Connections in High Places

Gemma made the rounds with Charles around the room, where he continued to introduce her as his girlfriend. Many looked on in shock and surprise. Charles had never regarded any woman publicly. Who was this woman?

"Gemma Liu!" She heard a man calling her and turned toward the voice.

"Uncle Henry!" She exclaimed when she saw him walking their way. Henry Gu was a business associate and close friend of her father's. He had watched her grow up.

Charles looked on in surprise as they greeted one another. What sort of connections did Gemma have? He had been seeking a meeting with Henry Gu for months and Gemma could call him with such familiarity!

He looked on as the two chatted about each other's family members and life in general. He felt like a third wheel somewhat.

"Gemma, my oldest son is taking over the company at the end of the year. You remember Justin. He isn't married yet, you know. I would be honored if you considered him a prospective suitor. The companies would benefit from a family connection but I would be honored to have you as my daughter-in-law. Your father and I used to talk about how nice it would be if our children were to get together." Henry spoke with sincerity. He was truly fond of Gemma.

She smiled and said gently, "Uncle, I remember Justin. He was always quite outstanding. However, I have a boyfriend right now." She took Charles by the arm.

"Uncle Henry, this is Charles Wen of Wen Corporation. Charles, this is Henry Gu of The Gu Company." Gemma performed the introductions.

Henry's eyes widened in shock. He was familiar with the rumors of Charles being unapproachable, cold, harsh, immune to women, merciless in business. How had an accomplished, virtuous, beautiful girl like Gemma fallen for a man like Charles?

The two men greeted one another and sized each other up.

"Gemma is truly a special young woman. I hope you know what a treasure you have in her." Henry told him.

Charles caught his warning loud and clear.

"I agree that Gemma is very special." Charles said, pulling her closer to himself, his arm possessively around her waist.

"Perhaps the two of us will find time later this week to discuss business." Henry told him with a smile. If he could treat Gemma well, perhaps everything said of Charles wasn't true.

"Of course, sir." Charles said respectfully.

As Henry went to speak with others, Charles looked at Gemma.

"You know Henry Gu and never told me. Who else in the business world do you know at such an intimate level?" Charles asked.

Gemma laughed. "More than you realize." She teased.

"Hmm. I'll just start taking you to all my meetings." Charles told her, teasing in return.

"Slave driving boss." She muttered.

"Erotic thought arousing personal assistant." He shot back.

"Do I really have that effect?" She asked.

"Why do you think I keep telling you to dress appropriately for work. I know you're not a loose woman and I don't want others to see you that way." He told her.

"I was trying to get your attention." She admitted.

"You would catch my attention regardless." He admitted. It was true. Her very personality made him stop and stare. She was one of the few women who didn't leave his presence in tears. That in itself intrigued him. She was confident and funny, gentle and giving; and no matter how he tried to evade her attacks on his walled off heart, she was chipping away his defenses slowly.