This Gyaru Will Date the Otaku in 67 Days

Another day, another time that the Otaku finds himself going to grab some lunch for the Gyaru. Maybe Otomore had more of a point that she seemed to refuse to make yesterday. Either way, at least he doesn't have anything special while going out for some bread. Good, since with that storm outside, he'd hate to be caught out in the rain. Instead, something else happens after he returns to the classroom.

The first major thing is that the Gyaru isn't alone. Now, that's not a surprise on it's own, since Himekawa is usually hanging around. Not to be hating on the girl, especially sine that would only earn more ire. But she's also usually quite mean to him as well. However, the difference today is that the Gyaru is also hanging around with her lookalike, Kinjyou. It seems those two have hit it off after realizing the others existence.

While it's odd that neither were aware of the other, honestly most people assumed they were the same person. So they didn't even realize it themselves.

"I'm back with some bread." He says, handing one of the packaged delights to her.

"Ah great, some food." Then Kinjyou yanks the other one from his hand.

"Actually, that one's supposed to be mine…" He informs her, but is disappointed to see her not waste any time listening to him. Instead, the girl is more preoccupied with ripping off the plastic covering and taking a bite. "Never mind…"

"Cheer up, we can share." She replies, talking with her mouth full of bread. Then, the girl hands him over the now bitten piece of bread for him to take his mouthful.

"Um, thanks." He simply ripped off a piece from a section where her mouth didn't touch. It was an odd feeling to have her offer something that he pair with his own money. As their lunch period went through, another unexpected thing happened for him.

"Um, hey g-guys…" A voice called out to them. Turning his head, the Otaku sees that one girl who's supposed to be older than all of them at the door. It's weird seeing her on this floor, seeing as she's a third year.

"Aye, it's Koy." Kinjyou happily greets the girl. "What's up? Too scared of the storm?"

"Am not!" She responds, but right after that comes the loud thunder from a nearby lightning strike. "Eek!" Well, it appears she's frightened of the storm outside. This girl honestly looks really cute, what with her long green hair and those adorable eyeballs for accessories on said hair. It's times like these, when he really finds it hard to believe she's their senior, and not some random junior high student

"Well, what are you waiting for." Kinjyou beckons her. "Come on in, it's completely safe here. Even with this guy here."

"I'm not a bad person…" The Otaku responds to the jab negatively. Though as the other girl walks in, he can't help but notice what his life has become. Since when did he start hanging out with so many girls? A bunch of gyarus at that too.