How Could You?

Charles was angry, but he also felt his throat clog and wetness in his eyes. He was fighting tears! Had the sun risen in the West?

"How could you leave me like that? You aren't a woman of your word, Gemma. You said you came into my life purposefully, to make me love you. Then you give up? You lied to me." His voice broke as he finished speaking.

Gemma saw a lone tear falling down his face. Despite her resolve, she stepped forward and wiped the tear with her finger. He grabbed her hand and pulled her closer.

"You should know by now I have no dealings with that woman. I'm not marrying her. I'm not engaged to her. I definitely don't want her. Why did you run?" He asked.

"You told me to give up. That I would never accomplish my task. You don't want me, and that won't change. So I left." She told him simply.

"Since when do you listen to me? You always contradict everything I say. Why is this time different? You ran without a fight. That isn't like you." He said.

She blew out a breath.

"I was feeling vulnerable, okay? I know you think my skin is as thick as animal hide but I'm not always as strong as you think. Sometimes, behind all my brave and sarcastic words is a woman who is scared." She admitted.

"Why didn't you just tell me then?" He asked.

"Because your EQ is very low. You don't know how to coax me. You were so angry I was sure I wouldn't find compassion if I told you my innermost thoughts." She was straightforward.

It was an exceedingly rare thing for Charles to feel shame and remorse but right then, he did. This woman didn't feel safe to confide in him or truly be herself. As outspoken as she was, there were still parts of herself that she kept secret because she instinctively knew her heart wasn't safe with him. It made him feel like a jerk.

"Can't you teach me to coax you? You said you would teach me how to love. Why can't you teach me how understand you as well?" He asked.

"Alright. You want me to teach you?

Then ask me to come back. Saying "please" helps too." She instructed.

He groaned. He never apologized. And certainly he'd never coaxed a woman.

"Gemma," He exhaled another deep breath. "Please come back with me. I promise there's no other woman. I have no plans to marry, but if I ever do, it would have to be you. You're the only woman who's touch I can abide. You don't know this, but I have...somewhat of a phobia about being touched. Yet, I'm comfortable with you. You're the only woman I've tried to take to bed in all my life. I was afraid when you left. I'm never afraid, but I was today I was afraid you wouldn't come back." He told her. She was softly crying. He lifted his arm and she took it. She allowed herself to be led back to the hotel. He stopped along the way to grab some condoms.