal experience that the guards stood there in shock when they won the battle. A large shadow could be seen sweeping the house once all the rebels were killed.