New Rank Position

At breakfast, the old man asked, "Where did you two go yesterday?" 

Chen Mu's heart skipped a beat and he hastily answered naturally, "I was with my classmates yesterday, we were revising geometry." 

In truth, Chen Mu had used Tankard mid lane the day before. He had used his tankard to blast people toward his direction, blast them away, and blast them into his teammate's skills. He had really studied geometry, Chen Mu thought. 

"Hm. What about you Yifei? Both of you recently seem to enjoy going out during weekends," his dad said as he swallowed a mouthful of porridge. 

"I was studying with my classmates as well. We were learning about the optical response in physics, as well as the concept behind how cameras work," Chen Yifei batted her eyelids and said very earnestly. 

"Hmm, that's fine. The monthly assessment is coming soon. If your grades don't improve, you won't be allowed to go out anymore on weekends. You will stay at home and do exercises." Chen Xuebing had a stern look on his face, and he was hinting at a warning. 

"Okay," both of them said in unison. 

As they walked out the door, they gave each other a look that showed their guilt. They did not say anything. Nevertheless, they had always felt like what they did was wrong. 

Chen Mu had just reached school and sat down when one of the girls in his class walked over and took a seat next to him. 

Chen Mu took a look at her. Her hair was straight, her nose was sharp, and her skin was pale and rosy. 

The girl before him was Zhang Ai, and she was one of the better-looking girls in the class. 

Zhang Ai said, "Chen Mu, how do you do this question?" 

Chen Mu took a look at it. It was very simple, and he briefly explained his thought process and how she should solve it. It was very clear. 

"You say it so well, better than the teacher," Zhang Ai said. 

"Nah, it's just easier to explain from a student's perspective." Chen Mu was more humble in front of girls. 

Zhang Ai actually had a crush on Chen Mu for the longest time. However, she never really dared to interact with him. She always felt that he was a high and mighty genius. Nevertheless, she heard recently that Chen Mu had joined a League of Legends cybercafe tournament. It made her feel that if she did not make a move, she would lose him. Girls at places like cybercafes were a lot more open and many would dare ask a boy for their Wechat directly. 

Therefore she plucked up her courage and tried to chat with Chen Mu to get to know him. If he felt the same way, there was a chance their relationship would develop. 

"Then, Chen Mu do you usually keep up with entertainment news and celebrities?" Zhang Ai knew more about those topics and wanted to see if they had any common interests.

"Yeah, I know a little, but it's not a lot. I know a bit about big stars," Chen Mu said. 

"Then who do you think looks better, Tong Liya or Raba?" Zhang Ai seemed like she was trying to get closer to Chen Mu. 

Chen Mu looked at her. 'Why does it seem like she is interested in me? It should not be one of the three major misconceptions in life.' 

He then asked casually, "Why aren't you in there?" 

Zhang Ai's face blushed, and she asked shyly, "Then between Tong Liya, Raba, and I, who's better looking?" 

"Ding, the host has been detected flirting. Deducting 100 points," the system suddenly spoke up, making Chen Mu nearly spit blood. 'What the h*ll, I'm not getting a girlfriend. I can't even flirt? I'm not allowed to even have such thoughts?' 

"That's right, yes. You'd best not even think about such things. If you continue, your points will continue to be deducted," the system said. 

Chen Mu gritted his teeth and could only say, 'Alright, fine!' 

"Then it's definitely Tong Liya," Chen Mu said to Zhang Ai with a smile. 

The color of Zhang Ai's face changed. It was green for an instant then pale the next. Finally, she stormed off to her own seat and opened a book with a thump before she started doing practice questions. 

Chen Mu held his forehead in his hands, 'Trash system, ruining my youth and snatching away my opportunities. You even chased a girl away!' 

He could only practice questions to hold off the pain. Chen Mu opened his Mandarin textbook and revised his comprehension. He hoped that he would find a better way to reject people in the future so that when the time comes for the system to leave, he shoot his shot once again. Leaving a line after rejection would make things easier in the future.

When Zhuo Xiaobai came over and saw Chen Mu doing practice questions, he slapped him on the shoulder and said, "The World Championship finals are over. The champion is from Korea, just as I had predicted. I'm really a genius." 

"..." Chen Mu did not want to deal with him. 

"Hey, I'm just joking. With that said, the promotional video for next season is out, they say they're going to change the ranking system. If you don't play some ranked games, you'll never see your ELO points ever again," Zhuo Xiaobai said. 

"How long?" Chen Mu asked. 

"1 month. Next season, there will be Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, and Challenger. I heard that Challengers will be the top 50 players of the entire server. If I can get there, I'll have no regrets in life." Zhuo Xiaobai's face showed his enthusiasm. 

"I'm close to being a Challenger, I can do it for you so you have no regrets," Chen Mu said. 


"You really know how to boast. You joined a cybercafe tournament and now think you're a big deal. 50 in the entire server, if you distribute it across the country, it's only 1 per province. There are more than 600 cities, so there'll only be 1 challenger for more than a dozen cities. If you can bloody do it, I can get into a tier 1 university!" Zhuo Xiaobai did not believe that Chuzhou had a shot at becoming a Challenger. It was not possible, they lived in a small city with just over a million people. Certain provincial capitals were larger than that by a lot. Even if a Challenger were to be from their area, would it possibly be Chen Mu? 

"Oh? Then let's have a bet. If I can reach Challenger, you can get into a tier 1 university," Chen Mu said. He was a decent friend, and he naturally hoped that Zhuo Xiaobai would do better. Society was going on about how studies were unimportant, bringing up examples of people who did not go to university but succeed in making 200,000 or 500,000 each year. 

Chen Mu would only smile when he heard such kind of talk. As though university graduates could not make 200,000 a year. As long as a graduate could get into Penguin or Ali, who would not make a few hundred thousand a year. 

Such kinds of argument had no logic at all. Could a single example represent the entire group? If one man is a scumbag, all men are trash? 

Even though Brother Xiaobai's family conditions were good, Chen Mu was not jealous. That was because if he got rich in the future, would he be jealous of himself? He still hoped they could go to the same university, and when the time came, he could have a few free meals…

Zhuo Xiaobai gave it some thought and hurriedly used the probability analysis that the teacher had taught them to think about it. If there were one hundred million players, then to be a challenge, one would have to be one out of 2 million players. A one in 2 million chance, what difference was there from winning the lottery! 

He would make such a bet that he was sure to win! 

"What happens if you don't make it?" Zhuo Xiaobai asked. 

"Then in the future, I'll make sure all your exams pass. If I make it, you'll have to rely on yourself to get into a tier 1 university. How's that?" Chen Mu replied. 

"Sure! Hahaha, brother, I knew you always wanted to help me. In the future, I won't need to rely on those exams." Zhuo Xiaobai's face was full of satisfaction. He was not going to lose. 

  1. Dilraba, a Chinese star