Boardroom Flirtations

The next morning, Gemma attended a meeting with Charles. She was terribly bored. She slipped her phone into her lap and sent a text to Charles.

"I'm bored silly. Good thing I have something enjoyable to look at across my way."

Charles's phone vibrated. He frowned and then saw the message was from, "Future Wife," and his lips twitched in an attempt to hide his smile. His eyebrows shot up when reading his message and a smile spread across his face.

"Scenery is beautiful across my way too." He texted back.

"I want to kiss you." She texted him.

His eyes widened.

"I want to make love to you until you scream my name." He replied.

She clenched her legs up and wished she could relax.

She bit her lip and tried something. She slid her foot up the inner side of his leg and thigh, allowing it to graze his lap and then slide down the other leg. His breathing became heavy. She continued to reply with her foot.

Charles sent her another text:

Charles: You have to stop!

Gemma: Why?

Charles: we're in public.

Gemma: No one knows.

Charles: If you don't stop they will.

Gemma: I thought you had exceptional self-control?

Charles: This is different.

Gemma: How So?

Charles: it just is!

Charles: Gemma, seriously, stop.

Gemma: But you like it!

Charles: I like seeing you naked too. Are you going to take your clothes off right now?

Gemma: Charles, you are shameless!

Charles: And you aren't?

Gemma: I never said I wasn't.

Charles: Alright, have it your way.

Charles slipped off one of his shoes and proceeded to give Gemma a taste of her own medicine. She startled to attention when he began rubbing her inner thigh and other intimate area there. She bit back a moan.

Gemma: CHARLES!!

Charles: Gemma.

Gemma: stop!

Charles: I don't want to.

Gemma: you have to!

Charles: No. This is a lot of fun. Your face is enthralling to watch.

Gemma: Do you want me to come all the way right now, in this room?

Charles: That turns me on.

Gemma: oh my gosh, Charles! Stop!

Charles: I can't.

Gemma: You can!

Charles: Turns out I don't want to.

When the meeting was concluded, the sexual tension between the two of them tangible.

"Charles, join us for lunch. Several of us are going to meet at a local restaurant and talk further." One of the men told him.

Charles glanced back at Gemma, who was gathering their belongings.

"Actually, I already have lunch plans. I'll go next time." Charles said in a laidback voice.

"Next time, then." The man said as he walked away to join his colleagues.

"Come with me." Charles said in a voice that left no room for discussion as he grabbed Gemma's arm.

She followed without protest, unsure of where they were going.

He led her back to their hotel room, pulled her in, and locked the door.

"What—" She started to ask but was cut off. Charles pushed her against the door and began kissing her with passion and desperation. It didn't take her long to respond in kind.

"You should know that after what you did during the meeting that there would be consequences." He breathed into her ear.

"So you can't blame me. He told her.

"Who's blaming you? Don't stop! Please, don't stop!" Gemma begged.