The Demon King’s Dignity

Chen Mu rushed to leave the cybercafe before the self-study session ended. He found himself a park and began to jog as he repeated his lines in English. He had to ensure that he returned home at the same time he usually did. Otherwise, he risked exposing himself. 

Chen Mu reached home without a fuss after about thirty minutes. He took a shower and returned to his room tentatively to prevent disturbing his parents who were resting. 

The training the System had prepared for him that night was centered around casting abilities. However, what was most unfair about the training was that the AI Chen Mu was matched up with was Centaur(TN: Refers to Hecarim, the Shadow of War.) that had Boots of Swiftness equipped. Additionally, the AI could cast Ghost and use its E.

It was extremely difficult for Chen Mu to apply movement prediction on the AI with Ezreal. His objective had taken an outrageous turn as well—Chen Mu was required to reach an accuracy of at least seventy-five percent. 

Chen Mu felt utterly hopeless at this. He felt like a true professional would be able to dodge every single skillshot cast by others while still ensuring all of their own spells hit their target. Chen Mu guessed that perhaps that it was the smallest feat all the gods and goddesses of the game could achieve. 

Chen Mu watched as Centaur kited around him and found himself at a loss for words. Centaur moved with more than five hundred movement speed points. It was nearly impossible for Chen Mu to predict his movements at the speed he was going at. 

What rendered Chen Mu even more speechless was Centaur would cast his ultimate from time to time—it meant that Chen Mu had to factor in the AI's ultimate as well when predicting the AI's movements. 

Chen Mu's seventy-five percent accuracy task was truly difficult. For the first hundred times he cast his Q, he only managed to hit it forty-five times. 

It has to be said that Chen Mu was very familiar with predicting movement speed. He had been good at predicting ever since the first time he played the game. Nevertheless, dealing with such an AI that moved in every direction available and at various speeds, it was a real bother to Chen Mu. 

This time around, Chen Mu spent a full hour on the training session. Spending an average of four minutes per match, Chen Mu finally conquered the Centaur on his fifteenth try. 

In other words, Chen Mu cast Eszreal's Q for a total of a thousand five hundred times in the span of an hour. The very thought of it pained Chen Mu greatly. 'Oh, is it truly worth it if I ended up breaking the Q key?'

As for his daily training that night, nothing much changed. Chen Mu had memorized the stats of nearly all the champions' abilities and only had to work more on the champions' general stats since he kept remembering them wrongly. 

Nevertheless, he could not be blamed as he had to memorize other miscellaneous things like skill shot range, mana consumption, damage, CD. 

During breakfast, Chen Yifei seemed to have no appetite to eat the food on the table. She left half of her breakfast untouched.

She made a face after getting a slap on the butt from their mother, but she still insisted on not finishing her food. Instead, she bounced out of the door and headed to school. 

This triggered Chen Mu's urged to hurry up and earn money for his family. It was getting harder and harder to think of the food they ate at home as appetizing. He himself had lost weight.

Chen Mu bought two steamed stuffed buns on his way to school and passed one to Chen Yifei before eating his own. 

"Aren't you short on money?" Chen Yifei asked as she blew away the hot steam coming from the bun after having taken it from Chen Mu's hand. 

"Oh, I rented out the account I managed to accumulate internet credit with to a classmate. Well, he paid me after that and that's how I have money." Chen Mu took a bite of the steamed bun and realized that his mouth must have turned smaller the last time he checked. What else would explain why he was previously able to taste the meaty stuffing of the bun within a bite, while he could only taste a mouthful of starch now?

"You even thought about that. You're truly the number one genius in our family!" Chen Yifei exclaimed. Chen Mu had always been one with brains. Ever since the day he started his years in primary school, he never missed out on being the top student in his year for mathematics. Moreover, he managed to retain his record for another twelve years without fail. Now, he turned out to be more than just a nerd—he was starting to utilize his skills to earn money little by little.

Chen Mu did not respond to Chen Yifei's praise. The greater one's expectations were, the more stressful it would be. In the future, if his family found out that he was going to be a professional gamer, would he not get skinned? 

Do not get him started on earning money yet! Chen Mu knew his parents too well. The moment he revealed it, it would be the day of his funeral. If it were to come to that, he might as well choose a way to die and be done with it. Perhaps then, he would be able to die with his body still whole. 

Chen Mu sighed. He would deal with it one step at a time. If he did not continue on this path, his father's illness would never get cured. This fate was inevitable. 

As usual, Chen Mu gazed into the distant field after recess as he watched his adorable, spirited classmates of the opposite gender like they were objects. 

It was an undeniable fact that there were many beautiful ladies in Chuzhou No.9 High School. Even when some of them were dressed in school uniforms, it did not do anything to hide their wonderful figures that seemed to be becoming more like Miss Fortune's with each day that passed. 

The amount of nutrition that the students had was insane. Many of them brought milk and sandwiches to school for breakfast. Some of them were even worse—they had fresh bottled milk ordered to be picked up from the school gate each day. It was impossible for them to go malnourished. Moreover, quite a number of them disliked drinking the said milk and would often throw it away after drinking only half of it. In fact, some of them would even fool around with the milk like it was some kind of toy. All of that made Chen Mu lament about how clueless and unappreciative they were toward the privileges they were born with. 

After taking two bites, Chen Mu finally got to taste the meat stuffing. Nevertheless, even after finishing the bun, Chen Mu still felt hungry. However, he understood that he could do nothing about it until he won the tournament. Starting from the following week, he should be able to buy himself and his younger sister a month's worth of breakfast with soy milk. 

It was at this moment that Chen Mu heard an unfriendly voice next to him. 

"Zhuo Xiaobai, didn't you say that you're good at League of Legends? Why don't you join the Sky Galaxy Cybercafe's cybercafe tournament? You'll get a thousand bucks if you become the champion," said a frivolous voice. 

"Hmph, our class doesn't have a lot of players, so we don't have enough members to form a team. Also, there's no doubt that we'd become the champion in such a tournament if we joined! No suspense over there," replied Zhuo Xiaobai. Chen Mu stifled his laughter as he listened in to their conversation. If bullshitting was a skill, then Zhuo Xiaobai had to have at least two thousand points invested in it.' 

"Forget it. Get yourself a booster to get you up to a thousand ELO points first, please. Even my younger brother who's in sixth grade and studying in a primary school already has a thousand ELO points." Whoever the person was, it sounded like he did not get along with Zhuo Xiaobai as his words were laden with insults. 

"Zhao Yin, you're getting ahead of yourself. We just beat you in basketball; it's not a big deal. If you're dissatisfied with that, let's have another 3V3. This time, we'll grant you one free shot," said Zhuo Xiabai. 

"That was so yesterday. Do you know what's trending now? League of Legends. I'm not bluffing, but I don't think anyone from your class can beat me," Zhao Yin said. 

"Hmph, that's some serious bullshit over there. You have no idea how many pros there are in my class," snapped Zhuo Xiaobai in reply. 

"And who are they? I dare you to name me one. Your class is more yin than yang. There's no one I can even consider as a man!" claimed Zhao Yin. 

Zhuo Xiaobai was very annoyed. It was true that the level of players in his class was far from those from Year 3 Senior (4). Rumors had it that all of them were above a thousand and five hundred ELO points. Zhuo Xiabai was afraid that in the Sky Galaxy Cybercafe tournament, the players from Year 3 Senior (4) would end up being the top three winners. 

After a brief moment of hesitation, Zhuo Xiaobai pointed at Chen Mu and said, "Chen Mu is our class' pro player. I don't think any of you is better than him." 

Next to the talking duo, Chen Mu's face fell. In his head, he thought, 'I've always kept a low profile, and yet, I still get targeted? How did these two sharp-tongued idiots bring the topic to me now?' 

Zhao Yin scrutinized Chen Mu and recognized him as the top student in his year. Zhao Yin's anger began to stir. "You must be joking. Someone like Chen Mu? I can defeat ten of him!" 

It was natural that Zhao Yin was displeased with Chen Mu—it had been a long time since he had a crush on Huang Lingshan. When he heard that Huang Lingshan wrote a love letter to Chen Mu two days prior, he was so angry that he lost his appetite for two days. 

Enemy; he was Zhao Yin's sworn enemy. With Chen Mu's good grades and good looks, Zhao Yin had never come across an excuse he could use to pick a fight with Chen Mu. Now, an opportunity had presented itself to him—someone had popped up and claimed that Chen Mu was a great League of Legends player. Goddamnit, was it not too good to be true? 

Zhao Yin started playing Street Fighter in primary school. Moreover, during his junior high years, he played the legendary Warcraft RGP map(TN: 'RGP' is a potential typo that might be referring to 'RPG' instead.) game called Dynasty Warriors. 

Its game mechanisms were uncannily similar to League of Legends. Therefore, he managed to reach a thousand and six hundred ELO points in only a few months after he started playing LoL. It was considered quite the feat among the Year 3 Seniors. 

Chen Mu refused to get dragged in. So what if he received a few insults? When poverty hit his family, his mother had to go around borrowing money, and only God knows how much disdain she had to face at that time. Regarding little things like this, Chen Mu used to get angry. However, after facing them for a while, he got used to them. 

"Ding! The Unkillable Demon King's dignity must not be violated. Anyone who dares ridicule the Unkillable Demon King has to feel the wrath of the Demon King. Mission triggered: Invite Zhao Yin to a match publicly and defeat him. The rewards will be calculated based on Zhao Yin's level of fear toward the Host, it will range from a hundred to more than a thousand points." Chen Mu sighed upon receiving the System's notification. Honestly, why was it so hard for him to keep a low profile?