Impudent System

A match cost around five bucks. Hence, if they could consistently achieve Legendary every single game, they could continue playing forever. What kind of process was it, you ask? It was basically a permanent pass for them to keep on going online as long as they kept at it. 

Chen Mu was in a good mood. He did not feel a single hint of stress as he dealt with his nightly training and tests. 

His CS training that night commenced with another champion named Karthus, the Deathsinger. The champion possessed skills that had super short CDs and a Q that restored mana with each minion he killed. Nevertheless, Chen Mu was not allowed to use those abilities and was forced to build up his CS by only auto attacking.

The champion's mechanism was extremely convoluted! The ballistics behind the champion's AA was obviously not designed with human use in mind—it was obvious that the champion had been designed for players to CS with his Q!  

The System would never take Chen Mu's complaints seriously and instead only increase its demands exponentially. It demanded that Chen Mu reach eighty-nine CS in ten minutes. 

The CSsing process was long and arduous, but Chen Mu eventually managed to complete his mission. After some investigation, Chen Mu found out that the last three champions he had used for CS training were the three hardest champions to use to build CS in the entire game. In theory, there were no more such monstrous champions he had to use for now.  

The System appeared for Chen Mu's nightly training as promised and started to ask him questions on experience points. The questions were randomly chosen from Level 1 to Level 18.   

"What is the amount of experience needed to level up from Level 15 to Level 16?" 

"One thousand six hundred and eighty-five points."  

"What is the amount of experience needed to level up from Level 13 to Level 14?" 

"One thousand one hundred and seventy-five points."  

"During a match, in the situation where you do not kill any jungle creeps and do not have a support, at which minion will you be able to reach Level 2?" 

"Level up when I kill the seventh minion."  

"Self-improvement question: Why should top lane champions fight for Level 2?" 

"... new style today? Based on my personal understanding, you should go for Level 2 no matter what position you're playing in. The moment you hit Level 2, your maximum health points see an increase of about ten to even more than a hundred points. Your armor points as well as base attack damage increase as well. Not to mention, you'll have the advantage of having one more ability than your opponent at your disposal. If you chose the summoner spell, Ignite, you'll also experience an increase of twenty points of true damage. This damage increase takes place each time you level up. Hypothetically, each level up also provides fifty points of damage to a single ability. Therefore, in such cases, the difference in health points between two opposing champions will be around a hundred points to hundreds of points. Whoever that is at a lower level will have no chance in withstanding the higher level opponent's damage. 

"Therefore, if you hit Level 2 first, you'll probably win nine out of the ten fights you get into as long as you don't agro all the minions. Evidently, this excludes champions who have particular abilities which are extreme.  

"Whether you kill your opponent or not, at the very least, you'll obtain the advantage by suppressing your them." As though writing an essay, Chen Mu articulated his analysis as he usually did. They were indeed his findings from using the Hand of Noxus throughout that an entire day.  

The combat strength advantage obtained from hitting a higher level was obvious. It had been proven when Chen Mu, who was still figuring out the game, managed to single-handedly slaughter his opponents in a blind pick match just because his opponents were not aware of the game's leveling up mechanism.

"The Host's understanding is in-depth. Next, we will learn about each champions' abilities. Our goal is to remember each champions' abilities including their passive, damage, CD, effects, range, cost, combos, whether they can be canceled by Cleanse, and whether they can be canceled by Mercury's Treads…"  

"Hold it, you shameless System! Let me think. Each champion has five abilities including their passive. There are currently more than a hundred champions. You mean for me to memorize the description of all five hundred abilities?" Chen Mu hurriedly cut the System off. With each day that passed, the System's demands were growing more and more out of hand. Was the System trying to exhaust Chen Mu to death?

"More accurately, there are currently a hundred and six champions in total. The next champion will be released is Zed, the Master of Shadows. He's still a work in progress. The Host is not required to know that. You only have to learn about the hundred and six champions that are currently available," the System answered.  

Chen Mu felt like his insides were about to explode. 'A hundred and six! And I 'only have to'. The kind of nerve you have!'  

"And here I am, I thought that the heavens sent me a miracle. Surely such a mysterious System that suddenly appeared in front of its Host would speak of sophisticated matters? 

"Never would I have expected to hear such crude words from you. A hundred and six champions; five hundred and thirty abilities; nearly thousands of stats. I haven't even been given the privilege of using cheat codes to improve my memory or to increase my learning efficiency. 

"I have to do everything myself. Tire myself to death. Memorize everything until my hair hangs upside down. Yet, you still dare to throw at me such a statement, 'Oh, it's just a hundred and six champions.' I've never encountered such an impudent System before!"  

"Please don't be frustrated, sir. Please think about how you managed to memorize hundreds of millions of English words in the past. Were you not able to memorize them perfectly? As long as you're interested, none of it will be a problem. Even if the System doesn't force you, you'll still work diligently toward it. 

"The System informed you long ago that you've been wasting your time studying. Give everything you got into memorizing the in game stats and you'll be invincible in League!" 

"What goddamn hundreds of thousands? There are only three thousand five hundred English words that are commonly used. You wouldn't use a hundred thousand English words even if you reached Band 8 in your TEM, okay?" Chen Mu was at a loss for words. He could not believe that such a silver-tongued System existed. It was as though the System spoke impudently with the accompaniment of a clapper. In other words, the System had admitted that Chen Mu could only depend on himself to memorize all the stats and would not receive any help in strengthening his memory or anything of the sort by the System.  

"Rest assured, sir. This time, the lesson will be distributed across a week and averaged daily. In this manner, the Host's stress is reduced. In addition, the Host will be able to enjoy a free draw after accumulating a thousand points. Perhaps the Host will get something useful from the draw," said the System.  

"Well, aren't you boiling a frog now? I don't believe you," Chen Mu said in dissatisfaction. 

"Nevertheless, you cannot go against it. Play more and you'll fall in love with the game. Alright, let the lesson begin. Today, we will introduce each champions' abilities in ascending order of their price, starting from the cheapest one, 450 IP." The female voice who had been in charge of tutoring Chen Mu ignored him and started the lesson right away. 

"Hold on a sec. Why are we starting from the cheapest one?" Chen Mu inquired. 

"Because you're poor. Unless you're willing to top up cash to purchase champions? No, I don't think so. Thus, stop asking nonsense and start listening to the class!" 

"..." Upon hearing the female voice's reply, Chen Mu choked on his own words. 'Damn, that was a goddamn good point,' thought Chen Mu. The champions had prices that were so expensive they were enough to send him to an early grave. 

If he purchased champions with real-life money, it would easily cost him tens after tens of yuan. The money that he had obtained from bargaining with Zhuo Xiaobai would not be enough for him to buy even a few champions.   

Moreover, that discussion excluded madly exorbitant skins. One look at a champion's original art and one would understand why prestige skins cost up to two hundred bucks.  

All things considered, under the System's intricate tutelage, it was yet another fulfilling night for Chen Mu. There was no difference in strength between the champions that cost four hundred and fifty IP and those that cost six thousand and three hundred. However, the cheaper champions usually had simpler ability mechanisms as opposed to the expensive ones. They did not provide the same excitement as those champions that cost six thousand and three hundred IP. For example, the moment Chen Mu laid his eyes on Jayce, he realized that he had miscalculated.

He learned that certain champions had two sets of abilities. Therefore, it amounted to more than five hundred and thirty abilities... 

Feeling as if he had walked right into the System's trap, Chen Mu continued to glance at Kayle, the Righteous' abilities range from time to time as he made his way to school.  

The moment Chen Mu put down his bag, he noticed Zhuo Xiaobai yawning at the back of the class. The latter's eyes were slightly surrounded by dark circles. 

"What happened to you?" Chen Mu asked.  

"Let's not talk about it anymore. I stayed up the entire night watching the match. That stupid country is in a different time zone than us. I almost died of exhaustion." Zhuo Xiaobai let out another big yawn.

"How did the match go?" Chen Mu casually asked. 

"How? I'm so angry! The damned Huaxia team actually lost to Vietnam! They lost so badly. Then, they were utterly defeated by South Korea as well. Among all of the eight-final rounds, South Korea is the only country that didn't lose any matches these past few days. All three teams from Huaxia lost," said Zhuo Xiaobai in a depressed tone. 

"South Korea is that good in League of Legends? That doesn't make sense." Chen Mu's curiosity was piqued. Based on the match regulations he was aware of, only two out of four of the teams would qualify for the next round.

Then, the winner of an eighth-final round would compete against the first runner-up of another eighth-final round. That meant one had to pour everything they had into each match because there was a chance it could benefit the next stages of the match. The tournament carried the same structure used in the World Cup to provide the audience with the most entertaining experience.  

In other words, none of the teams could afford to lose even a single point in the eighth-finals. On the other hand, South Korea was able to show their strength as they still had not lost a single match.  

"That's right. South Korea was the champion last year. Forget it, the more I talk about it, the angrier I get. Let's stop talking about it.  

"I read a novel during the day yesterday. I have an interesting question to ask you," said Zhuo Xiaobai. 

"Sure, ask away," said Chen Mu as he organized the contents of his bag. 

  1. TEM-8 or Test for English Majors-Band 8 is one of the national English as a foreign language tests in the People's Republic of China.
  2. 'Kuaiban' or Clappertalk is a form of narrative singing accompanied by a pair of clappers that is popular in northern China. It is similar to rapping.