Where Are The Other Seven Books?

When Zhuo Xiaobai saw Chen Mu, he rushed over immediately, leaped up, and gave Chen Mu a hearty slap on his shoulder. "My brother-in-law is nothing but OP! How much did you get?" 

"Well, prize money is nothing but fleeting clouds. With that being said, I'm going to buy you guys something to eat," said Chen Mu with a smile, pretending to not feel the pain.

"Eh? Someone as miserly as you actually wants to buy us food. I see that you've earned quite some money, eh?" Zhuo Xiaobai wanted to punch Chen Mu badly. 

However, the next moment, when Chen Mu stuffed a lollipop into his hand, Zhuo Xiaobai stared at the candy speechlessly for ten whole seconds. "???" 

"What? What kinda look is that? It's Alps, alright? It's quality stuff. They cost me five cents each," said Chen Mu as he placed another lollipop into Lu Ren's hand. "Don't be shy. Eat up."  

"..." Lu Ren was already a Year 3 Senior student. There was nothing attractive about the lollipop that was usually given to little kids to trick them.  

"You're the reincarnation of Grandet. Whichever girl you end up dating must be suffering from eight lifetimes of unluckiness." Zhuo Xiaobai smeared as he peeled the wrapper away from the lemon-flavored Alps lollipop and then tossed the lollipop into his mouth. 

"What do you know about that? Saving up and spending moderately is a celebrated moral value in Chinese culture," replied Chen Mu. The three lollipops had cost him one and a half bucks. It was not as little as they thought. 

"It's getting late. I need to go home now. You guys have fun." It was time for Chen Mu to go home now that he had already spent most of his day playing league. 

"Alright, see you tomorrow. I want to watch the championship anyway. The match that determines the top eight teams is tonight." Zhuo Xiaobai waved Chen Mu goodbye.  

When Chen Mu snuck back home, it seemed like Chen Yifei was in her room. There was no one in the living room, and his old ma's bag was silently resting there. Chen Mu sneaked over quietly and took out his old ma's purse. 

Then, Chen Mu fished out the prize money from his pocket, counted it, and took out two hundred. He slipped the money into his old ma's purse and mixed up his money with hers.   

Afterward, Chen Mu returned the bag to its initial position and went back to his room, wondering why he had to sneak around like a thief to give his mother money.  

Chen Mu had no choice but to do so because he could not come up with anything to explain the source of the money. The amount was not large enough to change the financial state his family was in. At most, it would allow them to buy more meat for a few more meals. 

Since he could not explain it, he could only resort to giving it secretly to his mother without her knowing. He kept three hundred for himself—enough for a month's worth of nutritious breakfast.  

After finishing dinner, Chen Mu returned to his room. He wondered if his old ma would realize that she had more money now. Nevertheless, he had done what he had to.  

On the other hand, the System did not give Chen Mu a break. It arranged a completely new training series for him, and he could only suffer. The training was focused on improving his mechanical skills this time as Chen Mu was required to draw lines specified by the System using Rumble's ultimate and Viktor's E.

Chen Mu felt like he was finishing up his art homework. It was true that not anyone could become the world's top esports player as it required a wide range of knowledge and skills to stay at the top.  

The two champions' skills were extremely special. Their skillshots did not shoot out in a straight line from where the champion was. Instead, the player had to chose a point and then adjust the angle of the skillshot.

Chen Mu had to practice for more than a thousand times before he was able to draw his desired skillshot path based on muscle memory. The System had set up a training mode for Chen Mu—Chen Mu could tweak the game to have zero CD for abilities and have unlimited mana. Rumor had it that the same practice tool would appear in later versions of the game.   

Chen Mu scrutinized the situation before him and connected the lines from before. It turned out to be a poem. What a cheeky System. 

Chen Mu's training ended around eleven that night. Chen Mu yawned and went on to read his textbooks once. Chen Mu had never before faced the difficulty of having to maintain his place as the top student of his academic year while simultaneously plowing his way through the career path of a professional gamer. He was greedy, that was for sure. 

Nevertheless, a person only had a certain amount of energy. His dream of getting into a Tier 1 Institution should fall easily into his hands. Yet, if he kept gaming every day while hoping to enter Royal Capital University, his dream would become unreachable.  

At present, a legendary Great Lord gamer within the DOTA community was a professional player that had the highest level of education. He was a graduate of Zhejiang University. He may have been an unmatched existed, but nobody had ever heard of a professional player from Royal Capital University.  

However, there was a streamer from Royal Capital University who was quite beautiful. Yet, the difference between a professional player and a game streamer was as great as heaven and earth. 

Judging by the educational environment in River South Province, Royal Capital University had only a mere twenty slots open for student intakes throughout the whole province. One would only have a chance for admission if they were ranked among the top fifty students in the province. Additionally, those students would not have the freedom to choose their professional majors. One could only imagine how hard it was to get into Royal Capital University. 

Nevertheless, Chen Mu was firm in his belief that it did not matter whether he qualified for the university as long as he tried. After more than three years' worth of diligence, he had to try no matter what. That was the belief that had pushed Chen Mu onward throughout the years before the System's arrival. 

In his sleep, Chen Mu went through another test and learning session. He started to feel like a know-it-all regarding League matters—he could tell who was taller between Annie and Teemo.  

Before class started the next day, Zhuo Xiaobai complained bitterly to Chen Mu. Among the three teams from Huaxia that participated in the World Championship, two of them were eliminated, only one of them was left to join the top eight teams. Meanwhile, all three Korean teams made it. The matter distressed Zhuo Xiaobai a lot. 

Chen Mu consoled him, saying, "It'll be alright. When I become a professional player in the future, I'll become Huaxia's champion." 

"Stop kidding me. You're bragging just because you won a cybercafe tournament. Bro, do you have any idea how large the concept of a World Championship is? It was announced that there are three hundred million players worldwide currently. That number is estimated to go up to more than eight hundred million players after two years. Not to mention, the game's peak number of total online players from all over the world just broke through to ten million.   

"Based on these stats, I think it would make more sense for you to become an NCEE Champion compared to that. After all, there are only ten million candidates in the whole of Huaxia. You wouldn't have to compete against the other eight hundred million people around the world." Zhuo Xiaobai had looked up a lot of information and news after witnessing the defeat of Huaxia's teams in the World Championship.

"Forget it if you don't believe me. I think I still have a great chance. Remember to cheer for me when the time comes," said Chen Mu. Chen Mu thought that giving them a warning shot was a good idea in case they died of shock when he suddenly entered a professional team.  

"Alright, alright, alright. When you play in the World Championship, I'll go over to the match location and cheer for you with my feet in the air," said Zhuo Xiaobai in an irritated tone. He thought that Chen Mu was just trying to lighten up the mood by cracking jokes. Zhuo Xiaobai could not wipe away his annoyance at the idea that Huaxia's teams had lost. That was the reason Zhuo Xiaobai insulted Chen Mu.  

"Sure. I don't mind." Class started after Chen Mu said that. They had biology for that period. Their biology teacher was a fun teacher who loved to come up with questions full of vivid imagery.  

With the sadness that was in his heart, Zhuo Xiaobai did not feel like listening to class. Hence, he sneakily lowered his head, fished out his precious Eight Books of the Heavenly Dragon that he had brought from his house, and happily began to read away. 

When Zhuo Xiaobai reached the part where Little Prince Duan and the little beauty became sworn siblings, he was so thrilled that he accidentally let out his laughter. If only all the potential lovers in the world would become sworn siblings, hahaha! 

"Zhuo Xiaobai!" His biology teacher slammed his table.  

"Huh?" Zhuo Xiaobai raised his head to see a smile as welcoming as a spring breeze on his biology teacher's face. Zhuo Xiaobai forcefully swallowed. 

"Take it out." His biology teacher beckoned with a finger.

Zhuo Xiaobai did not dare say anything else and handed the book over to the teacher.   

"Eight Books of the Heavenly Dragon. Where are the other seven books? Take all of them out now," said his biology teacher.  

Chen Mu swallowed his laughter down hard. Sure there were another seven books.  

"No… Teacher, Eight Books of the Heavenly Dragon is just the book's name. There's only one book!" Zhuo Xiaobai hurriedly explained.  

"Oh, alright. Stand up and answer the next question," continued the biology teacher.   

Zhuo Xiaobai stood in place with a face full of grievance.  

  1. This is a reference to Eugenie Grandet, a novel published in 1833 by Honore de Balzac that tells the story of a miserly person.
  2. Refers to Rumble, the Mechanized Menace.
  3. Refers to Viktor, the Machine Herald.
  4. Refers to National College Entrance Examination that is also known as gaokao.
  5. It is a famous wuxia novel written by Jin Yong. An alternative translation of the book is Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils.