This Gyaru Will Date the Otaku in 87 Days

A new day at school. Nothing is different, as usual. Lately, the Otaku has found his eyes wandering during class. Mainly just to look at the Gyaru. The only difference this time is that she's sleeping during class.

There's something about her when she's sleeping that always makes his heart start to race. Her sleeping face is rather cute, to say the least. Of course, he's not the only one to notice her nodding off.

"Oh?" The teacher interrupts his teaching when he sees her as well. "You got some guts dozing off in sensei's class." She doesn't react to him, as she is fast asleep.

"Oi oi oi, sensei is coming." Himekawa, who sits behind her giggles as the teacher approaches the girl. He pokes her in the head, causing the Gyaru to stir.

"Mhnn?" Is the sound she makes as she awakens.

"Kawaii!" Himekawa continues her muffled giggles from this sight. The Otaku can't disagree with that statement. This is a rather cute sight to witness.

"Please try not to sleep during class." Sensei scolds her, as she slowly raises her head from her desk. Her eyes are barely able to keep themselves open, as she suppresses a yawn.

"S-sorry." She say, stretching herself awake. Rubbing her eyes, she turns her head for a moment towards the Otaku. Then she suddenly turns her head the other way. Averting her gaze from him.

That makes him a little sad, thinking that she was probably disgusted seeing him the moment she woke up. The reality is that she is rather embarrassed that he witnessed her sleeping like this. Odd, since it's not the first time he's seen her like that. However, things seem to be a little different than before.

"Haha." During break, Himekawa is teasing her. Making fun of the fact that she fell asleep and the teacher woke her up. "It's so funny how he did that and the whole class saw."

"Huh… yeah." She returns with a fake laugh. Still a little flustered about the ordeal. Specifically on who saw.

Meanwhile, the Otaku is trying to ignore this conversation, diving into a good manga. Though they're both too close and too loud for him not to overhear. It's even harder when the Gyaru grabs him to get his attention.

"Oi, Otaku." She say, given her tone. She has clearly moved on from her embarrassment. "It's ya job now to keep me awake during class."

"Huh?" That statement fills him with confusion. "Just tell Himekawa-san to do it for you."

"Pff." She responds to what she sees as a dumb statement from him. "Like she'd do it. She'd rather see me get woken by sensei." The laughter from the girl behind her proves that statement.

"… Fine." He relents to her. A bit of a shame for him, since he'd love to just watch her sleep sometimes. Though perhaps for the sake of his grades, it'd be best to keep her awake.