This Gyaru Will Date the Otaku in 94 Days

Dribble, dribble. Shoot, and the sounds a swish of the net. Today, it was time for sports. Specifically basketball. Being someone that prefers to stay indoors when he can, the Otaku is sitting on the sideline, tired from his short time of playing.

On the girl's side however… Another swish, from a perfect shot. The Gyaru is rather in her element here.

"Oh my god! You're too good at basketball." A girl with black twin tails sings her praises.

"Thanks." She says, grabbing a towel to wipe off her sweat. "Seemed like all my shots were going in, no matter what." She laughs, then sticks out her tongue as if she was Michael Jordan.

There's another girl that catches the Otaku's attention. A girl with silver short hair. It appears that she's staring intently at something, or someone. However, before he can contemplate on that more. A figure obstructs his view.

"Oi otaku." It's the Gyaru, about to cause some trouble for him. "What's wrong? Your scrawny body can't keep up with us?" She is teasing him for his lack of physical capabilities.

"I'm just taking a break." He gets up from the floor. "And besides, it's not a surprise a grunt like you is good at something physical." He fires back with his own insult.

"Hehe." Her sinister laugh makes him feel rather worried about what she is about to do next. "Then, you up for a bet?" A challenge from her? That's something he know he should ignore, but can't resist the temptation of.

"Depends, what's the challenge?"

"How about a game of one-on-one." She says. In basketball, she may have the edge on him. However, he doesn't plan on giving up. "If I win, ya gotta bring me my lunch from now on."

"And if I win?" He asks.

"I'll… Leave you alone." The Otaku knows she won't keep her word to that. Still worth a shot though. He gets up, she tosses him the ball for him to begin the match.

If he had any confidence going into this. She promptly shatters his hopes and dreams right off the bat. Her swift movement is too fast for him. With no effort at all, she steals the ball from him.

He attempts to play defense on her, a futile attempt to keep her from scoring. She fakes him out, breaking his ankles in a smooth motion. Without any interference, she scores.

This happens for the entire match they have.

"Haha." She laughs at him, as he lays on the floor. "Looks like I win, and ya gotta get my lunch from now on, loser." She walks away from him, along with her friend. Clearly making fun of him all the way through.

He sighs to himself, not getting up from the floor. Hopefully getting her lunch everyday won't be that bad. As he lays there, a hand reaches out to him. It's the silver haired girl again, offering to pick him up.

He accepts.