Late Night Talk

Gemma didn't wake up easily. She thought for sure she was dreaming that her boss was sitting on her sofa in the middle of the night, but as her senses slowly returned to her she realized she was in fact awake. She tied her robe tightly once she became aware of what was happening.

"Sorry. I wasn't awake yet. I thought I was dreaming." She mumbled.

"Do you often have dreams about me in your house?" He asked before he thought better of it.

"Yes, but usually I'm awake." She was blunt. He was shocked.

"So, What brings you here in the middle of the night?" She asked.

"You left your phone in my suit coat. By the way, Brent called." Did she hear the bitter note in his last sentence?

"I'll call him back tomorrow. Um, I'm not being a good host. Can I get you anything?" She asked.

He should tell her no and leave.

"Do you have any tea?" He asked.

"Yes. I'll make some." She moved across the room where the kitchen area was and turned on the light. He could see her long legs through the material of her robe.

He leaned back on the sofa but felt something. He reached between the cushions and pulled out....a vibrator. He was again surprised but recovered quickly.

"You know the real thing is better than the imitation." He said.

She looked up and cringed when she saw what he had. Crap. Kill me now, she thought.

"Yeah well I wouldn't know." She fired back at him.

"Does Brent know you're creation him with this thing?" Charles asked sarcastically.

Gemma chocked and coughed. She was dumbfounded.

"Brent is my brother. I do NOT think about him while using that!" Gemma managed to say.

He wasn't sure why he was glad Brent was a brother but it was good to know.

"So who DO you think of when you use this?" Charles asked. And mentally kicked himself. Maybe all her innuendos were rubbing off on him.

"Don't ask questions that you don't want the answer to." She said meeting his eyes. His eyebrows shot up.

"I was genuinely curious." He defended himself. She gave him a look that would curdle milk.

"Alright, you really want to know?" Her voice suddenly had a coquettish quality to it and her eyes glinted with mischief.

"After the day I've had, I was definitely thinking about you. Happy now?" She pranced across the room and handed him a teacup.

He didn't know why he was flirting with her. It only made the whole situation worse. No more. He would behave professionally, he told himself.

"I know. Everyone wants my body." And, apparently his lower half was speaking for him today.

She chocked on her tea.

"Oh my gosh, you are so narcissistic. And anyway, maybe I'm interested in more than just your body." Gemma said.

"My money? Yeah, get in line." He said with a hint of irritation.

"I wasn't referring to that. There's more to you than money or good looks. I'm interested in you, as a person; the man behind all the smoke and mirrors." She said seriously.

He stared at her. Her words thrilled him and terrified him at the same time. His world was based on keeping people out. But for just a moment, he wished he could let her in. Would she run when she knew the inner demons he faced? He shuddered. No, no one would be allowed to breech the walls around him. Certainly not Gemma.

I need to go. Thanks for the tea." He said, his cold voice, devoid of emotion was back.

"I don't understand how a man who's fearless in a room of hundreds of businessmen can be so afraid of me being honest about how I feel. Emotions aren't scary, you know? It's not shameful to like someone." Gemma said boldly.

"You! You! Afraid? I'm not afraid! I just don't like you!" He shouted as he walked out of her apartment, slamming the door behind him.