The dimension's walls suddenly weakened, and two holes formed as two interesting things destroyed it. These two things are none other than the souls of the two cloned Primordial Beast Kholomodumo that Adrian and the Daemos elders sent to the main world. Adrian tried to stop one of the souls from entering the Primordial Beast Kholomodumo in the Wilde, but he was too late in blocking the other one.
Just when Adrian thought of the soul from the clones Primordial Beast Kholomodumo will enter the main one, branches of the Tree of Life and Death could be seen stopping the other one. Levin Cloud was able to detect the soul easily because of his connection with the Tree of Life and Death. They were able to stop the two souls in merging with the original Primordial Beast Kholomodumo.
"That is not fun." A voice from the skies that sounds like voices of numerous people suddenly stated which made all of the peoples' soul tremble.