Proper Method To KS

Chen Yifei's Sheriff had a fifty-seven percent win rate, so it was considered a champion she was quite confident with.

Chen Yifei took a look at Chen Mu's Golem that had a hundred percent win rate out of one match. It looked pretty good, but a single match was not a worthy reference.

What convinced Chen Yifei was that day's solo match. The fact that Chen Mu's Riven was able to mercilessly solo kill her opponent at level-1 utterly altered Chen Yifei's point of view toward the game.

At first, Chen Yifei wanted Chen Mu to pick Rui Mengmeng again. However, Chen Mu stated that the champion was not one of the weekly free champions, so she let it pass.

It was only after Chen Yifei had locked in her champion that she realized that they were in the fricking privilege area. All the champions were free to use, what bloody hell did it have to do with the weekly free rotation?

True enough, the weekly free rotation had nothing to do with it. It was simple— Chen Mu did not know how to use Riven. If he picked that champion and got killed, the bold and powerful image he had would topple over.

After helping the jungling Mumu with his blue buff, the two went bot lane. Chen Yifei started to become more focused on landing her last hits to increase her CS.

Chen Mu cast his Q as soon as he laid eyes on Ashe and hooked her. Chen Mu had acted that way because he realized his opponent was about to last hit one of his low health creeps.

Sidestepping was not something one could do while last hitting. Furthermore, ordinary players usually walked backward once they landed a last hit. Hence, the way Chen Mu cast his Q was at a 30-degree angle. That way, Ashe would be hooked if she was at the edge of the angle, as well as if she turned around and walked backward. In the latter case, she would be in the center of the Q that had been cast. 

Such angled Qs could be used to cover a larger area than a straight line. If Ashe wanted to avoid the Q, she would have had to form a ninety-degree angle with Golem's hook and displace herself by moving toward her upper right.

Since Chen Yifei and Chen Mu had been matched with ordinary players, their opponents never thought about any of those complexities and were hooked once they met with Golem.

Chen Yifei shrieked in surprise and immediately took a shot at Ashe.

With that, Ashe used her Flash without a second to lose after letting out a wretched scream. She would have been killed immediately if she had not done so.

"Your Golem actually does have high standards. Is your next hook going to be as accurate?" Chen Yifei asked.

"Of course, I'm someone that once practiced the Dragon Claw Hand," Chen Mu replied.

As soon as Chen Yifei heard the words Dragon Claw Hand, she was reminded of a time in their childhood years. When Chen Mu was younger, after watching Stephen Chow's Royal Tramp, he became obsessed with the Dragon Claw Hand.

Chen Mu used to practice it by digging his hand into a pot of sand, and he got a severe beating when old pa found out about it. It was one of those dark memories Chen Yifei would often laugh about for many years to come.

The method Chen Mu had used to train was obviously for the Iron Palm. However, he had used it to train his fricking Dragon Hand Claw.

It was not until Chen Yifei watched the film herself that she finally realized what kind of abomination Chen Mu was practicing.

Chen Yifei immediately stomped on Chen Mu's feet when she heard his words.

"My skill is almost up, are you ready?" Chen Mu asked as he blatantly ignored the pain on his feet. The most important thing to him at that moment was getting ten consecutive kills.

"Yep, hook them."

Chen Mu cast his Rocket Grab and hooked Ashe once again. He did not understand; but if he was the one playing Ashe, he would have dodged it by retreating and slightly moving aside. Why were all the players so rigid?

Ashe's health was not full, and she had no skills to escape. After a decent amount of struggling, she successfully respawned at the Fountain.

Sheriff drew first blood because Chen Mu's hook was too darn precise. Only the poor little support Leona, the Radiant Dawn, was left. Leone did not dare take even a single hit at the creeps.

Just as Chen Mu was about to land his hook on the Sun Lady, he finally saw what he would have done in Ashe's position as Sun Lady successfully turned around and dodged his hook.

Chen Mu took a mental note that by turning around, one could actually dodge specific skills. The moment his next hook was ready, Chen Mu immediately cast it at the spot where the Sun Lady was headed and managed to pull Leona, the Radiant Dawn over.

The same technique would not work against a Saint twice.

Chen Mu hooked Leona over but was stunned by her instead. Nevertheless, the Sheriff continued to attack her. Hence, the only thing Leona could do was turn around and retreat. At that moment, Golem cast an Uppercut that made her lose half of her health. In response, Leona took a potion and went into complete hiding.

"Your hook is so accurate, Big Brother. Give me some tips," Chen Yifei said. She thought that having such a precise hook would make it too easy for her to get more kills.

"It's based on movement speed; calculating how fast an opponent moves and observing their habits. You need to predict whether they'll walk straight ahead or turn around. All in all, there's about a seventy percent hit rate," Chen Mu explained.

"Your ability in mathematics sure is handy. You managed to articulate that?" Chen Yifei asked.

"It's easy. If you can't calculate it, just take out a ruler and measure it," Chen Mu replied.

"You… Couldn't possibly have taken a ruler out to measure it, right?" Chen Yifei was baffled by him. One could use a ruler when they were playing computer games? It was the first time she had heard of such a thing in her lifetime.

Chen Mu simply nodded his head. It was nothing. Last time, Chen Mu had taken out a calculator to calculate strategy speed for Warcraft. He took almost half a day to calculate it because since he wanted to play it right, he had to make good use of all the resources around him.

Back then, Chen Mu had a low APM and was horrid at maneuvering. He could only make up for it as much as possible with the advantages he had in other aspects.

Thankfully, League of Legends did not require one to have a high APM count. Hence, it was deemed very suitable for someone like Chen Mu.

Throughout the next few minutes that followed, Ashe practically met her worst nightmares again and again. After being continuously hooked by Golem, Ashe began to feel weary of life. A reason for this was that Ashe had no abilities that allowed her to dash. Hence, she was hooked whenever she stepped up to score CS.

Leona was obviously the much more adept player. She had typed in the chat to instruct Ashe to stay behind the creeps. Nevertheless, Golem immediately cast his Overdrive in response and went over to Fist her personally.

Within the span of five minutes, Ashe had respawned at the Fountain as much as three times. On the other hand, the Sheriff had successfully gained three kills with zero deaths; it was an easy game for her.

Chen Mu then noticed something was amiss. If they continued to play that way, when would he get the chance to get ten kills? If he did not get the kills, who would pay for the internet fee?

Thus, Chen Mu started to calculate his total current damage. Golem was at level-6 now, his Q was level-3, E was level-1, and R was level-1.

He added up the damage of all his abilities which were a hundred and ninety, a hundred and sixty, and two hundred and fifty. 

He had precisely six hundred points worth of damage. Ashe's current magic resistance was at 34 points. It meant that she would receive twenty-five percent less magic damage.

Thus, if Chen Mu cast all of his abilities on Ashe, he would inflict six hundred times seventy-five percent points of damage.

It was exactly four hundred and fifty points. Hence, if Ashe's health was below four hundred and fifty points, it would be an instant kill.

A single health bar grid stood for a hundred points, so Chen Mu could strike the moment there were four-point-five grids left in her health bar. 

Chen Mu was beginning to become impatient in getting his kills. Hence, he urged the Sheriff to hit Ashe until her health bar reached four hundred and fifty points.

Then, he took his shot!

"Stop KSing," Chen Yifei said in dissatisfaction.

"If I have the ability to KS, why should I let you have the kill?" Chen Mu asked.

"I'm the ADC. Kills can increase my damage."

"I'm the support. Kills can get us wards."

The two bickered while they killed those in the bot lane. Within fifteen minutes, they were able to push their way to the enemy's inhibitor turret.

Ashe had been reduced to tears by his teammates, so she started retaliating by trolling them instead. She stopped farming altogether and stayed away from her lane.

Sheriff and Golem both had a score of six kills. They had killed the duo in bot lane as much as twelve times.

Chen Yifei brought Chen Mu along to retreat. If they continued to push, a bunch of players from the opposite side would come over and gank them.

At this time, Chen Mu was already equipped with AP items. Golem's Q and R both benefited from one hundred percent AP bonuses. Hence, every item that increased his AP even by a little bit increased his AP damage.

If Chen Mu's AP was high enough, the damage he inflicted would be baffling.

Chen Mu knew the cost and attributes of each item by heart, so he was ready for the Colossal Grail and a Needlessly Large Rod.

One would be used to increase his damage and mana regeneration, while the other one would be simply be used to increase his damage. The two items would make it much easier for him to KS.

PS: Teaching all of you the method of how to calculate damage in the game. Hoping everyone will nimbly put it to use and learn how to KS just like Xigua. 

  1. A nickname for Riven that originates from the Chinese Web Animation LaLaLa DemaCia depicting the hilarious misadventures of characters from LoL.
  2. Nickname for Amumu, the Sad Mummy.
  3. In the film Royal Tramp, the hero of the movie decided to learn Dragon Claw Hand from his master after he was shown how it could rip apart clothing around one's breast area.
  4. The author is perhaps referring to a saying from the manga turned anime Saint Seiya, of which the Saints are highly adaptable, so they seldom relapse into the same mistakes. Saint Seiya, the main character, also has a similar appearance to Leona.
  5. APM is an abbreviation for Actions Per Minute. It is a term used in video games, particularly real-time strategy and fighting games, which refers to the total number of actions a player performs in a minute.
  6. A nickname for Athene's Unholy Grail
  7. Xigua is an uploader/streamer in a mainstream Chinese video-sharing website based in Shanghai called bilibili. His uploads/ streams are themed around animations, comics, and games (ACG).