Movement Training

The moment Zhuo Xiaobai found Chen Mu, he rushed toward him and asked anxiously, "Are you okay? What did those people want from you?" 

Chen Mu replied with a smile, "They came here to bring me money. It isn't a big problem. Thank you for your concern. Let's go back to class." 

Zhuo Xiaobai was bewildered. Someone… Brought money over? 

When class started, Chen Mu began to memorize the stats of each champion diligently. The thrill of earning money was akin to finding an oasis in the desert to Chen Mu. It flooded his entire body with energy. 

It did not require Chen Mu to brood a lot to understand that it was impossible to overpower one's enemies when fighting against enemy minions at the same time. He knew that even after playing only a few rounds. Among players who dared to take part in tournaments, which one of them had nothing up their sleeves? 

If the players went on massacres like how people normally did in blind-pick matches, it would be easy money. For Chen Mu who only had five yuan to spend each week, it would take him a total of eighty weeks before he could even reach four hundred bucks. With that thought, Chen Mu's eyes almost began to beam with gold rays. 

After the first period ended, Zhuo Xiaobai called out to Chen Mu and asked him if he wanted to use the toilet. Chen Mu turned him down instantly as he planned to utilize the break fully. 

"What's going on? Bro, have you been studying until even your bladder has stopped working?" Zhuo Xiaobai had been rendered speechless by Chen Mu too many times. Hence, he would not give up until he regained some of his pride.

"A man with good kidneys visits the toilet less often," Chen Mu replied half-heartedly as he continued to immerse himself in the sea of memorization.

"..." Zhuo Xiaobai did not know how to reply. 'Is he saying that I have bad kidneys?' When Zhuo Xiaobai first met Chen Mu, he thought that Chen Mu was merely a high flyer who studied for the sake of studying. However, now that he was more familiar with Chen Mu, he realized that Chen Mu was a rather petty man. 

"I'm gonna go get something to eat. Do you want me to get you a bottle of water?" asked Zhuo Xiaobai. 

"You want to bribe me so I won't humiliate you next time, am I right? I'm a very principled person. Other than money and beautiful women, nothing else works on me," said Chen Mu. 

"Get the hell outta here!" Zhuo Xiaobai left right after saying that. 

Chen Mu continued to memorize the stats of multiple champions. He knew that Zhuo Xiaobai would not take it to heart. Chen Mu had forced himself to study throughout the years, and he had always been presented with great stress. Now, he had to ensure that he had a good grasp on both his studies and games. On a side note, he rarely found people who could tolerate his nonsense. 

Nevertheless, Chen Mu had found someone who could take his jokes without getting angry, it felt quite de-stressing for him. 

When night came, Chen Mu invited Zhuo Xiaobai to play a few rounds of League of Legends with him. This surprised Zhuo Xiaobai a lot. 'Have I corrupted him? 

'If I have… Damn, I'm so proud of myself.' 

Nevertheless, Chen Mu was only thinking about how he could earn money through the cybercafe even though he was not allowed to convert his credits into cash. At the very least, as long as he kept accumulating internet credit, he would have unlimited access to the internet. 

At that time, he could rent his account to someone else. For example, in most cybercafes, the privileged section was priced at five bucks while the normal section was priced at three bucks. Chen Mu could charge three bucks for the privileged section and two bucks for the normal section to people he rented out his account to. With that, could he not earn two or three bucks every hour? 

Chen Mu thought about how viable the business was. Therefore, he needed endless legendaries and penta kills to ensure that internet credit kept on rolling in continuously. 

Moreover, Chen Mu understood that he had to start his business as early as possible. The moment someone else did it and got caught by the owner, it would be safe to assume that the rules of the cybercafe would be amended. 

That night, Chen Mu looked handsomely courageous in his serious state of mind. Any ordinary blind-pick player would not be able to withstand Chen Mu's massacre. 

As Chen Mu continued his slaughter with Golem, reward notifications of free internet credit kept popping up. This attracted the attention of many players as they considered scratching their itch to try out the privileged section of the cybercafe. After all, that person seemed like he was earning internet credit quite casually. There was no reason why they could not achieve the same feat if he could. 

In one of the blind pick matches where Chen Mu had picked Noxus' Hand, the opponents he was matched up against were not even as strong as those he had fought when he played with Chen Yifei. It was mainly due to Zhuo Xiaobai's low ELO points. 

A few minutes into the game, a Level 2 Xin Zhao was seen flying over and diving under a tower, attempting to score a kill. The Xin Zhao was killed by Noxus' Hand shortly after, and Chen Mu took off for the entire match. 

At the twenty-five minutes mark, Chen Mu was the big Boss with a Trinity Force, Bloodthirster, and Spirit Visage. With each slash he made, down came a little buddy. The moment a team fight broke out, Chen Mu scored himself a penta kill. 

The moment Chen Mu scored his first penta kill, Zhuo Xiaobai became as excited as a monkey, leaping and dancing. It was the first time Zhuo Xiaobai had witnessed a Noxus' Hand from his team score a penta kill. 

The moment Chen Mu scored another penta kill, Zhuo Xiaobai let out a string of exclamations. This Noxus' hand was truly a god that had descended from the heavens. 

The third time, he looked at Chen Mu like a monster. In his entire life, Zhuo Xiaobai had never seen someone score three penta kill in the same match. 

After the fourth time, three or four people started to crowd behind Chen Mu's computer. 

"My god, is Noxus' Hand that strong? What happened to being 'the hand of the primary schooler'(TN: Noxus' Hand is also known as 'hand of the primary schooler' due to how easy it is to use to score kills in low-tiered games even though it lacked in escape abilities.)?" commented one of the people behind Chen Mu. 

"It's obvious that he's bullying newbies. If I was playing, I could do it too," said another person. 

"Bullshit. Go on, do it if you can." The crowd broke into a heated discussion.

Four penta kills was equal to forty bucks worth of internet credit. It allowed Chen Mu to play in the privileged section for a full eight hours. Chen Mu was basically farming money. 

In addition to his kill streak of nearly thirty kills, Chen Mu managed to earn himself forty-five yuan worth of internet credit that night. While Chen Mu found himself immersed in glee... 

"Ding! Based on the Host's current level of strength, you are no longer suitable to be matched up against newbie players who have yet reached the maximum level. The System will provide a thirty times experience card. The Host is urged to hit the maximum level as soon as possible." Once again, the System's voice sent Chen Mu crashing down. 

This System was clearly a troll to its host. It had to be. How else would one explain the System forbidding Chen Mu to defeat newbies who did not even know how to cast their abilities. Not to mention, force Chen Mu to go against pro players? It was a very wonderful System indeed. 

The moment the match ended, Chen Mu saw that his account was all of a sudden Level 20. So, that was how terrifying a thirty times experience card was. 

Since the experience points added by the System was not visible to everyone else, Chen Mu's account appeared to be a typical Level 20 account in everyone else's eyes. 

"Damn it, I knew it. He was bullying newbies. I'll earn myself some internet credit with a new account." 

"Let's go, let's go. We're going to earn money by playing games. I love beating up little kids, hehe." 

Having said that, those people hurriedly took their seats in the privileged section. Meanwhile, as usual, Chen Mu left after playing one more round. If he continued to stay any longer than that, he would risk arousing his parents' suspicions. 

While Chen Mu left, those people created new smurf accounts. Nevertheless, things did not go too well for them.

"You actually got solo killed by a new account?" 

"I forgot that I don't have Ignite with me…" 

"It's so hard to play without Runes or Masteries. The damage is so low." 

Even though the trio that had planned on bullying newbies had great win rates, they only managed to obtain five bucks' worth of internet credit. 

If there was something cruel about the world, it had to be how certain things that seemed easy to do were not done as easy as imagined. 

Many people despised the practice of bullying newbies. Nevertheless, in actual truth, it was not easy to score a penta kill no matter how much one wanted to or how low one's tier was without accurate damage calculation. 

Having reached home, Chen Mu had expected the System to sit him through another session of CS-ing practice. However, the training that night was surprisingly special. It was movement training. 

"For this practice session, the System will provide a special AI. Please initiate a custom game." 

After Chen Mu had created a lobby, someone named 'EZ' appeared opposite him in the custom game mode. 

"The AI will operate with the functionality and mentality of a player with a thousand and two hundred ELO points as it casts Q a hundred times at the Host. The Host is required to dodge at least seventy-five percent of the Qs to pass this training session," explained the System. 

"Come at me." Chen Mu knew that the System wanted him to win in the upcoming tournament. The training must have been designed for the tournament. 

Using the champion that had the lowest speed in the entire game, Harbinger of Doom, Chen Mu controlled the piece of trash that only had three hundred points of movement speed to undergo the movement training that would allow him to dodge abilities. 

In League of Legends, there were apparent differences when it came to champions and their movement speeds. When comparing the initial movement speeds of champions—taking into account their passives—the champion that had the highest movement speed was Miss Fortune, followed by the war king, Pantheon, at three hundred and thirty movement speed points. They were both faster than Doom even when he was equipped with boots. Since the beta-tested version was already available, the movement speed of boots would be reduced to twenty-five points in the future, allowing more item build variations to champions before they left the base. 

A movement speed of three hundred was equivalent to moving three hundred yards every second. Meanwhile, EZ's attack range was five hundred and fifty yards. If EZ and Doom were side by side, it would take Doom two seconds before he could walk out of EZ's attack range. 

In his current training session, Chen Mu had to ensure that Doom kept a distance of nine hundred yards from EZ because the reach of EZ's Q was a thousand and fifty yards. 

Chen Mu began to train on dodging EZ's Qs. The smart AI was a very special one—it cast its abilities without using any mana; and they dealt no damage. It only recorded the number of times it cast Q.