In His Shadow

Gemma's eyes widened. She sucked in a breath. What was Charles doing here? It was the worst possible timing! And why was he approaching their table like a charging lion?

"Just what do you think you are doing?" Charles's harsh voice cut through the air like a knife to butter.

"Charles." She said softly but firmly, as she stood to face him. Phil turned in his chair to take in the interloper who had trespassed on their lunch.

Charles didn't notice Phil or he would have stopped in his tracks. Phil Liu was a mover and shaker in the business world. None dared cross him. He was fair but very tough. But Charles has eyes only for Gemma.

"Who do you think you are that you can be my woman and run around with other men?" Charles voice fell ominously.

"I'll tell you who she is. That is my daughter with whom you are speaking! And she will spend time with me whenever she bloody wants to! You speak to her with respect or you do not speak to her at all. Or I'll mop this town with you, do you understand me, son?" Phil was now standing his full height and Charles finally took him in.

"Daddy." Gemma scolded softly.

"No, Gemma. You are an adult woman. I can not make decisions for you any longer, but I will not sit by while some ignorant person treats my daughter with such disrespect. We're leaving, Gemma. I'll take you home." Her father spoke with a commanding tone, pinning Charles to the floor with the fire in his eyes.

"But Daddy, I'm needed back at work." Gemma spoke up.

"Your boss can do without you for one afternoon." Phil announced as he led his daughter by the arm to the elevator.

She mouthed the words, "I'm sorry," to Charles as she was led away. Charles turned away from her as though he hadn't seen. His pride was wounded. He'd been made to look a fool. A fool not only in front of a man he had wanted to business with for the past decade, but also because it was his girlfriend's father.

He hated being embarrassed for any reason. He hated how uncomfortable it made him feel. Unsettled, like a pebble rolling about one's shoes.

Someone had made him look like an idiot, unworthy to even stand in the shadow of such man! He would make sure someone paid for this mistake.